Pirates vs Cowboys

  • Who wins?

  • 18
  • @xraylexx

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  • @sir-lotus you win the internet today Lotus!

  • @xraylexx It's a tough one for me i'm afraid... I'm only 3 hours into RDR2, so won't be touching the online mode yet, but I'd be wrong to say I'm not invested in SoT and want to see what Joe and Co. have come up with next!

  • I’m a pirate today.
    Never got into GTA online. Seemed to be lots of auto aim if I remember

  • @xraylexx

    I'm going for the popular vote :)
    For me it's......
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    Wait.... I'm a pirate by name..... a pirate by nature. Pirate of course!

  • It's a pirate life for me


  • I have RDR2 too but I don’t care, the hype for Shrouded Spoils is toooo huge

  • Ninja's!

    No, pirates of course. It's always gonna be bloody pirates.

  • Pirates would win as they have a ship, and nobody's going to mess with someone who's got that hitched next to a saloon.

  • Dallas plays Tampa Bay on the 23rd. We'll see then.

  • Cowboys beat the Pirates on the 23rd 27-20

  • It really depends upon where the fight takes place, doesn't it? If on the seas, the pirates win due to their mastery of naval combat. If on land, the cowboys win due to their horsemanship and superior technology (cowboys were 100-200 years later than pirates).

  • Trolls win! Neither can overcome the trolls.

  • @jeremep sorry, I’m a Dallas fan.

  • As this discussion is not related to Sea of Thieves, it has been moved to Outer Shores.

  • @br0crastinat0r Sorry? I'm a Dallas fan too

  • @xraylexx ... If I choose Cowboys then I lose all my sea rep... but if I chose Pirates I betray my namesake...

    Gotta get back to you on that one chief

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