Gifs Talk! Chat and share your best Gifs/Images! :D

  • Hello there! ;)

    Its been a mixed week on the forums with emotions flaring and ideas clashing. So i figured i might aswell try and create a topic with the intent of it being relaxed and fun. A thread where we can all get involved, have a laugh and forget about the weeks debates and diffrences of opinion. Since, at the end of day we are all members of this awesome community regardless of views, ideas and opinions. And we are all awesome in our own way!

    So in light of that im resurrecting an old thread which was always a personal favourite of mine and always certain to keep a grin on my may have even been known to make me laugh out loud in public. (Much to my embarrassment!)

    So the rules are simple:

    • Post a gif/image in response to the last posted
    • No words unless they are in the image/Gif
    • Dont double post unless in response to another reply below yours
    • Remember the forum rules and keep it PG
    • It doesnt have to make sense, if anything the more crazy the better!
    • And above all... HAVE FUN!

    Ill start with a clichéd classic and also a personal favourite!

  • 46
  • @knifelife

  • @katttruewalker

  • @musicmee

  • @knifelife

  • @lifewcoke

  • @knifelife

  • @stacky-a

  • @tartansnake-8

  • @stacky-a


  • @Sir-Lotus

    alt text

  • @blooddoll22

  • @tartansnake-8

  • alt text

  • @clumsy-george


  • @sir-lotus
    alt text

  • @triheadedmonkey

  • @tartansnake-8

    alt text

  • @tartansnake-8 @Sir-Lotus

    Except it's Friday, mates!

  • @katttruewalker

  • @skulliah

  • @piratecraggy

  • @tartansnake-8

  • @lifewcoke

  • just go with

  • alt text

  • @khaleesibot

  • @musicmee
    alt text

  • alt text


  • @conal-cuan

  • What pirates do on a weekend -

  • @katttruewalker

  • [link text](link url)

  • @knifelife said in Gifs Talk! Chat and share your best Gifs/Images! :D:

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