A “Not Negative thread” about some bugs we could fix.

  • Gents. Played with some people I know last night and noticed after we cleared a skeleton fort and sunk a galleon crew that whilst playing music we were unable at times to hear each others instruments playing.

    Any one else experienced this?

    Other than that...great game and good job Rare. Thanks for listening to those of us who appreciate the game and even the ones who are bashing it. Keep up the good work and thanks for all of it. Very fun game to play with friends. Can’t wait to see what the future brings.

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  • @ximp0sterx (and ladies! ;P) yes I think this is known but it usually happens when serenading a snake. Might wanna send in a ticket to support with location/ actions etc. ;)

  • @lizalaroo Nay, never would I forget about any lass. Some of our best Pirates be gentle ladies.

    Thanks for the advice. I’ll send in a ticket just as soon as I deliver the livestock to an outpost.

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