Vote To Remove Player From Crew

  • I believe that Sea of Thieves not only have a Vote to Brig a player, but also a Vote to Remove player. I feel this is starting to be an important addition that is needed because a lot of people are starting to "rubberbanding" their controller to not play the game and collect loot while other players are playing the game and taking up an additional slot where a player who's playing can join and help the crew. The current "Remove Inactive Player" was a good system to begin with, but now you have players making alternative accounts and walking endlessly into the wall. I have seen quite a few players doing that now when one of my friends have to get off on say, a galleon, and the rest of my friends want to continue a voyage and one of these players join. If you do or don't think we need a vote to remove player from the crew let's hear it; I'm curious to what you all think, and if most of us agree maybe we can get Rare interested in adding this feature soon.

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  • @robozombie9o thank you. I have been saying this. brig don't even matter. they will just try to out stubborn you and stay in the brig go afk and get allll the gold from the work of 3 men that wish they could have got a 4th or maybe a friend

  • I agree but this would be abused for the wrong reasons. I think this would be a perfect idea for afk players and players that are trolling in some way or another but imagine how unfair it would be if you joined a random 4 man game and put a lot of work in only to find yourself being kicked from the game before handing in all that loot due to the fact your other crew members friend just came online and wants to play with them.

    I think vote to brig is a perfect balance between not being able to get rid of a specific player and getting rid of that player all together.

  • @mad-ragga-luke I agree that it MIGHT be abused, but also players seem to be exploiting the ability to "rubberband" more. Sadly that's being abused already from PC players by causing lag spikes to remove players from games. I've seen and heard from friends who randomly joined Pirate Legend crews and they did this technique to ruin their experience and not get the treasure they helped obtain.

  • I think a way to fix afk issue is add a button press while in the brig saying"let me out" if it's not done the timer starts and removes them from the server

  • Walk the Plank! Walk the Plank! Walk the Plank!

    err, we need a Vote Mechanic to make someone, you know, walk the plank.

    Include the animation!

  • @spacemonster505 Yes but people tend to kill themselves and stay in the Ferry of the Damned and they stay there while "rubberbanding" so they aren't exactly in the brig. That too COULD be abused where they time exactly when they need to press a single button and still cause problems for the rest of the players. The big issues with having it and not having it is: if a vote to remove player is added "griefers" or "trolls" could abuse it to ruin players experiences, but on the other hand we will all still be dealing with "rubberbanders" who make alternative accounts to ruin other players experiences. I personally think the best way to go about this with the CURRENT issue to try the vote to remove player from crew as see if it does get abused absurdly.

    @Captain-Arcanic It could be called that.

  • As an addition, they should be paired with other plank walkers on thier next ship. ;)

  • Honestly, there's no reason to have a brig when the concept of "vote to kick" already exists. Why would I want to brig someone instead of just kicking them? Brigging should only occur after attempts at cooperation have failed. That being the case, why would I want to handicap my crew by keeping someone around who refuses to cooperate?

  • @robozombie9o I am strongly against a vote to kick option because as with everything else, there will be people who abuse this. I wouldn't like to join a crew, do two hours of voyages and be kicked before the loot is handed in so their friend can join who just logged on. The potential for misuse is too great.

  • @evasive-envy I agree that there's potential for abuse. Then what would be a better way to deal with "rubberbanders?" With the current standing of the game it's being exploited by players who make alternate accounts just to do that. Whenever I've had the misfortune of one joining the crew I would check their games played and the only game played would be Sea of Thieves. So, what would be a better alternative that Rare could incorporate that we as the community could push to remove these players?

    Also I am aware of Microsoft's report/block system.

  • @robozombie9o You definitely raise some very good arguments and I completely agree. I don't think I can answer your question because I can't think of a better alternative than 'vote to kick'. Maybe somebody more creative than me can.

  • The only thing needed is to remove rewards when locked in the brig.

  • @nycthelios I was hoping that was already implemented, but it's not. Again though we face the issue of that being abused too unfortunately.

  • No easy solution comes to mind.

  • @captain-arcanic Agreed. The only sure way to get rid of "rubberbanders" at the moment is the Vote to Kick option sadly. There is another option I can think of, but this would have to be a choice by Microsoft and Xbox Support, is the removing of making alternative account linking to a main account that has Xbox Live. This option will obviously have major negative responses because that would obviously affect other games besides Sea of Thieves.

  • Brig option doesn't do any justice. They can still get paid, they can glitch out of it and continue throwing your loot overboard or messing with your ship.

    There's literally no punishment for being a troll or afk leeching, so people aren't really motivated to stop

  • @reruss That's what I mean. Yes it can be exploited, BUT it'll be more effective in removing trolls and "afk leeching" that it will be exploiting.

  • i was initially against this idea, but now I don't think we have any choice. I had my voyages the last 2 nights ruined by afk's. a galleon, especially one taking a skull fort and fighting other ships, needs its full crew to thrive. it is seriously sucking the fun out of this game for me. please deal with this rare, this week.

  • Will all progression in this game based on what you sell and not for what you do, I feel a kick system would get abused.

    Private crew slots on our ships should help a bit as only those you invite aboard can join although not entirely. What we could also do with is much better anti idle detection. At the moment it is pretty useless.

    My friends are pretty good and fine with me going idle for 20 - 30 mins when I have to pick my kids up from school or something and all I have to do is rubber band the sticks on a controller. I was away for 45 mins the other day due to my son getting out of school late and despite the fact my sticks had been in the same position for all that time and my character was just spinning around in circles, the game still did not give me a lazybeard. It shouldn't be that easy to avoid being considered idle.

  • This wouldn't matter if they add private slots...ya know, like most games.

  • @squallycircle7 It has been getting worse and it's accounts that use "Shared Accounts."

    @WarmedxMints Idle detection is useless at the moment, and like I stated vote to kick can be exploited but chances are the abusive vs effective rate would favor more in effective by removing the "rubberbanders" for good. Also you stated you had to do this with "friends." That's the difference, friends and randoms who join when someone has to log off. Friends will understand if you have to go away, but when a random comes in and does it off the get go with no communication sets the major difference.

    @TheOtherVillain I'm not entirely sure how a private slot would work with a game on this scale. Please clarify.

  • @robozombie9o It would work like it does in GTA. People cant join your "crew" unless the crew member invites them. Actually GTA goes a step further and you can't even enter their vehicle or home unless invited.

    So the way it would work. When you pick your ship, pick gallion, pick private, load game, invite friends...profit.

    It's honestly ridiculous it wasn't in the game from day one. This is basic stuff.

  • @theothervillain Oh ok. I haven't played much of GTA. That sounds good, but what if one of your friends needs to leave the crew in the middle of a voyage and you and the rest of the crew want to stay together? Plus keeping it open you can add new friends to your friends list to crew with in the future.

  • @robozombie9o If you want to invite friends after they leave just invite them again if they want to join. It will remain private until you reset the game. Also regarding what happens if the captain migrates to another member of the crew.

    There are far too many ways to troll with a vote option. If you want to make new friend play with an open boat, if you want play with only friends keep it private.

    Easy Peasey

  • @theothervillain It sounds like a private crew would limit the game from what its wants to do, bring players together. Also, if you have a small group of friends who play you run the risk of having a small crew still if you want to continue voyages or finish an existing one.

    Today I had the misfortune of running into 2 "rubberbanders" when I joined a crew during a raid in the same crew. Both were most likely using shared accounts due to the only game played was Sea of Thieves. This form of trolling and toxicity IS getting worse and a vote to kick feature is look more favorable, in my opinion.

  • yep, we need to at least experiment with vote to kick. i'll take my chances getting cheesed from some loot. better than constantly running into afk. private lobbies could be a nice add as well, but need to be easily toggled to public, in the event a friend leaves and you need too add players.

  • @robozombie9o I'm not sure what you mean by running the risk of having a small crew. I don't know how have an option to make your ship private or not woulf effect that.

    As far as what the game is intended...

    If this game is about meeting new people they are going about it all wrong anyway. There is WAY more motivation to kill each other than work with each other. With a vote option I would be afraid of doing a quest with any group of randos out of fear they would vote to kick me right after we get the loot. That's just how people are.

  • Brig should be scrapped and replaced with walk the plank. Which just boots them from your crew.

  • I have three words. In Game Flagging.

    There should be a way to flag pcs for afk boosting and the like. Simple. You flag, a moderator gets and alert (this literally could be a program subroutine that looks to see if consistent key patterns or lack there of are entered over an amount of time).

    Directly voting people off would likely be abused. Not massively but enough that it can't be implemented that simply.

    I agree though. I get p****d when I'm on a awesome galleon team and there is some dude running circles in the hold for 4 hours.

  • Any feature like this would be abused. I sort of agree with @FancyPantzMcGee on this one.

  • I'm against vote-to-kick. Many people have already stated why. It would be abused. You could join a galleon and help collect loot for hours only to be kicked so their friend can cash in. Preventing brigged players from getting paid would be the same thing, without the friend getting a cut.

    My suggestion?

    Use the LFG tools and discord channels to find good players. I have NEVER played with an AFKer. Also, private crews will help out when those are added.

  • I've heard from many people that the best solution would be to prevent brigged players from earning gold, however this would not solve the problem of having one less real crew member. But the solution is still viable?

  • uhm how bout no scotty! There are some real messed up players in this community and the brig is a valid mechanic to have in the game. Twice I have been with a crew and put in my time on skull forts and voyages just to have the crew vote me in the brig before pay so they can get their other friend in and cash out. That is some total BS! I will tell them over and over again to pay me out and I will leave. That is why the brig is useful. It is easy for you the crew to cash out and leave. It is easy for your crew to take note from the beginning of your voyage who is putting in work. My crew started athena voyage had a random join that kept screwing things up for us. We simply sailed into port sold everything canceled the voyage put that person on block then left.

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