What's the matter with Duke?

  • Ahoy Mates!
    What's the matter with my man Duke?
    He's all frightened. (At least that's how he looks to me)

    And I had one of the oddest conversations with him...
    Here's how it went:

    Cpt Palooggoo: "Ahoy Duke!"

    Duke: "Oh, hi! Um... remarkable weather lately... and have you seen the price of grog? Um... let's talk about you for a change!"

    Cpt Palooggoo: "So... any wild Adventures afoot this week, Duke?"

    Duke: "Adventure! Um... well, adventure, let's see...
    Tina's Grog tastes a bit funny, maybe there's a... weevil in the barrel?
    I... um... I aslo thought I saw a shifty pirate. Or not. Maybe.
    Okay, okay, it's quite right now. Even the Bilge Rats have days off!
    Why don't you follow your nose? Go pole a Skeleton!"

    Cpt Palooggoo: "Alright, well, uh... see ya around then."

    I wonder what's gotten into him?
    Let me know what ya think of this, if anything.
    I'm going to Mermaid's Hideaway to consider this...

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  • He does look a bit scared there. Perhaps he has heard something strange lurking in the dark or fog. Maybe he just drank to and from the bottom of a bad batch of rum. Maybe it is a hint of something to come?

  • I... um... I aslo thought I saw a shifty pirate. Or not. Maybe.

    This seems to be a big clue. The coming Bilge Rat adventure will likely involve a "shifty pirate" foe. Could it be the notorious Captain Flameheart? Maybe Lesedi Singh? Hope we find out soon!

  • Wasn’t this dukes animation from the cursed sails update? Probably wrong.

  • Interesting

  • Dont ask the barlady she,s hunting pirates for a triple date to a jolly inn or something

  • “War is coming.” Maybe he's anticipating the arrival of DeMarco. ?

  • @br0crastinat0r My crew mate suggested this but I think with the way Rare was advertising The Arena that it would be something to be celebrated for all pirates. It almost seems like it's a sort of sporting event for them.

    I think Duke is terrified of something else. I would assume it has to be something related to a Bilge Rat Adventure. I think it would be really neat to have a Bilge Rat Adventure based around the fog and fighting something in it. I also think it would be really neat to see those fireworks implemented into the game (the screenshot they posted on their Facebook page). What better way to implement them than fighting a deadly creature in the fog and using them to alert other ships that you need help!

  • @sgt-palooggoo Probably just got a banging hangover, it was New Years recently and I’m still feeling it! :P

    In all seriousness though, that does seem like a pretty interesting #SeaOfTease to me...

  • @knifelife haha, he did mention the grog tasted funny!

  • Scared? I blame Summit1G :)

  • @boomtownboss said in What's the matter with Duke?:

    @knifelife haha, he did mention the grog tasted funny!

    And he mentioned it's price... that's 2 Grog references now.

  • @sgt-palooggoo cheap funny tasting grog, hmmmmmmm indeed.
    Could it be poisoned? BY COLE?! The feared spokesperson of the Twisted Knife!?!? Who are only spoken of "in hushed and fearful tones over flickering candles of some squalid drinking den". Who also happens to be the beholder of a cursed whispering chest?! He's poisoned pirates before...
    If I accuse enough characters Ive got to get one right.

  • Well, seeing how Duke has clearly used Order of Souls sorcery to duplicate himself and hang out at every outpost simultaneously, I would guess that some mystical disaster may be on the horizon.

    With any luck he'll have enough time to build up his magical reserves and execute the dreaded "Duke-Swarm" spell. Even the Elder Ones would think twice before facing a massive tidal wave of Dukes.

  • I’m hoping these subtle hints point to the potion shop being opened up

  • Well, seeing his sad face , i think that a very clumsy Pirate has stepped on his rat...But there's no need for a riot , i took it to the hospital and it will recover fully....No Serious now ( * Can you, really?,moron) , maybe this is a prelude on things to come...Maybe Rare is in all silence and secrecy making a new DLC wich contains a story , a story that even frighten a renown, battlehardened Bilge Rat Pirate as Duke , ...who knows....But i'm sure that time will tell...soon.

  • he's standing by the stairs to the second floor, maybe he's waiting for that guy from the arena to come?

  • He heard about this Arena place and knows his business is about to die.

  • the tavern has a second floor, even captain Falcor spoke about it in his videos

  • Duke indeed seems to be weary of the seas currently, this to me is a teaser for the new upcoming faction "The Sea Dogs"

    Would make perfect sense to me that Duke be frightful of a Competitive PvP oriented faction considering the "Bilge Rats" stand for Adventure and not taking oneself or Pirate life all too seriously more "follow your nose adventure seeking".
    Maybe he or his crew have spotted DeMarco Singh whilst out on his usual adventures and now he cowers in a Tavern corner knowing the upheaval to the current state of Piracy in the Sea Of Thieves he shall bring upon his arrival.

  • @biter-wylie said in What's the matter with Duke?:

    He heard about this Arena place and knows his business is about to die.

    Thats it!
    He thinks his business is going to sink under the waves because of Demarco and his sea dogs coming to the sea!
    That would explain why he's worried!

  • @ixxolos

    Hmmm, would seem a little out of character for someone who up till now has encouraged us to attack haunted ships, hunt down terrible sea monsters, and blast magical cannonballs at each other all in the name of a vague sense of "adventure".

    It'd be kinda odd if Duke was shying away from conflict now.

  • @hudson-rl yes it was, seems duke is just scared for skelliships visiting the outpost ;)

  • Yes true indeed he has had all of the aforementioned adventures. The Reaper Flag and Pink Lantern Colour have been oriented solely PvP focused additions and none i'd class as in the spirit of Competition, only Adventure.

    Therefore i lean more towards him being fraught with worry for what is to become of his fellow Bilge Rat Brethren.
    (i'd tag you in the reply V Hombre but the system says your name is a banned word)

  • Duke just might be a little on edge because there isn't a grand adventure to be had this week. Nothing too special is going on, and the Bilge Rats seem like those kinds of people who need to always be doing something.

  • @blam320

    True, for someone so gung-ho about crazy adventures, having nothing to do WOULD be a bit embarrassing.

  • Perhaps he is embarrassed about not having anything to do.

  • @sgt-palooggoo ok you do you

  • Wonder what going to happen next

  • @sgt-palooggoo

    He’s scared a pirate legend will come inside and double gun him to the ground.

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