Season 15 - State of Play

  • ---Post-Hotfix Update---
    Hey Everyone - A further update, it's been an eventful day!

    After rolling out today's hotfix we began to see signs of game instability and after investigation it's been identified that the new Voyage cooldowns we put in place are the root cause. As a result we've now temporarily disabled them to protect the game experience while we work on a resolution.

    As these Voyage cooldowns were part of our Hunter's Call exploit mitigation, we'll continue to monitor folks using this route to progress The Hunter's Call much faster than intended, and they will all be wrapped up into our progression rollback action. As we've said before, genuine Voyage play is not being flagged here but excessive use of Voyage cancelling to force specific island locations will put players under investigation - you've been warned!

    We'll get to work addressing these issues and share more on our plans here when we have it!

    Drew 'Sonicbob' Stevens

    ---Original Post---

    Hey Everyone,

    With Season 15 having launched just under a week ago, we're incredibly pleased with how our latest release has landed! From dramatic Megalodon encounters, kicking back on relaxing fishing trips, through to sneaky heists now focused on stealing extra large fish, we're loving the new stories emerging from our latest update.

    Our second phase of Game Performance improvements has clearly had a positive impact on your experiences on the waves too, with the suite of improvements building on top of phase 1 and providing a step-change improvement across Client, Server and Networking. It's energising to see the feedback here so far - and knowing we still have further phases in progress behind the scenes, we know we are on the right track!

    We've been closely monitoring the launch of Season 15 and triaging the feedback and bug reports across the experience that have been coming into the team. As a result, we're releasing a hotfix on Thursday, 27th February to address some of the commonly reported issues.

    Hunter's Call Progression

    Following the expansion of The Hunter's Call above Rank 50, we've seen plenty of feedback about the speed of progression and how The Hunter's Call feels much slower to progress when compared to other Companies - even with Emissary multipliers. The team have investigated, and have identified that while the intended reputation was being rewarded across the new and existing experiences, the amount of reputation required for each rank was incorrect for all ranks above ~40.

    During our maintenance period checks we've identified that players having made significant progress through the Hunter's Call since the launch of Season 15 will not be accelerated through the ranks as we intended. This does unfortunately conflict with the message initially shared in this State of Play update.
    Now, these players will find themselves automatically pushed to the next rank, however any further progression earned to future ranks will not be applied.

    We will investigate this though, as moving forwards we feel players' time should be respected and reputation earned should be reflected when broader progression changes are made as part of live game balancing.
    ---End Update---

    In addition to progression speed, we've seen confusion on where crews should hand in their Hunter's Call loot, due to the Hunter's Call Representatives seemingly over-paying compared to the Sovereigns. This was clearly unintentional and didn't align to our broader approach to how Sovereigns work alongside the other Trading Companies. Today's hotfix will address this and ensure that crews are rewarded equally across the Sovereigns and Hunter's Call Representatives at Outposts and Seaposts.

    While the team have addressed targeted reputation fixes as part of this hotfix, we'll continue to monitor progression more broadly across the expanded Hunter's Call Company to ensure players are progressing through the ranks as intended.

    Hunter's Call Exploits
    Sticking with progression: thanks to everyone who reported the various methods folks were using to progress through this Trading Company expansion much faster than intended. Today's hotfix will address both the 'Last Fish' duplication and the Voyage cheese where players were forcing the same target island on-demand for fish farming.

    For the Fishing Voyage cheese, we've used our recently detailed Voyage cooldown capabilities to apply a restriction to this particular Voyage, should crews attempt to start/cancel this repeatedly to game the location of the fish. This cooldown has been balanced to not affect genuine play, but will capture crews trying to force a location. The change means these crews will now have to wait before starting the Voyage again, slowing their progress.

    As these two exploits allowed some players to capitalise on the increased reputation gains, we'll be taking the same approach we did with Season 13 and identifying those players who have abused this exploit - knocking them all back down to 50. This follow up action won't be in sync with the hotfix and will be done behind the scenes ahead of our next update.
    I was pleasantly surprised to see that this so far has only been a few hundred people, so my previous updates on how players should approach exploits may have deterred the behaviour at scale.

    Voyage Cooldowns
    As I mentioned above with how we are mitigating the Fishing Voyage issue, we now have the capability to deploy cooldown restrictions to target Voyages that are being used to accelerate their reputation or currency gains faster than intended.

    As part of today's hotfix we will also be applying cooldowns to Voyages commonly used to power level much faster than intended. These Voyages are; Medley of Gold Hoarders, Executive’s Lost Shipment, Ashen Executive’s Lost Shipment, Ashen Captain's Treasure Vault, Bounty for a Skeleton Lord and Legendary Search for Cursed Treasure. These cool-downs have been balanced to ensure they do not affect genuine play but instead focus solely on crews repeatedly starting and cancelling in quick succession.

    Other Fixes
    This hotfix also brings in fixes to a number of other issues:

    • Fixes to cursed faces when equipping certain mask and costume combinations
    • Ensured equipped scars show correctly on all pirates
    • Rediscovered the mysteriously lost Crates of Rare Fish Scales
    • Removed the invisible hits causing throwables to explode in areas around the ship

    Unfortunately, due to the last issue, we have rolled back a prior fix to how throwables interacted with the rear hull of the Galleon. The team are back investigating a cleaner route to addressing this original issue for a future update.

    While this hotfix won't address everything that players have been reporting, it should address the most common pain points and allow us to stabilise the experience. We're still investigating areas like contribution for Ancient Megalodon Commendations and toning down the ship-flipping as part of future updates.

    Thanks again for all your patience and support as we've rolled out our latest Season - we're loving the stories being shared of all your antics so far!

    Drew 'Sonicbob' Stevens

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  • Its Fishing time!

  • Thanks for the update matey. It’s good to see the reduction in people using exploits. Now let’s get back to fishing you swabbies !!! Yarrrr

  • @sonicbob

    Will you guys be looking into removing the rings from those who have achieved level 500 in Hunter's Call via either of the two exploits above? This should be looked into. Rings were sadly not removed from those who exploited Season 13's content early on with the Burning Blade.

  • I mean can we make the ship flipping still happen but just not as often?

    Yay on the Rep fixes!!

  • @sonicbob Awesome. Progression in the Hunter's Call seemed extremely slow. Glad this is updated.

  • Sounds like a fantastic set of changes. It is refreshing to see Rare taking action from past experiences. Cannot wait to get stuck in again!

  • Thank you again for the transparency. I love the more open communication the team rolled out the last few months.

    But regarding the Bonus Gold & Rep for Hunters Call.
    Correct me if I‘m wrong, but the idea was to incentivise selling directly at Seapost, by adding a 50% bonus to anything sold directly to HC, while selling to Sovereigns netted the standard base value (if Guild Emissary V +75%).
    Having the Hunters Call now on Outposts it makes sense to reduce the bonus on Outposts. But when reducing it on Sea Posts it would basically create exact the same scenario you‘ve tried to avoid in the first place.
    And given how odd it feels to have the same HC representatives on Sea Posts and Outposts, I‘m wondering if you‘re considering to remove them from Sea Posts.

  • This ain't fixing much of what's actually needed (not counting the exploit which idc) but at least I'm finally gonna see my scars on my pirate (think I have 4 that don't work rn)

  • In addition to progression speed, we've seen confusion on where crews should hand in their Hunter's Call loot, due to the Hunter's Call Representatives seemingly over-paying compared to the Sovereigns. This was clearly unintentional and didn't align to our broader approach to how Sovereigns work alongside the other Trading Companies. Today's hotfix will address this and ensure that crews are rewarded equally across the Sovereigns and Hunter's Call Representatives at Outposts and Seaposts.

    To clarify, does this mean you'll be removing the 1.5x bonus for Hunter's Call... or will you be increasing the Sovereigns to match? To me, it sounds like the former, which is not going to make players happy at all.

    Otherwise, very happy with what's being addressed here. Season 15 has been a pretty good update, all things considered. Keep it up.

    Edit: Can confirm, they've removed the 1.5x bonus for selling to Hunter's Call :/

  • I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but ship fliping is fun to me, it feels more real to get your ship flipped by a gargantuan creature. It can get annoying when it happens too often, but i think every aspect that feels bad of ship flipping is just because it's unintentional (like gravity not working correctly underwater or being flipped many times in a row). With a little tuning it could be a very fun interaction, even if it's already fun for me.

  • This time , don't forget to remove Rings won using a not legit way.. and other cosmetics
    Don't forget people have sell item to Reaper to get their commendation finished aswell

  • @sonicbob

    Nerfing the two lost shipment voyages is going to punish players trying to overcome the poor RNG to find the requisite trade routes needed to complete the "Get Wrecked" achievement.

  • @josuk35 said in Season 15 - State of Play:

    I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but ship fliping is fun to me, it feels more real to get your ship flipped by a gargantuan creature. It can get annoying when it happens too often, but i think every aspect that feels bad of ship flipping is just because it's unintentional (like gravity not working correctly underwater or being flipped many times in a row). With a little tuning it could be a very fun interaction, even if it's already fun for me.

    I agree to an extent, they should rock the boat a lot... but at the moment, it's a bit broken.... as funny as it is

  • When sovereigns started accepting fish seaposts were given a buff in XP & gold gained so that they didn't become irrelevant. That was extremely intentional on your end and you all stated as much. Not that I care, I'd rather turn in at sovereigns anyways. Just saying.

  • @realstyli It's definitely overtuned, don't get me wrong. It's funny when what the video shows happens because you get launched but it's clearly a bug. What happened to me wasn't that extreme, the ship flipped while being on the water. One time it flipped completely for 10 seconds until it flipped to the right side again. When it's not so broken and exaggerated it feels real and coherent.

  • @lukitch59 said in Season 15 - State of Play:

    This time , don't forget to remove Rings won using a not legit way.. and other cosmetics
    Don't forget people have sell item to Reaper to get their commendation finished aswell

    this remove it all

  • Thanks.

    Could you share why "ruddering" (the Blunderbomb Galleon thing) was prioritised for a fix in the first place? While powerful, it seemed to be mostly a tool that in-the-know crews used against each other in more arranged or private play. At least from my POV.

  • i recently started playing sot and i like the game style more than any other game and the updates are peak everytime

  • What is with Reapers Chest and Bounties not appearing in Shipwrecks anymore ? Since This Season I haven´t seen one in a Shipwreck despite beeing on the same Server for like 8 hourse with definitifly more than 3 ships.

  • Could this fishing exploit be done on accident? by the sounds of it, no. but i am somewhat concerned about the progress I've made

  • @artie

    For this, pleayers can start a new session rather than roll quest to exploit :)

  • Just wanna say I love this game! Also at some point I hope to see a Leviathon/Underwater Dragon introduced. 🤞❤️

  • @lukitch59 said in Season 15 - State of Play:

    This time , don't forget to remove Rings won using a not legit way.. and other cosmetics
    Don't forget people have sell item to Reaper to get their commendation finished aswell

    I would like to see this happen, too. Rolling them back to 50 wihtout removing rings / gold and commendations is not a punishment. In fact, anyone who got 500 already is 100% not legit and should get redbearded. Clear the community from all the exploiters.

  • But the ship flipping was awesome... oh well.

  • ---Update---

    Hey Everyone, dropping in a correction to my initial post

    During our maintenance period checks we've identified that players having made significant progress through the Hunter's Call since the launch of Season 15 will not be accelerated through the ranks as we intended. This does unfortunately conflict with the message initially shared in this State of Play update.
    Now, these players will find themselves automatically pushed to the next rank, however any further progression earned to future ranks will not be applied.

    We will investigate this though, as moving forwards we feel players time should be respected and reputation earned should reflected when broader progression changes are made as part of live game balancing.

    Apologies for the initial miscommunication!

    Drew 'Sonicbob' Stevens

  • @ukillmelongtime oi 07

  • Beautiful, simply beautiful.

  • Great job team, the overall experience has been fantastic.

    The megs creating some awesome memories.

  • We need some work around hackers, nobody cares that ppl are making money fast or that they get to rep 100 hc, we do actually care if we are in hg or just arround the server and get double sniped ore shot through the walls, or if i mysteriously find a hacker on my ship that teleports and becomes invisible...

  • @nog00dn4mel3ft said in Season 15 - State of Play:

    We need some work around hackers, nobody cares that ppl are making money fast or that they get to rep 100 hc, we do actually care if we are in hg or just arround the server and get double sniped ore shot through the walls, or if i mysteriously find a hacker on my ship that teleports and becomes invisible...

    I mean, they've already said about a million times that they're working on dealing with hackers and cheaters, do they need to repeat it every single post they make?! Yeah, it's important but if they have nothing new to say on it, why would they say anything?

    They can fix other stuff as well, they have different teams working on these things.

  • Maybe it would be cool making the bonus gold be like 10% so it still is a incentive to go to seaposts (no outposts) without making it extremely broken with emissary 5 bonus

  • @nog00dn4mel3ft said in Season 15 - State of Play:

    We need some work around hackers, nobody cares that ppl are making money fast or that they get to rep 100 hc, we do actually care if we are in hg or just arround the server and get double sniped ore shot through the walls, or if i mysteriously find a hacker on my ship that teleports and becomes invisible...

    Respectfully, you're the only person in these comments who has said anything about this, so it would seem players do actually care about these updates.
    This isn't to say it isn't important to address hacking, but they've told us on numerous occasions they they have a team working on closing the exploits and ban avoidance.

  • Hi @Sonicbob

    Our second phase of Game Performance improvements has clearly had a positive impact on your experiences on the waves too, with the suite of improvements building on top of phase 1 and providing a step-change improvement across Client, Server and Networking.

    It is nice to see others are having improvements, however me and a lot of players had the opposite since S15 launched. The game has a lot of stutters, fps drops, freezes, especially when close to/being on an outpost, or being close to other crews on the server. The merchant crates which are stuck can cause more and more ping increase for everyone on the server when people try to claim it without success. If I am spyglassing and moving in any direction, I will also have fps drops. Selling multiple items at the same time with the crew also giving frame drops.

    I haven't tested all areas, but somewhat feels better with lowered settings for now, except opening crates which causing huge fps drop even on cursed settings, not sure about pvp yet because haven't been close to players since - however, I hope this is being addressed soon and I'm not going to be forced to play on low settings if everything was fine on max before.

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