Sword lunge instant kill

  • What is the total damage done by a sword lunge? Is it constant or is there a critical hit ratio?
    I don't know of the sword lunge was nerfed and as far as I know it's not possible, you can't even one hit skeletons, so my question is, how is one pirate able to instantly kill two pirates with FULL health with a sword lunge?

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  • I believe it is 50%

  • I have noticed the cutlass lunge/block lunge contains 3-4 actual hits when executed. Although the 4th hit seems to only initiate if hits 2,3 and 4 are connecting with a different area than hit 1 connected with.
    (pretty sure it is meant to only contain 3 hits for a regular lunge/block lunge)

    (Cutlass lunge/Block lunge)
    You can swing yourself left-right after the first hit of the lunge connects thus spreading the 3-4 hits from it in a larger area and not just a single point.
    All cutlass hits will connect with a valid target if one is in range when swung meaning players that are close enough together can both be hit with the same cutlass lunge or swing.
    Also if the last hit from a lunge connects you are able to continue movement or attacks with zero cooldown enabling a lunge then cutlass swing in quick succession.

    Afaik it's 4 cutlass hits to kill a fellow Pirate, this could be what you experienced.

  • @ixxolos
    So if you are blocking and lunging at the same time it does at least a full amount of damage? If it all hits, but if you're doing a regular lunge it doesnt?

  • Alright get ready for some stats:

    sword attack 20%
    sword lunge 50%
    The sword (combo) three attacks in a row does 20% per attack so a total of 60% if you manage to connect each hit.

    Pistol 50%
    Blunderbuss 15% per pallet (meaning if you manage to hit with 7 pallets or more it's a one hit kill)
    Eye of Reach 80%

  • @ixxolos It's 5 normal hits to kill a pirate with the normal sword attack 20% . If you sword lunge 50% first and then hit the pirate 3 times 20% each it's a kill.

  • @AOD-Entroe
    So just ONE sword lunge, even if it is a block lunge is incapable of killing a full healthed pirate?

  • @xxcoldfangxx @AOD-Entroe 's stats are correct and i was indeed wrong in saying 4 cutlass hits to kill a pirate it is 5 (although i was sure the lunge stat at 50% should be 60%)
    The block lunge and regular lunge all contain 3 hits. However if i swing left or right during the blocked lunge and hit 1 connects i find it can still produce 3 subsequent hits thereafter at the final point of impact. This is very inconsistent mind you and not a guarantee.

    I have been able to kill fellow pirates with a single blocked lunge and 1 cutlass swing, admittedly though not knowing if they were at max hp or not.
    I have not been able to kill a fellow pirate with a single block lunge or regular lunge however.

  • @xxcoldfangxx that's right, the lunge regardless if first blocking or not does 50% damage. I'm not quite sure what my fellow pirate means though.

  • @ixxolos care to explain what you mean by 3 hits being a sword lunge? The sword lunge is 1 attack, it is not possible to attack during a sword lunge. Right after if connected it is possible to attack again. So if you sword lunge 50% a pirate and it connects, and you hit him three times with a sword attack 20% x 3 = 60% or again with a single sword lunge 50% he's dead.

    As an addition the sword lunge is interesting because if you manage to hit multiple pirates with your one lunge they will all receive 50% damage. If you know how to use this it's quite easy to get rid of multiple pirates with just 2 sword lunges.

  • @xxcoldfangxx

    U can swordlunge one hit skeletons.
    Just need to be the nooby skellies.

    Get a LOW sailor to start voyage the skellies popping than can be one hit sword lunged.

    As u rank up in the faction and buy the titles. U will increase difficulty, as so the one hit wonders disappear.

  • Sword lunge does exactly 50% damage to a full health pirate. If the pirate connects with the first lunge then the lunge timer is reset allowing good players to instantly dash afterwards This can seem as if you are being one-shot. You can kill two people with one lunge if both are 50% health or less.

  • @xxcoldfangxx glitch I suppose mate

  • @aod-entroe the Lunge consists of 3 separate hits rolled into 1 attack, you can spread these out over the area of the lunge if you swing/look left or right after initiating it. This is what i mean by 3 hits per lunge.
    Not to be confused with the 3 Swing combo you can do with the cutlass.

  • I can only assume the pirate I encountered was cheating, and i hate doing so. He killed two of my crew mates who were at full health at the same time with a single sword lunge, I believe he did it at least twice.

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