[Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles

  • I don't know if it's a technical limitation or not, but this was the discussion I had with my crew last night, as this timezone thing was going to effect me going into this weekend. So, similar to THD, it seemed when toy triggered that fight, you had to have a token and/or ticket to start this fight. Ie., the THD shanty had to be played.

    So, could a similar system be implemented? Whereas, the ship or alliance Sails to an outpost, collects a summons ticket/ token from the banner, and if they sail into that zone with the token, it will start the fight. If a random ship Sails into the battle area looking to participate, whether they are in the alliance or not, they can get credit for the event by at least participating in the event (ex. Firing on/ sinking a skelly ship).

    Similar to THD, if other ships came into the area while the fight was active, they were able to get credit for completing the event even if they weren't there when they event started. I don't know what the technical limitations would be, but that's my .02 cents.

  • @baldmunkee said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    @ducklol1337 said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    Maybe they'd have to work less and able to play more if they got on with their jobs instead of being on their phones huh

    Maybe, though I should re-iterate, though I empathize with your position and plan to get everything even in its current state, I am of the opinion that Rare should correct what appears to be an oversight in this event and de-sync the event from real time.

    I disagree. Do you not think there is a reason that there's a deadline to get these done? Not everyone will get the commendations, the unlocked ship skin/figurehead/sails and not everybody SHOULD get them...like I said, it sucks if you can't but come to terms with it, when I first heard about these events I thought "Wicked, something to possibly get that most possibly won't get" so far these events have been as challenging as put two Lego pieces together and everyone has them, it sucks....I thought the bone costume was epic as f**k and was quick to make sure I got them done before anyone or everyone had them.....everyone has them so now they sit in my clothing chest never getting used....hopefully this will be one event where not everyone will have everything and that's just great

  • @ducklol1337 I know we disagree, and I get what you are saying about item rarity.

    Still, though limiting the time available to get these makes sense, syncing up a localized, server-based game to one real-life time zone doesn't make sense. I guess, I am objecting to the design of the timing, not the scarcity of time. I don't think they intended for the in-game clock to be the challenge for completing these things. I think the overall time limit of 3 weeks (with the added limit of 1 week per crew set) makes perfect sense. This isn't supposed to be Willy Wonka's golden ticket or Halliday's Easter Egg. It's a set of events meant for a global community.

  • @sonicbobjr Thanks for the update! The topic has been coming up more as more of the community starts to understand the new campaign. It's great to see you all being so observant and stepping in!

  • @ducklol1337 said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    You managed to move some things around in your RL, that doesn't mean that everyone can, and it certainly doesn't mean that everyone should have to.

    Sorry but if you want them that badly that you have to cry out on the forums, then yes, you should and that's it, find the time, make the time or come to terms with you not being able to get the commendations....

    I have the time. That's not the issue. It's about a design oversight that has resulted in a number of people being unable to access content that they have literally waited months for. Rare themselves have stated that this was an oversight on their part and they are trying to think of ways to fix the problem. They started this thread for discussing the issue.

    I understand that you don't think it's a problem and feel that people who have an issue with it are just 'crying' on the forum. Rare, and the rest of the people in this thread do think it's a problem and we're discussing it. So I guess, good for you that you don't have a problem, pat yourself on the back there or something.

  • @ducklol1337 said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    @baldmunkee said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    @ducklol1337 said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    Maybe they'd have to work less and able to play more if they got on with their jobs instead of being on their phones huh

    Maybe, though I should re-iterate, though I empathize with your position and plan to get everything even in its current state, I am of the opinion that Rare should correct what appears to be an oversight in this event and de-sync the event from real time.

    I disagree. Do you not think there is a reason that there's a deadline to get these done? Not everyone will get the commendations, the unlocked ship skin/figurehead/sails and not everybody SHOULD get them...like I said, it sucks if you can't but come to terms with it, when I first heard about these events I thought "Wicked, something to possibly get that most possibly won't get" so far these events have been as challenging as put two Lego pieces together and everyone has them, it sucks....I thought the bone costume was epic as f**k and was quick to make sure I got them done before anyone or everyone had them.....everyone has them so now they sit in my clothing chest never getting used....hopefully this will be one event where not everyone will have everything and that's just great

    I don't think their intent is simply to disallow people getting certain content to make it more rare. I think the intend is for a challenge, and to be rewarded for that challenge. So correcting this now would allow everyone to do that challenge not simply allow the people with flexible schedules to receive the reward.

    I would doubt very much that rare cares about this is exclusive to a couple people because they got on at 4am to do whatever. They care about giving the community or majority a challenge and them feeling rewarded for completing it.

    I get you want to seem super special with having something no one else does. But that's kinda what the athena's quests are for. 1.5m for all the new cosmetics definitely makes it rare. Excluding people because of real-life commitments is a bit much to get your super rare content..

  • Its impossible for me i dont have 4 Hours to play sot! And when i play i have difficoult to meet crew for doing this. And when i found we are destroy. Please fix this time priority problem

  • Having not read the whole 5 pages of Text I did read the 6 or so other threads regarding the times one could do the time limited update. I for one think it's a huge steaming pile of horse d**g! I don't have time for it. I'll get done what I can over the weekend, and that'll have to do. I just wanted to voice as well that I work, have kids, don't live in moms spare Room. Be nice to have an extra week for each week. More time something!

  • Hey Everyone,

    A further update following on from my post earlier [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles - SonicbobJr's Post.

    We've discussed as a team and have gone through the various suggestions and solutions provided, assessing what we can do here to improve the experience for as many players as possible.

    As i talked to earlier, given the time window between builds we are not able to making any sweeping changes like the suggestions around repeating the battles more frequently for example - as this has knock in impacts on the Outpost Banners, Localisation and potential for further player confusion given the size of the changes.

    However, with our goal of giving more opportunities for players to progress in the campaign, to encounter a variety of ship crew encounters in the different regions and ultimately aspire to unlock the Bone Crusher Ship cosmetics we have made some changes.

    • For Week2's set of battles we are offsetting the IRL time these will be available. This effectively means that for Week2's encounters you will be tackling a different crew in a different sea region. The battle will still be available for the same Game and IRL length of time and the Outpost Banners/Pocket Watch will still point you to the right place.
    • We will then do the same offset for Week3's set of battles so that players who have a fixed play time slot will organically encounter the 3 regions battles over the course of the campaign.
    • We know this doesn't solve all of the feedback around the time locked nature of the campaign, however will maximise the ability for players to engage with different battles and crews and acquire the awesome rewards over the course of the campaign.

    We hear your feedback here on the IRL time-locked nature of this event and will be reviewing this carefully and learning for how we schedule upcoming campaigns & adventures. I'm confident we can improve on this for our future campaigns.

    Thanks for being patient as we assessed our options here, looking forward to see how you all tackle the new crews coming next week!

  • @ducklol1337 said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    @boxcar-squidy said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    @ducklol1337 said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    You managed to move some things around in your RL, that doesn't mean that everyone can, and it certainly doesn't mean that everyone should have to.

    Sorry but if you want them that badly that you have to cry out on the forums, then yes, you should and that's it, find the time, make the time or come to terms with you not being able to get the commendations....

    I have the time. That's not the issue. It's about a design oversight that has resulted in a number of people being unable to access content that they have literally waited months for. Rare themselves have stated that this was an oversight on their part and they are trying to think of ways to fix the problem. They started this thread for discussing the issue.

    I understand that you don't think it's a problem and feel that people who have an issue with it are just 'crying' on the forum. Rare, and the rest of the people in this thread do think it's a problem and we're discussing it. So I guess, good for you that you don't have a problem, pat yourself on the back there or something.

    You can play the content though? So that's not the issue here, the issue here is you have a bunch of spoilt brats who can't get the commendations, the commendations aren't the content....the skellie crews are, as is the quest line, all of which you can do, you can do a skellie ship battle any time of the day....and the questions, this is more of a "Wahhh I'm a big baby and I can't get the doubloons figurehead because although I'm crying here about it, it's not important enough for me to make adjustments" than "this isn't accessible"....it is accessible, as I've said, any time you log on you can fight a crew. Stop deflecting, I sincerely hope Rare do nothing about this, so I don't see every single ship with the commendations rewards

    I have no desire to argue with you. I already said I understand what you are saying. No need to explain yourself again, I get what you are saying, that was never the issue. I don't understand why you are saying it on this thread, which apart from your posts is almost exclusively focused on what could be done about a thing that most people seem to agree is an issue, you don't agree, that's fine you have a perspective and you've articulated it well enough for me to understand it, but your input is completely useless in the context of the discussion that you've decided to add it to. Speaking of which, this back and forth between us? Also totally off topic, so I'm ending it.

  • @baldmunkee said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    @prince-recluse It's a decent solution,


    though you would have to address that there are 3 crews per region still. Maybe randomize them, though that could be pretty frustrating too.

    If the crews are in a rotation, where Crew 1 is queued up, someone initiates battle and then defeats them, then there is a delay and Crew 2 is queued up waiting on someone to initiate, the Crew 3 then back to Crew 1; that would give it a randoming timing aspect to it so that logins at the same (day)time multiple days could produced different crews to battle allowing completion of all 3. Or if someone has the time they can hang out and battle all 3 in order and knock it out in 1 go. There is no real need to have a time and/or date component to any of this, and this would (a) provide much more accessibility to a wider range of players, and (b) there would be no need to alter the time setup thereby possibly negatively affecting the core game like MA voyages.

    But I do see your concern.

    I don't think it matters, though as this change is too sweeping mid-event and I don't see them doing this

    Yes, this would be a huge change, but we are only not even 1 week in to a 3 week event and, much like they did with the first couple Bilge Rat Adventures, they could revamp after week one and extend the event 1 week to accommodate (ex extension of Skeleton Thrones event duration).

    Just a thought. Thanks for your input.

  • @Ducklol1337

    Sea of thieves is not classic WoW.
    Where 40 man had to appear on time for the raid. It is enough that I plan the time limited Events, in real life. I´m not happy with this, but I get it.

  • They could put a giant skeleton ship cloud in the air (like the skull fort) and have it colored according to the region. Then have that rotate whenever one is defeated.

  • Kind of silly to discuss this. Rare can just realize that "real life happens" and that "people live in different time zones" and rotate the times of future events. No reason for it to be a big discussion amongst users.

  • Gotta say I love the Cursed Sails so much and I really think Rare hit so many right nails on the head with this update.

    The timing of the battles is the only real downside to this event because it forces you to wait potentially a few hours between battles. However, it's hard to find a graceful solution with the current format. Shortening the time between each battle means it'll make it that more difficult for casual players to keep track of and if they miss one block they'll still have to wait a few hours for it to become available again. Making each battle rotate every 24 Hours meanwhile would mean folks have to be on during specific days, and removing the time frames would make it that more difficult to find other ships to form alliances since they'd be scattered among the three.

    Maybe one possibility that could at least help to some degree would be to actually mark on the map where the active skeleton ship is after reading the signs for each respective biome at least once (or after completing the Wanda quest). With having a marker for where the active battle is, lowering the time window between each rotation could then become more reasonable as long as currently summoned battles don't despawn if their window is over.

    Or possibly if we could have some sort of flare/signal that shows up from a distance (kind of like the Skull Fort clouds) or something that even shows up on the map, maybe that could be an interesting way to get attention and basically go, "Hey, we're looking for other ships!"

  • @aod-fluid said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    Kind of silly to discuss this. Rare can just realize that "real life happens" and that "people live in different time zones" and rotate the times of future events. No reason for it to be a big discussion amongst users.

    They have realized it. That's the point of the mega-thread. As to not having a discussion: I love that they are. This is an example of community involvement and Rare listening to us and even soliciting feedback.

    To some others in here: Disagreeing and providing feedback as to 'why' is one thing. Calling people that you disagree with or don't respect "Spoilt brats," "Big Babies," (@Ducklol1337 ) or just trolling them with made up mockeries of what you imagine they must be saying (@Paulkite83 ) does border on rude and unproductive, though. Let's be nice.

  • @aod-fluid said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    Kind of silly to discuss this. Rare can just realize that "real life happens" and that "people live in different time zones" and rotate the times of future events. No reason for it to be a big discussion amongst users.

    If they knew, they wouldn't have released the event this way. By discussing this here we made them understand there is a problem.

    Many other decisions were changed thanks to player feedback.

  • I’m sorry if this idea has been proposed, I don’t have time to read the full thread. Here’s my idea-

    Don’t use time. Make the skeleton fleets spawn in one region. Once defeated, the ships spawn in the next region. Once defeated, the last region spawns. Throw a skull cloud over the area that’s active, just like the forts.

  • @blindnev said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    @aod-fluid said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    Kind of silly to discuss this. Rare can just realize that "real life happens" and that "people live in different time zones" and rotate the times of future events. No reason for it to be a big discussion amongst users.

    If they knew, they wouldn't have released the event this way. By discussing this here we made them understand there is a problem.

    Many other decisions were changed thanks to player feedback.

    Except that there really isn't a problem. There is not one single person playing this game that cannot find the time it takes to do one of these encounters during real life down-time.

    Everyone has a day or two off during the week that they can make a point of going and doing the ones that conflict with their normal play time. In the future, Rare needs to rotate these out to make them available at various times instead of set times.

    My issue isn't that there "is no problem"... my issue is that it really doesn't need to be a megathread when the solutions to it are pretty simple. The biggest problem is that for QC reasons, and development practices put into place at Rare...they cannot just change it and roll out a fix today, or even next week.

    For future events though, they can pretty easily implement changes to how events are handled in respect to availability.

  • @capt-fambeard It's a good idea, but it (and several others on this thread) would require significantly more programming to complete and they are already mid-event. There is a lengthy and detailed post from @Sonicbobjr laying out several pieces around this. In short:

    • There isn't enough time to dramatically change it without potentially adding crazy bugs/ instability
    • They are setting week 2 and 3's rotation such that, if you only play at one certain time most nights, you will still get through all 3 zones, and be eligible for the bonecrusher stuff. This doesn't address trying to get all 9 crew's factions, but it covers the biggest concerns.
    • They are taking this whole talk and thread and all the other stuff around it into consideration for future content.
  • @ducklol1337 said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    Please don't change it. I have a wife, a year old son, a job and a house of which needs bills paying and yet I've managed to work around getting all the so far currently available commendations....it's going to suck for some people, yes you may never get them all, but are you going to get 1000 banana crates handed in? I don't think it's about the schedules, there are 7 days in a week, the hours are fixed so you know when you need to make time, if you have to move house? That's unlucky, if you have kids? Ask your partner to take them out with her friends for a few hours whilst you get it done, that's if it's that important to you to complete this, if it isn't I don't see the problem, and all this crying for Rare to make changes to cater to your life style is just going to end badly, because I hate to say you're casuals but casuals tend to bounce games and not stick to one.....it's not unfair on you, it's unfortunate that you can't make the time, I might be coming across as a bit h*****n you guys who can't get it done....but these commendations are some what of achievements...and they have a requirement, just like all do, and if you can't meet those requirements maybe stop trying to? Are you going to do 500 skull forts? How long until you cry for more frequent forts that you don't have to fight for? These are limited time sensitive events and those who get them get them...and those who don't, don't...and that's exactly the point.....why make relatively prestigious limited kinda exclusive items.....that EVERYONE and their dog Greg can get? Sorry but everyone has options, people knew months in advance when this update was hitting, if you work you could of booked a week off last month and if you're that hard up maybe you should be at work not playing games or on forums moaning about games....don't be spoilt, people are gonna have things in life that you just are not, if this is the most of your concerns I think a readjustment to reality is in order

    "I think a readjustment of reality is in order".

    I feel sorry for folks who are so happy to dump their spouses and children for time on a game, rather than playing it when the family is not available.
    I work long hours and don't see my kids during the week, so when I'm on holiday or it's the weekend I'm with them, spending time with them and enjoying them.

    I have already put over 20 hours into this patch over 2 nights, that's casual?
    I was in the beta and the scale tests and played every week, almost 600 hours I would wager since launch, that's casual?
    I've played nothing but Sea of Thieves exclusively since March 20th, that's bouncing around?

    I'm not spoilt, or entitled, or your dog Greg, but I expect to be able to play # ALL of the content available when I am on, not time locked other than the 3 week window which is fair enough.

    You're post is condescending and insulting.

  • @sonicbobjr said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    Hey Everyone,

    A further update following on from my post earlier [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles - SonicbobJr's Post.

    • We know this doesn't solve all of the feedback around the time locked nature of the campaign, however will maximise the ability for players to engage with different battles and crews and acquire the awesome rewards over the course of the campaign.

    We hear your feedback here on the IRL time-locked nature of this event and will be reviewing this carefully and learning for how we schedule upcoming campaigns & adventures. I'm confident we can improve on this for our future campaigns.

    Don't you need the commendation for all 9 battles over the 3 weeks to unlock the cosmetics?
    Is this an actual fix for us fixed time frame folk?

    I'm not sure that this actually is...

  • @sshteeve said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    Don't you need the commendation for all 9 battles over the 3 weeks to unlock the cosmetics?
    Is this an actual fix for us fixed time frame folk?

    I'm not sure that this actually is...

    No. Just a won battle in each region.

  • @ducklol1337 please do everyone a favour and go and read the forum rules and the pirate code.
    A lot of your comments and opinions today flagrantly skirt sound them.

    Thanks and have and good evening, you can stop replying to me now. X

  • @Ducklol1337 several of your posts have been edited for breaking the following rule.

    Derogatory Language

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read the Forum Rules before you continue posting in the Forums.

  • @sonicbobjr said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    Hey Everyone,

    A further update following on from my post earlier [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles - SonicbobJr's Post.

    We've discussed as a team and have gone through the various suggestions and solutions provided, assessing what we can do here to improve the experience for as many players as possible.

    As i talked to earlier, given the time window between builds we are not able to making any sweeping changes like the suggestions around repeating the battles more frequently for example - as this has knock in impacts on the Outpost Banners, Localisation and potential for further player confusion given the size of the changes.

    However, with our goal of giving more opportunities for players to progress in the campaign, to encounter a variety of ship crew encounters in the different regions and ultimately aspire to unlock the Bone Crusher Ship cosmetics we have made some changes.

    • For Week2's set of battles we are offsetting the IRL time these will be available. This effectively means that for Week2's encounters you will be tackling a different crew in a different sea region. The battle will still be available for the same Game and IRL length of time and the Outpost Banners/Pocket Watch will still point you to the right place.
    • We will then do the same offset for Week3's set of battles so that players who have a fixed play time slot will organically encounter the 3 regions battles over the course of the campaign.
    • We know this doesn't solve all of the feedback around the time locked nature of the campaign, however will maximise the ability for players to engage with different battles and crews and acquire the awesome rewards over the course of the campaign.

    We hear your feedback here on the IRL time-locked nature of this event and will be reviewing this carefully and learning for how we schedule upcoming campaigns & adventures. I'm confident we can improve on this for our future campaigns.

    Thanks for being patient as we assessed our options here, looking forward to see how you all tackle the new crews coming next week!

    Thank you for the update on what we're working on to help resolve this issue.
    As there has been an official response about this topic, it will be closed. If we need to reopen it for more feedback, we will.

    Thank you to all that participated!

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