How to balance mermaid meta game? Disposable ships? Infinite lives?

  • @jackwestburg2 Regardless of whether you used those methods or had them used on you or not, the point still stays the same. In the case of the first two examples you were only able to do them because a ship pursued you when you didn't intend or want to fight.

    And let's face it, my suggestion wasn't as radical as proposing someone change their entire style of play.

    Anyway no, I still don't believe additional punishment to those that lose their life and / or ship beyond what is there now is required at present. The game is meant to be pretty forgiving, and very open - just watch any of the countless interviews / videos with Rare where they state that. If anything more incentive to embark on, and complete, voyages is needed, as well as some risk added to the lame forms of "PvP" (Outpost camping specifically).

  • @drbullhammer said in How to balance mermaid meta game? Disposable ships? Infinite lives?:

    @jackwestburg2 If I have to pay to get a new ship each time mine sinks, it would pretty much ruin the game for me.

    Yeah and how would this work if you go out on your first voyage before earning any coins and are sunk? Can't afford a new ship. No one would buy cosmetics either because you need to save them to get your ship back.

  • @theecoachlee your right, given the choice between a meaningful purchase or pointless cosmetics most would choose the meaningful purchase... does nobody else want more from this game? If your only point is “i like it how it is” then you shouldnt be giving feedback. The OP likes the game too he’s just suggesting a change that would make the perception of intended gameplay feel better. If you think it feels better to use magic scuttling and teleporting that itself is enough for me to wonder why rare would listen other than it not requiring more work from them.

    I know your not just saying that quote but the fact is these things mentioned in the OP need to change, im sure more problems will arise from that, which will need fixing. Dosnt mean we just dont fix what we should all clearly be able to see does need fixing.

  • @jackwestburg2, I feel like this game is more geared towards casual players; those who only game for 2 or less hours a day or maybe even less. In that time those players will likely never run out of supply's and will likely never resort to scuttling the ship. I feel like systems like the ones described would take away from the casual experience that RARE is trying to provide.

    What I would find odd is if they did have a system like this and you ran out of "souls" what is the person to due while waiting to be picked up if they are on a spawn island that has no enemy's?

    Has stated above I do not think the casual players will be scuttling ships, I think there are enough supplys on islands and containers afloat in the ocean to provide with enough; with that being said I think there should be an option to max out supplys at an outpost for a 500 Coins or so.

    Well if you want to be realistic about it no single person would be able to raise and anchor on a galleon, additional no single person could possible sail a sloop by themselves; that is what I find odd about your scenario.

    The reason why there is no long distance fast travel is because the map is not that big to begin with and adding in fast travel will only make the world smaller.

    I think if they fix the problems like people you kill spawning in very close even after you sink thier ship then some of these problems will not exist.


    I do like what you said about having the persons spawn across the map I think this needs to be fixed, too many times I sink a ship just to have them come right back into combat with me. I think the ship scuttle should come with an hour cool down, so those who play for extend periods can not abuse the system, with free limited supply's. Truth be told though if you can not out shoot or repair a ship with such limited supplys you should be the one to sink any how.

    I think time spent on the ferry of the dammned should be longer, I think if all players are killed you should not spawn on your ship and it should be destroyed. I think if there is one left then you should spawn on the player and not the ship. If no players are left on the ship while not at port or within range of an island or other objective it should sink.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo If I see a suggestion I agree with, I upvote or post accordingly. In this way it's clear that agreement is given.

    How do you propose those that disagree with a suggestion make that clear without posting a statement to that effect?

    I'm not saying that some changes to the respawn mechanics and so forth wouldn't be good, but I'm definitely saying that in my opinion the ones proposed here aren't.

    One of the biggest nuisances at present with respawning, is the respawning at the site of a sunken ship. That 100% needs fixing.

  • @oldmansutii agreed about the sunken respawn, i guess my point is if you disagree with his idea post your own, but we cant disagree that a lot of these things atleast need some minor changes. I like the scuttle timer idea. Some people will shoot others down on here like Rare needs protection from in depth ideas. Then post barely any feedback besides affirmations to rare for whatever they show us, And then go post pug memes. I get that this is a social place and i have no issues with that, just dosnt add up to actually constructive discussions most times. Adds up to “well i guess those are some ideas! Lets wait and see from rare! But i think the game is supposed to be casual” which is a useless post imo, i wish rare would be/had been more positively active in these discussions.

  • @th3ghost23 said in How to balance mermaid meta game? Disposable ships? Infinite lives?:

    @jackwestburg2, I feel like this game is more geared towards casual players; those who only game for 2 or less hours a day or maybe even less.

    Why on Earth would you think that? Maybe if the voyages were all similar in length to the very beginning ones where you only get a single map or riddle. The second tier voyages on beta had multiple parts to them and can take up to 45 minutes to complete. That's one voyage without any complication or confusion! The third tier and so forth are even worse... Lol. Your entire radial menu is filled with maps and riddles at that point. That's like an hour+ for a single voyage.

  • While the OP has a decent idea or concept, I believe that it simply opens up doors for greifing or resource locking players out of enjoyment. I am posting the points addressed and then offer some questions to them.

    -- "While being pursued, 3 people from the lead ship jump into the water and try to grab onto the pursuing ship's ladders as they chase. If they miss, it doesn't matter, just mermaid back."

    There is a negative consequence to this. Have you ever tried to man a galleon solo? with the lack of hands it allows the other ship a chance to close the gap while chasing them and attempt to board/attack the single man left on the galleon.

    -- "Lead your pursuers astray by sailing past an island while you jump off, letting you ship sail off into the sunset. When out of sight, scuttle ship to respawn it, take mermaid back."

    Now this one is interesting as I have done this very thing while playing solo. So if I manage to outsmart a galleon then I should be penalized for it? If a sloop has no chance of getting away from a galleon, and they have to pay for scuttling their ship, eventually they will be resource locked due to repetitive attacks.

    -- "If you're ship gets stolen, no worries, just take the mermaid teleport to it. If the enemy crew kills your crew, no worries, just keep respawning on your ship. Or just scuttle it."

    Again, what happens if the person is new, they run out of souls or money to pay for a new ship? does the attacking crew get to keep the ship while the single person is left stuck on an island because they now have no ship within a game that is based around sailing?

    -- "Ran out of planks and cannon balls? Just scuttle and respawn a new ship."

    If you run out of cannonballs and planks, odds are your ship is about to be sunk anyways from whatever battle you are in where you ran out of said balls and planks to begin with.

    There is risk in this game, it comes from treasure chest. The risk you choose to take comes from HOW MUCH treasure you plan to carry on your ship at a time. Do not want to risk a lot? only carry one treasure chest at a time. Want to risk a lot, load your boat to the sails with chest and see if you can make it back.

    Putting a 'life currency' in the game will give griefers the opportunity to do what they do best, grief. If souls are put into the game, I can promise that there will be groups that seek to limit the souls others can collect, ultimately leading to a huge imbalance of power.

  • @avecrux said in How to balance mermaid meta game? Disposable ships? Infinite lives?:

    @jackwestburg2 it's just ok as it is. Kill the enemy, steal loot and go back to your ship ASAP. Did you saw any pirate movie where pirates are taking enemy ship? They all just sink them and sail away.

    mermaid mechanic is ok. 30 seconds at ferry of the damned is enough to take loot and runaway. Also camping/spawn killing behaviour can be tricked by ESC-My Crew-scuttle ship.

    With the current mechanic, 30 seconds isn't even enough. Say there is a 4v4 fight. Say one team kills each member from the other ship 10 seconds apart. By the time they kill the last guy, the first one is going to be re-spawning again. This results in an endless loop of spawn killing.

  • @felid0r so how we managed to kill galleon crew, sunk their ship and take their chests?

  • @clarkalii Yes and some people will hop on and only play one voyage and then hop off. Of those who buy this game there will likely be small percentage of people that play for more then 3 in any given session.

    If it takes you 45 minutes to complete a level 25 voyage then you are struggling in my opinion, with a good sailing system, being adept at map reading and completing many of the riddles you learn that there are only so many of them and will have repeats especially if you play in the same area of the map, as the quests do not send you to the other side of the map with a few exceptions. End Game at most one of those quests will take a minimum of 25 minutes with a crew that knows what they are doing.

    Not all of the high tier voyages give you all the maps at once, I actually liked when they did because then I could complete them even faster, as I could map out the quickest path.

    In my opinion those who choose to race to the "end game" and those who play games 4+ hours a day and perhaps even longer on the weekends, will grow very tired of this game and will have completed all the game has to offer within few weeks.

  • @th3ghost23 i love when people know the feelings and intenions of others without even knowing them

  • ITs a difficult issue I completely agree with. There needs to be WAY more risk reward for fighting.

    I’m hoping that the endless respawns is just a mechanic implemented for the alphas and betas to get people playing as much as possible to test out all game mechanics as much as possible.

  • This is my solution:
    • Give each player 3 charges of soul or whatever it is.
    • Each charge is gained every 20 minutes, you can stock up to 3 charges.
    • Each mermaid use costs one charge. (Both summoning a new ship and returning to the ship when on the water)
    • If your ship sinks it will respawn in a different location far away.
    • Dying and respawning on the ship is fine. If your ship is sunk and you die, you respawn where your new ship is.

    I feel this would solve most of the issues mentioned above.

  • @jackwestburg2 I think the solution is pretty simple: get rid of the mermaid. When you leave the ship of the damned, you have a choice:

    1. Respawn on your ship (if it's still there).
    2. Respawn on the nearest island.
    3. Respawn at the nearest outpost, with a new ship waiting.
  • Scuttling seems op, ive never done it but it sounds like all your chests and items save and that is just ridiculous. if this was changed to behaving like a normal sink i think that would be balanced

  • In the Beta, I did get stuck in a "spawn camp." I took some Blunderbuss in the Blunderface and died. On the ghost ship (which is awesome!), I waited to respawn and did. Only to spawn back on my ship to take more Blunderbuss in the Blunderface...and died. I'm not a particularly good aim (too much rum?).

    So...after I died again, I waited, got some more IRL rum, and re-spawned...yes, back on my original ship to only take more Blunderbuss in the Blunderface.

    If I could have just spawned back to the outpost and lost all my stuff, then I would be OK with that as...the rum was really good!

  • @i-live-4-kill Not quite, if you scuttle your ship any chests you had will float where the ship went down and your supplies will be reset to 15 planks, 15 bananas and 40 or so cannon balls. Each supply barrel maxes out at 100 so you could either gain or lose supplies depending on what you had before you scuttled.

  • Seems like some players want to steal ships and have a 4 man 4 sloops thing going on..this wont happen. we die way to easy in this game for stuff like this. did i just get headshotted with a cannon?
    cannon knocked me off the boat while moving i have no souls to get back to my ship, maybe this shark has a soul let me go see!
    did everyone forget you can sink a ship with cannons and the booty will float to the top? camp spawn spot while other loots?. crash the ship into some rocks while there waiting to respawn. you can use island cannons too etc etc...
    but when a crews ship is sunk they should be ported out somewhere (new server?) with a new ship.
    i all ready played dark souls.... i dont want to farm souls... i want to farm booty.
    i see a lot people wanting to just pvp and not ship vs ship... this is sad.

  • @jackwestburg2 I feel like if you include souls as currency for respawning, we are no longer playing a jolly pirate game. We are playing a pirate game set in hell, where we plunder and die for all eternity, and if we try to sail away the sea turns red and kills us. I'm scared...

  • Ok i see both sides to this and i agree some of these issues need a good fix to the face but, I haven't seen anything that i agree with yet apart from the scuttle cooldown and the fact that if your ship sinks, you should respawn far away with a new ship instead of just spawning where your ship went down. Im not sure the best way of fixing these issues so you can go ahead and rip my head off for not posting anything useful.

  • @sealitre You haven't played so I'm assuming you don't fully understand the mechanic. Losing your ship isn't the end all. You can make it damn near impossible for someone to take your treasure even after they've sunk your ship. that is one of the problems of many with the current system.

  • @iiv3n0mzz-uk said in How to balance mermaid meta game? Disposable ships? Infinite lives?:

    Ok i see both sides to this and i agree some of these issues need a good fix to the face but, I haven't seen anything that i agree with yet apart from the scuttle cooldown and the fact that if your ship sinks, you should respawn far away with a new ship instead of just spawning where your ship went down. Im not sure the best way of fixing these issues so you can go ahead and rip my head off for not posting anything useful.

    Its not about ripping anyones head off, but we should atleast flesh ideas like this out fully before shooting them down in fear that this will make worse an already imperfect respawn system. This idea if done right would likely be positive for everyone in a pvp ship encounter. A more satisfying win for the victors and a less displeasing loss for the losers who would no longer be getting spawn camped. Add a timer to salvage taken ships instead of just letting crews permanently steal, and let the losers spawn a different ship after that timer is up if they dont have space to accommodate the physics of extra ships. The solution to all of these issues are in the details, and sadly the pioneers are kind of in the dark fumbling around for solutions. Makes it natural to accept a “wait and see” outlook so again i dont blame people for that. Still better to help flesh out any possible ideas on here is my point i guess.

  • @jackwestburg2 I couldn't agree more. I know a lot of people are crying "casual gaming plz" but when you skew too far left into casual it just promotes lazy gameplay/trolling. I think your system makes all the sense in the world, and would be a great way to introduce "pirating ships".

  • @a-cranky-eskimo i'm just not 100% on limiting player lives (at least as low as people are suggesting) because not everyone is that good at pvp, with it being cross platform lets face it people on console are going to get destroyed by pc players which is a bit of an issue its self. Though i'm not sure if anything can even be done about that. So having more lives than fewer at least gives new/inexperienced players or those who are not good at pvp or simply trying to avoid a fight a chance to escape with their ship and loot. Also what about the 4 man crews only targeting solo players or camping outposts/tents its a little unfair if solo or inexperienced players have to deal with that kind of thing and not really have a chance to fight or escape. The only thing i can think of is a longer respawn time e.g. 1 min or so on the ferry alone instead of 20/25 seconds then the white screen, but that would probably only serve as a temp fix.

  • @jackwestburg2 Love it man, been asking for the same dam thing... the game is lacking risk vs reward and fear from losing soles and ships.

    Start up and have stay have a max of 12 allowed Soles you can buy from the outpost.
    So, between loading up on other goods, maps and respawns you have a choice on how you want to take on the open sea. Do you spend more money on Firepower …on a better quest … or on having the man power to keep your ship alive?

    A respawn is taken away each time one of your crew choices to start on the ship after they die or use the mermaid after getting left behind. This will open up some more depth and strategy to the game.

    If you then want to steel a ship from the other crew all you have to do it fight off all the respawns, once that has occurred in menu an option to trade ships would come up sinking your old ship and giving you their one. (to stop over flooding the server with ships)

    So now when you play, and a man goes overboard you have to think about is it worth using a respawn on them or calling out man overboard and going back for them.

    I feel something along this line is needed for this game. It's a great game and I'm loving it but it needs some fear to dying and getting left behind.

  • Just spitballing here but what about the ability to capture enemy pirates and sell them (as if they had a bounty or something) and once you have sold them they spawn at another outpost at the other side of the map. Again just a random idea :)

  • @avecrux you most likely spawn camped the crew until you got their ship to sink. If that's your idea of good mechanics in the game, that's fine. I'm just not a fan of how it currently works and would like to see some modifications to the current system.

  • @sealitre as said before, we need two game types. Because the way you like to play to me is weak and s**t to me.

  • @jackwestburg2 I understand the point your making, but I don't agree with your solution of adding additional mechanics. I believe most of the issues could be fixed by adjusting the mechanics that were shown in the beta.

    i think if your ship is sunk or scuttled and you are dead, you should spawn on an empty outpost. if i jump ship middle of the ocean, mermaids should take longer to spawn, increasing the chance i die to a shark or other creature of the sea. just some things I feel are better to test before adding more mechanics.

  • @felid0r you don't need to spawn camp for eternity. When you are shooting with cannonballs at enemy ship and their crew is dead, That is all. Just wait. I've got even video of sinking galleons within 1 minute without any "spawn killing"

  • @fonzaye I mean, I'm speaking as a whole of players of various experience, party size and skill. But if that's what you think I hope to run into you sometime.

    @The-Warcrombie I haven't had a lot of playtime but I did play the heck out of the beta. It doesn't take a genius to understand that when your ship is gone you're going to have a hard time. Especially against larger ships. You can use a mermaid to respawn it but it will take you to an island at random away from where you sunk and where all your goodies are floating. Let's say you decide to keep fighting without a ship, if you're lucky you sunk near an island and can grab one chest and swim to shore. Ignoring the sharks and other players no doubt shooting at you. What then? You can hide it in the brush and come back for it later but providing that was all there was on your ship you still lost the encounter.

    To me it seems like you just had a bad experience.

  • ..............and I'm just going to repost this to address the same issue I just addressed in a similar thread......

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