So... the next update for the "adventure" mode is... 4 - 6 months away?

  • This is one of the resounding issues I have with the new Arena mode for Sea of Thieves and is a point I have already raised in the mega thread as well, but I feel it warrants discussion of its own.

    Shrouded Spoils will be the fourth major content addition to Sea of Thieves, since launch after The Hungering Deep, Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores. We have been lucky so far to see regular major new content to the main game:

    • Sea of Thieves BASE GAME – 20th March 2018
    • The Hungering Deep – 22nd May 2018 (2 months later)
    • Cursed Sails – 31st July 2018 (2 months later)
    • Forsaken Shores – 19th September 2018 (2 months later)
    • Shrouded Spoils – TBC November 2018 (2 months later)

    So on average we are looking (roughly) at around 2 months between releases of new content, with Arena possibly following that trend in January (2 months after Spoils) or February (3 months after Spoils), as I would expect March and April to longer be classed as ”Early 2019”.

    So where does that leave folks wanting meaty changes to the main game?

    At best surely we are looking at a 4 month wait AT LEAST following Shrouded Spoils, otherwise it could be anything up to 6 or 7 months… Joe made it clear in an Inn-side Story (a month ago?) that the development time for these big events was going to be longer, so that the team and Pioneers could get to grips properly with the bugs. (Speaking of which – still no news on the “new” new Pioneer program either…)

    Let’s hope there are some stellar Bilge Rat Adventures on their way to keep us all going.

    Fair winds and happy sailing folks.

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  • @sshteeve

    I don't think this is correct, I believe there is one more content update after Shrouded Spoils and due before the end of the year.... the Fall snails one Joe has mentioned a couple of times? And then the arena thingy in early 2019.

    Around 21:00 in, they're discussing subsequent content releases -

  • @katttruewalker I hope you're right, if someone can dredge up some more info, but it does mean a dry 4 months or so at least from Arena in any case for players who may not be keen.

    I just hope the Arena update does bring some things to the main game that are yet to be worked out.

    [EDIT] - Cheers for finding that (you were quick Katt!), but that's an older video, from before Joe said they were slowing things down. Interesting that they said THD team is working on what I guess is Shrouded, whilst the Cursed Sails team are working on the "end of year update - what will kinda be our fifth update" - doesn't he mean Arena? they are calling Arena the 5th update already.

  • @sshteeve

    I did a quick google search of 'sea of thieves fall snails' lol, which brought up some discussion threads from the forums and then a mention of this video, there are probably other sources too, but I also would say it's possible they've rejigged the timetable or the order of content additions since, they are the developers after all ;)

  • @katttruewalker What is meant be 'Fall snails'?

  • @octopus-lime We have no idea, it was a clue Joe gave as a tease a few months ago when the team were discussing future content additions.

  • We've been verry lucky up untill now @Sshteeve
    We both love huge sharks, skeleton ships and vulcanoes so the last content patches were great. (yeah I know what you like ;-) )
    This content patch just isnt for us, it's for other people who love the thrill of PVP battle and want a place for that. Imagine those PVP die hards who kept killing people who tried to fight the megladon or skeleton ships just because they wanted some PVP.

    This update is for them.

    This doesn't mean we won't get new toys tho. I'm sure there will be another bilgerat adventure tied to this with nice new cosmetics, Rare's stated before that they want a Small Tool and Large Tool with each expantion.
    IE the Speaking horn and Flags in Hungering Deep, the Brig and Alliance flags in Cursed sails and the Rowboat and Cargo items (I guess) in Forsaken shores.

  • @hynieth said in So... the next update for the "adventure" mode is... 4 - 6 months away?:

    We've been verry lucky up untill now @Sshteeve
    We both love huge sharks, skeleton ships and vulcanoes so the last content patches were great. (yeah I know what you like ;-) )
    This content patch just isnt for us, it's for other people who love the thrill of PVP battle and want a place for that. Imagine those PVP die hards who kept killing people who tried to fight the megladon or skeleton ships just because they wanted some PVP.

    This update is for them.

    You're right, you're absolutely right, but for the record I HATED Cursed Sails... nearly left the game over it.
    Funnily enough I haven't touched a Skeleton Ship since August and last night @LucianSanchez82 and I took one on and we left it halfway through, not for sinking - we killed 5 of them, we just timed out after an hour!

  • @katttruewalker said in So... the next update for the "adventure" mode is... 4 - 6 months away?:


    I did a quick google search of 'sea of thieves fall snails' lol, which brought up some discussion threads from the forums and then a mention of this video, there are probably other sources too, but I also would say it's possible they've rejigged the timetable or the order of content additions since, they are the developers after all ;)

    I think it has changed Katt, based on this video:

    Joe says at about 1:30 onwards he says "The pace we've been going, the process we've had, the weekly updates erm, there have been times when we've been introducing bugs into the game which we've had to react to and four us it's been about looking at that, assessing it and going 'what process changes can we make to ensure that we can still be delivering great content to people, but also making sure we get the time to test, we get the time to assess and also we get, erm, time to use Pioneers to give feedback'. So that when we do release updates, err, we've gone through that feedback process with Pioneers, we've also identified any bugs and fixed them so that we have much more confidence in the updates going out to our players."

    This follows on later with Joe at 2:32 saying "So, what that means for updates moving forward is we want to move away from our previously established kind of weekly update process. "

    Though.... this does seem to link more to weekly events and updates and not major content so who knows. But I do think Shrouded Spoils is the last major content for 2018.

  • @sshteeve I think it does refer to the general flow of updates we've had, so it gives them more time to manage the bugs and issues identified on a week to week basis and with the Bilge Rat adventures perhaps, rather than the larger content updates.

  • @katttruewalker

    But it says everywhere: "Get ready to prove your worth in Sea of Thieves' fifth free content update since launch: The Arena! "

    So The Arena is clearly the update after Shrouded Spoils, nothing due before the end of the year after Shrouded Spoils.

  • @skulliah Hmm, so it does, we'll have to wait and see what is planned I guess, it would be long gap.

  • @sshteeve Except you just quoted something in the mega thread which mentions another update being worked on?? Around questing and such?

    "....but there's also a team working on a future update that we haven't really talked about yet that's really about enhancing quests and being a bit more guided quests, guided goals, bring more lore, more story to Sea of Thieves",

  • @Skulliah & @KattTruewalker this was my point - Shrouded Spoils is the 4th update, Arena the 5th, so we are looking at a long wait for any more adventure changes other than Bilge Rat.
    Ah well... let's all hope that Arena blows us all out of the water (pun intended)

  • @katttruewalker said in So... the next update for the "adventure" mode is... 4 - 6 months away?:

    @sshteeve Except you just quoted something in the mega thread which mentions another update being worked on?? Around questing and such?

    Joe said that was after Arena, but didn't say when

  • Yep the expansion for the quests, exploration and lore is way after The Arena. I can't understand how this one hasn't been the priority over The Arena...

  • @skulliah @Sshteeve How do you know it's way after Arena? Joe says 'future'?

  • @katttruewalker said in So... the next update for the "adventure" mode is... 4 - 6 months away?:

    @skulliah @Sshteeve How do you know it's way after Arena?

    We don't, but at a guess it's at least 2 months after Arena based on my original post ;P
    Hence my 4 months at best guesstimate!

  • @katttruewalker I don't see why there would be a big update called "The Arena" with improvements in the exploration in it.

  • This weekend brought too many confusion, I just don't even know and understand their future plans after that.

  • @skulliah @Sshteeve

    I think the safest thing is to look forward to Shrouded Spoils in the meantime :D

  • Don't forget Christmas is coming too. So a Content update might evolve around evil Santas and Reindeers... Who am I kidding... It'll probably be a Bilge Rat Adventure.

  • @sshteeve said in So... the next update for the "adventure" mode is... 4 - 6 months away?:

    @hynieth said in So... the next update for the "adventure" mode is... 4 - 6 months away?:

    We've been verry lucky up untill now @Sshteeve
    We both love huge sharks, skeleton ships and vulcanoes so the last content patches were great. (yeah I know what you like ;-) )
    This content patch just isnt for us, it's for other people who love the thrill of PVP battle and want a place for that. Imagine those PVP die hards who kept killing people who tried to fight the megladon or skeleton ships just because they wanted some PVP.

    This update is for them.

    You're right, you're absolutely right, but for the record I HATED Cursed Sails... nearly left the game over it.
    Funnily enough I haven't touched a Skeleton Ship since August and last night @LucianSanchez82 and I took one on and we left it halfway through, not for sinking - we killed 5 of them, we just timed out after an hour!

    What do you expect when you sail with that amature?

  • @mad-jack-ketch But regardless I watched a video last night around the Arena and Joe said some interesting things such as;

    You can find the Bilge Rat and the Tavern which will appear in the update in Adventure Mode so my guess is... is it'll be that unbuilt tavern on Wanderers Refuge. But regardless I wouldn't knock the Arena too much until more details have been revealed. Just remember what has been said about the content so far, but my saying is this - This is only the bride's veil, you have yet to see the face!

    But with the completely mixed reviews on the Arena, I'm wondering what Rare will do with the feedback.

    But that's my say anyway!

    Oh and don't let content updates make you leave! Just take a break for a while! :)

  • @octopus-lime said in So... the next update for the "adventure" mode is... 4 - 6 months away?:

    @sshteeve said in So... the next update for the "adventure" mode is... 4 - 6 months away?:

    @hynieth said in So... the next update for the "adventure" mode is... 4 - 6 months away?:

    We've been verry lucky up untill now @Sshteeve
    We both love huge sharks, skeleton ships and vulcanoes so the last content patches were great. (yeah I know what you like ;-) )
    This content patch just isnt for us, it's for other people who love the thrill of PVP battle and want a place for that. Imagine those PVP die hards who kept killing people who tried to fight the megladon or skeleton ships just because they wanted some PVP.

    This update is for them.

    You're right, you're absolutely right, but for the record I HATED Cursed Sails... nearly left the game over it.
    Funnily enough I haven't touched a Skeleton Ship since August and last night @LucianSanchez82 and I took one on and we left it halfway through, not for sinking - we killed 5 of them, we just timed out after an hour!

    What do you expect when you sail with that amature?

    He's still lurking you know? He will come and find you!

  • Whatever comes, whenever it comes, it's all free still!
    Not many games deliver free content anymore..
    And as for Fall Snails, Perhaps Tall Sails? An even bigger ship?

  • @sshteeve He is all talk and no cutlass!

  • @needsmokes Maybe, Rare said there isn't any new ships in up in the list of plans. But there is a new ship they are prototyping.... ;)

  • @needsmokes said in So... the next update for the "adventure" mode is... 4 - 6 months away?:

    Whatever comes, whenever it comes, it's all free still!
    Not many games deliver free content anymore..
    And as for Fall Snails, Perhaps Tall Sails? An even bigger ship?

    I would hazard a guess, based on my Mixer post on the Megathread 2 that it would "Tall Tales" (actually @KattTruewalker worked that one out) and would fit with the 6th update which is about quests and more driven content for adventure.

  • One thing is certain. Us pirates be lost without our maps.
    The timeline ran out after The Devil's Roar and left us all lost at sea. Let's hope we see an updated video of the progress map sometime soon.

  • @needsmokes very true and @Skulliah has just addressed this in Mega Thread Pt2.

    Here is my previous post on there:

    Joe says: "but there's also a team working on a future update that we haven't really talked about yet that's really about enhancing quests and being a bit more guided quests, guided goals, bring more lore, more story to Sea of Thieves", "We think that's going to bring some really new, really unique to adventure". This could be the Fall Snails update!

  • I’m sure there will still be BRA coming out to keep us all amused with little things to do.

    I think I personally wouldn’t mind waiting a little bit longer than usual to get a nice chunky update.

    I feel the developers have done what they said and added a variety of things to do since launch to make up for the community’s concerns with content at launch.

    I think now if they spend more time on the bigger chunks of content they will be able to do more big and experimental things with the game.

    I personally never expected the content updates to be as frequent as we have been getting them for ever so I’m happy to hold on for a little longer for number 6 if needs be.

  • @sshteeve Ok I'll admit my psychic powers aren't what they used to be ;-)
    I avoid skeleton ships too. I love the concept but the skeletons are even more on point with repairs than actual players and it can be hard to sink even one let alone 5 waves of 1-2 per wave.

    Some tweaking is still needed for this to be fun.

  • @octopus-lime said in So... the next update for the "adventure" mode is... 4 - 6 months away?:

    @sshteeve He is all talk and no cutlass!

    He happened to be a very sleepy boy!

  • @luciansanchez82 you WERE very quiet it has to be said!
    I thought all of my whining on Discord had put you off sailing!

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