[Mega Thread] - Safe Zones

  • @tombie The closed Beta was there to avoid such things you mentioned in the final version.
    When it is true what RARE said you will have 20-30 mins time to leave the outpost before another ship arrives.

  • @Tombie
    You probably sailed to the outpost without checking your surroundings, didn't look after mermaids or other ships and being killed. After that you gone to the forums and complain.
    This is not rare ignorance, its yours ignorance.

    How do you know that PVE are HALF OF COMMUNITY?

    They won't give you any pve/pvp option, just understand that.

    @Falk-van-Cleef it's not that you've got 20-30min to leave the outpost. Instances are made that way so you can meet other ships every 15-30min.

  • @avecrux

    Like I have said in other posts. I learned in the beginning that checking for ships were a good thing. But how do you check for a ship it they send it away? Which happen several times.

    And sure, I don't know if half the community is entirely PVE. The same way you don't know if half the community is PVP. But sure, I take that statement back as I don't know for sure. :) No need to shout tho!

    And as I said. I stated I were sad about that they decided to not give us a PVE option. I never said that they will give us one. They made it very clear in the interviews that they don't want to. I do love a lot of the things in this game. Just not the repeated griefing. It did a huge number on my experience of the fun of the game.

  • @tombie when enemy sunk their ship and wait at outpost for you there always be a mermaid in the water. ALWAYS

  • @avecrux Yes thats what i meant, so after joining the game the next ship/players should appear at the outpost around 15-25 mins later.

  • @falk-van-cleef no really. It appear somewhere in your world no longer than every 15-30min. Noone said that you can't meet ship every 2 minutes.

  • Oh really... never mind... this should be common sense...

  • @lumpaywk Not really a "base of operations" I'd say it's more of a social space for those who have reached "Legend" status and their friends, at least in "phase 1" of the release plan. It's certainly not a safe zone like many people here cried for so they could turn in treasure safely.

  • @rgbknights If the game wants to maintain PVP but also have a sense of the reality of the Pirate era - one idea might be in how they will be using the Bounty system. Pirates had Safe Havens - mainly in the Caribbean - where they could sell their plunder, much as in the game. Some crews in the real Pirate community adhered to very fair sets of rules - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirate_code which was pretty enlightened for the time. So perhaps introduce a Pirate Code that applies to the Outposts and maybe a Pirate City - my understanding is that it was generally understood that Pirates would not raid each other in the Safe Havens (bad for business for the Govereners of the City that provided them Haven) but this wasn't an absolute. Players should be able to ultimately do as they like, as in reality, but if they break the code then a Bounty gets set and that would be enticing to those players that enjoy Hunting as a Bounty would not be claimable by any other than the Pirate crew that makes the kill...this would be an excellent system for the community to govern itself and create another dynamic in the game.

  • I am all for a Social Zone (like the tower in Destiny). There would be ample potential for new and interesting ways to interact with other pirates (as others have already stated - duels, betting games, etc.). This Social Zone could be implemented in lieu of the current matchmaking screen, as it would be a dynamic way to crew up with other players or hang out with your friends. Safe Zones within the game world, however, would fundamentally change the game’s key mechanics. For that reason, I don’t think it would be wise to implement something like that at this time.

  • Nobody interacts with someone except the NPCs at the tower in destiny. You can interact with others in SoT not everybody is a restless killer there.

  • IMO...I think this an amazing idea to have. I don't know how many ships I have hunted down and destroyed, lookin to take their loot, and they had nothing. Total waste of time, except for the satisfaction of taking someone out. And as long as they can keep it to restricting ships from entering with loot, it can be beneficial to both the attacker looking for loot AND the person running away that has no loot. Win/Win for both.

    But I also see this as a pain in the a** if it's not implemented correctly.


  • Whatever Rare decides to do for this (and the PvP discussion in general), they need to realize there are many types of players who are interested in playing this game.

    Some people like multiple aspects of the game, while others are more limited in what they want to do.

    If they can find a way to make more than one group of players happy, this game will have the ability to SHINE! But if they limit the game and say, "Everyone should play like (insert playstyle here)," they will be chasing away players.

    On the other hand... If they try to accommodate everyone, they run the risk of making things too complicated to enjoy.

    Since the game is using an instancing system, they should have a way to adjust things for people who want to play a certain way. Instance population alone could address this a bit.

    For example:

    Players who want to avoid conflict can choose to play in a low population instance. Less players means less chances to run into others and you can just do your own thing. You're not protected, just less likely to run into people. Toxic/ griefing players would likely flock to this setting as well, but that would make them easier to identify and report if needed.

    Players who are looking for more PvP or conflict can choose to play in more populated instances. More chances to run into others, whether they be friend or foe.

    A players preference could be an option that could be changed at any time, and as they sail around they will automatically migrate as needed (which as I understand it, the game does already in certain ways). Crews in matchmaking could be paired up by this setting as well, or use an average based on all the players settings.

    This would alleviate the need for "safe-zones" or "protection", and (hopefully) allow like-minded players to play together.

  • @treblucfayle first of all the griefers and spawn killers aren't majority of our community. Second is that you have a tools to avoid them safely and to not being spawnkilled.

    You said that low pop instance and high pop instance will be ok. Made it low bounty instance f.e. 50% for captain chest. Why would you have same amount of gold when you are taking less risk than others

  • I am on the PVE side. Did it the hole BETA solo with some PVP stuff like stealing chests from anchored galleons etc.

    But I don't get the "hardcore" PVE Safe Zone defenders. The PVP is a part of SoT. See the other hostile pirates as a problem like a strong PVE mob which is trying to kill you, and you need to find a solution to this.

    RARE don't need to put Safe Zones in SoT, but need to find a solution to toxic play style (griefing, camping etc...)

    To avoid normal other players, they are already plenty of options:

    1. learn so sail your vessel
    2. use your scope
    3. hide your ship in bays and coves etc.
    4. use storms and cliffes
    5. gun powder
    6. Maybe play smart and stop whining ;)

    With already the first two options nobody can manage to steal the cargo of your ship in most cases.
    Only thing what is harder to avoid as a solo player are good two men sloops.

    For the hardcore PVE Safe Zone defender. How is it possible for PVP player to loot our PVE ships when Safe zones would be there?
    In the world like the BETA you could manage to last very very long in a battle/ escape run, so you could quiet easy reach to every possible safe zone. This would be super frustrating for all the players who like the pirate aspect of an pirate adventure game.

  • Let's close this topic since safe zones will never be a thing...

    Edit... and thank the almighty Rare

  • Thank you all for your spirited discussion, on Safe Zones, this mega thread will now be locked.

    Safe Zones are not currently something we are exploring for Sea of Thieves, you can read our public comment about it in this PC Gamer interview with our Design Director Mike Chapman.

    A lot of the concerns raised in this thread were to do with griefing and general bad behaviour that can occur on the seas. We have our Pirate Code which guides our community interactions in game and in our official community spaces, and we are also exploring other ways to ensure Sea of Thieves is a game where people can #BeMorePirate together.

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