New Pirate game ATLAS, What effect will it have on Sea of Thieves

  • I wonder what Rare makes of that new pirate game ATLAS? And what impact it will have on SoT?

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  • @xraylexx Looks interesting. I definitely want to give it a try (although I said the same thing about Skull & Bones and still haven't touched it).

    Really interested to see what the sailing mechanics are like because Sea of Thieves sailing is probably my favorite thing. I'm sure there are some videos on YouTube that I can go watch.

  • @xraylexx

    Also another thread here discussing similar -

  • @katttruewalker ah. Didn’t see that...
    Mines a better title anyway :)

  • It will have no effect whatsoever as it has more in common with WoW than SoT. It's pure high fantasy.

  • I'm actually looking forward to it it will be like SOT but with progression and more life. I hope they have some type of ranked pvp system like wows arena

  • also it looks like it is going have fishing WOOT WOOT

  • also they said that "you can capture and govern intire islands build and sail galleons and its only going to be $30 on steam im actually very excited about this the more i look into it, Thank you for making this post i missed the trailer and so glad i saw this post

  • Meh. Not impressed. I’ll stick with SoT.

  • I'd bet on SoT getting all the cool features of Atlas before Atlas gets basic smooth gameplay and a stable build

  • @dekeita said in New Pirate game ATLAS, What effect will it have on Sea of Thieves:

    I'd bet on SoT getting all the cool features of Atlas before Atlas gets basic smooth gameplay and a stable build

    SOT will never have a skill tree and or build-able ships and forts nor will it have more then 6 ships per server, atlas is showing how there will only be 2 servers pvp and pve.

  • @xraylexx I wonder too

  • I showed the trailer to my wife (who plays SoT a load) and she said “It looks S**t”...
    Well there you go. :)

  • "There’ll even be PvE for those which don’t want to battle other players."

    The game looks awesome. But even though the more realistic look is cool, I will always love the cheerful and cartoony look of Sea of Thieves. That's one of the reasons why I'm also pro PvE actually. Sea of Thieves looks so cheerful, cute and happy. It's what tempts a lot of people into buying the game. It almost looks childish. I feel like there should be a more peaceful-people-friendly version of the game because it totally matches the aesthetic vibe.

    I can't help it, I kinda can't wait until all those people complaining about 'splitting the player base' will have to watch everyone leave when Atlas comes out.

    I'll still be on the Sea of Thieves with my friends, but I think I'd rather play Atlas when I'm sailing solo.

  • @j4l-whammer11in said in New Pirate game ATLAS, What effect will it have on Sea of Thieves:

    @dekeita said in New Pirate game ATLAS, What effect will it have on Sea of Thieves:

    I'd bet on SoT getting all the cool features of Atlas before Atlas gets basic smooth gameplay and a stable build

    SOT will never have a skill tree and or build-able ships and forts nor will it have more then 6 ships per server, atlas is showing how there will only be 2 servers pvp and pve.

    IMO, it's a good thing that Sea of Thieves will never have skill trees or any "traditional" MMO elements. It's what differentiates the game from the gaggle. It also means that this "ATLAS" will have an inherent imbalance between brand-new players and veterans in terms of sinking time in gets you direct stat upgrades; this is already a major-turn off for me.

  • meh im not intrested in it the main key point that sea of thives has is the art style prefure cartoony games over realistic visuals

  • @monkeybee11 said in New Pirate game ATLAS, What effect will it have on Sea of Thieves:

    meh im not intrested in it the main key point that sea of thives has is the art style prefure cartoony games over realistic visuals

    Irony is the visuals may be more realistic but the actual ship models are completely unrealistic to the extreme. More masts does not a better ship make, and clearly illustrates how the developers understand absolutely nothing of sailing or naval combat.

  • @crazed-corsair TBF never do me XD
    but still
    black deseart online
    ...ARK all meh
    im not playing video games for realistic visurials that make my computer feel like its a bitcoin miner give me them cartoony visuals that make me think im in a better reality

  • It’s only really the characters and a few items that appear cartoonish in Sea of Thieves. Some of the visuals are strikingly realistic, especially when sailing. There have been many moments in the game that have simply taken my breath away. Those visuals combined with the simplicity of the interface, the freedom of the open world, and the overall immersion are what really set Sea of Thieves apart for me.

  • @crazed-corsair well from what i have been reading is that the ships are built by the players not the game so that being said, those graphics might have been from a beta where a player built something crazy or whatever it could be, if you read the article it says that you can crew up and have people help man the ship move sails, raise and lower, patch holes, bucket water, ect or you can hire npc's to work the ship for you, i am very excited to build and name a ship, i wish sot would let me name my ship, i want to build a man o war in atlas and hire a bunch of npc's to work it!!

  • I personally am looking forward to it. I loved the uniqueness of Ark on console and I can’t wait to jump in on it.

    It seems like it’s going to fill in a lot of the gaps SoT haven’t been able to. I just hope it isn’t as plagued the constant issues ark had.

  • I respect Steam. I bet ATLAS will be a solid, fun game to play at the least. I doubt they jerk their playerbase around with modifying commendations or achievements. None of this “Cash in 1,000 chickens on schedule! Oh, you did? Sorry bud, we’re going to change it to 200 chickens a week after you reached 1,000 chickens.” None of this “Cash in 100 athena chests to reach top rank! Oh, you did? Sorry bud, you have to do it again because it didn’t count the first time! At least you got a cool hat out of it!”

  • It looks like Sea of Thieves.

    With content.

  • Anything that gets people into the pirate life is good for SoT.

  • @j4l-whammer11in I guess I'd be salty too if I was all worried about that kind of stuff. but I'm not.

  • Nothing absolutely nothing can draw me away from SoT, but I will give it a try, because I’m loving Pirate Themes, I’m readinf One Piece since 20 Years :) but this Skull&Bones looks very boring to me! And Note: You can’t compare an Open World Survival Game(Atlas) and an Only Sea Battle Ship Game(Skull&Bones) with an Shared World Adventure Game (SoT)! It’s that the Case you can compare One Piece Grand Battle 3 too, it’s an Pirate Game too :/

  • @king-deka Galleons with hundreds of crew mates.. it just makes me so suspicious... i love the concept but can’t see how it could ever be delivered..

    Especially from Wildcard.... Rolls eyes

  • @knifelife sagte in New Pirate game ATLAS, What effect will it have on Sea of Thieves:

    @king-deka Galleons with hundreds of crew mates.. it just makes me so suspicious... i love the concept but can’t see how it could ever be delivered..

    Especially from Wildcard.... Rolls eyes

    Yeah bro Wildcard isn’t known for Stable games :) played Ark a few Months!

  • @king-deka I played it for 2 years on a PvP server.. I know all to well. Then they gave us 3 days to find and move to a new one before they deleted our 2 years of work lol. We all gave up and haven’t touched it since.

    I hate wildcard. And yet I will probably still try it 😤

  • no thx ill stick with sot

  • It looks like Sea of Thieves.
    With content.

    It looks like Skyrim
    With ships with too many masts.

  • It will definitely be a competitor, but sounds way more ambitious and for hardcore players, while sot tries to be simple, welcoming to new players and friendly to casual players. They don’t shy away from the word MMO like rare does, so it sounds like a game that is harder to get into, like you would get crushed if you aren’t an expert. I don’t know their development calendar, but it could take a while before the game is balanced well enough for release.

  • @knifelife but also... would that be fun? Could someone actually communicate and actually do something with such a crew? I am against a larger galleon in Sot because it is hard enough to hear each other without interrupting the rest of the 4 man crew. 4 is the max to be coordinated in my opinion

  • @xraylexx Oh come rant...

    I’ve played wildcard’s game ark survival evolved for a very long time, it was actually the game I finished playing right before I hopped on SoT.

    Wildcard as a company is...awful. Honestly Rares big thing is that it really takes the community feedback into account, WC is like the opposite. They really butchered the ark community by not fixing glaring issues with the game and preferred to focus on pumping out paid dlcs when the game was still an early access.

    They really enraged ark fans with atlas because now they all know why the extinction dlc was so buggy and overall lacking, coz they focused on atlas.

    They’re not gonna draw a lot of the ark community since everyone wants them to focus on it instead of atlas, so they’re gonna try to snatch people off other games in the genre, whether that be the mmo aspect or he pirate aspect.

    Don’t be fooled, the trailer of the game looks interesting, but if you literally read the first thing anyone says about it you’ll hear “they releasing ark 2?” not because it’s the next game by wildcard, but because it is literally the same game engine, with the same game mechanics, with the same PRESETS and OBJECTS from ark. If I tried ripping out code I did back at the beginning of my year and passed it off to my prof as my final project he would laugh hysterically.

    Furthermore they tried to evade the scolding of ark fans by saying that WC is not stopping developing ark but instead created a new sister development team called something something idk didn’t bother to remember, but it’s clear from extinction that’s it’s not a new team, it’s the ark team split in half, which is why the mechanics are half-a** their idea of how many players are in a server is half-a**(supposedly 10000+ players in one server when I lag out at 30 people on their ark servers) and why the “new” team working on atlas copy and pasted assets from ark into atlas. dr: Atlas is a pile of recycled garbage, Wildcard is in it for the money not the players, and atlas is gonna be a grief fest. Stick to SoT and don’t waste your money, unless you play under 2 hours and refund it back on steam so WC doesn’t scam you.

  • @they-sank it’s not steam that you should be looking at mate, think changing commendations is bad? Expect to have all your progress wiped and reset in atlas, as it is the exact same thing WC did to players in arks latest dlc I think released sometime last month (I’m not 100% sure)

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