Sea Of Thieves cross platform related

  • I'll be glad when K/M support comes to Xbox for this game so these complaints are no longer valid. At the current state though, PvP can be frustrating for console players - I get it. There are things you can do to prevent this from happening though. You should always be scanning the horizon for incoming ships. It's easy to get a head start on hostile ships if you're paying close attention.

    You probably shouldn't have had 4 hours worth of loot on your ship if you weren't prepared to lose it. I'd sort of treat it like going to the casino. Say you walk in with $100. After 3 hours of gambling you are up to $400. Not bad. But it isn't yours until you cash in those chips for the real thing. Do you keep gambling your winnings or do you cash in now?

    Every time you are proposed with the question "Should I head to the outpost or move on to the next island?" treat it like a gamble. Do I cash in and earn my winnings now, or do I gamble it and save a little time in my journey by cashing everything in at the end?

  • @sort-out-xplay

    ?? Maybe bc you are not getting a slideshow on screen while playing pc.

    I don’t know, I’ve came to the conclusion that mouse and keyboard is the best way to play games, but it’s not everyone’s preferred method. And there are moving parts going on behind scenes while you play that compensate which input or internet speed or ping w/e a player has. So I just don’t see this advantage.

    We are talking about motion resolution here.

    I go against pc players all the time, I can tell bc of game chat volume or them texting and have no issues killing them with my controller. Or if I die I think why and usually it’s bc I think of how I made a mistake or bc of an exploit.

    Maybe you play better on pc bc I started on Xbox then switched and just had a better understanding of the game and how everything works in turn making you a better player??

    Agree or disagree, but I am just stating my honest opinion about my playtime.

    And I meant no disrespect with the negative comment, thought it was funny. My bad.

  • @sort-out-xplay said in Sea Of Thieves cross platform related:

    I'm glad to see that this topic is still being widely discussed.
    I'm sad to see that the same old faces are coming to derail the threads & lie to preserve their advantages & bait & troll to try & get the threads closed.
    Still Rare does nothing about these members & does even less about the issue of unfair crossplay!!

    No one is trying to derail anything, you're just claiming that because logic and facts are not helping your point of view.

    I don't discount that the PC has way better looking graphics, but come on man, the PC graphics card for those High end PC's that can have those graphics costs more than an X-box enhanced..

    Let that sink in for a moment,, the graphics card is more expensive than the entire X-box, and you have not even purchased all the other internal components yet..

    Additionally the X-box vs the X-box Enhanced is a massive difference in graphics as well, the draw distance alone on the Enhanced is monumentally better. If rare was really thinking they would give the Enhanced a 60 FPS 1080P mode you could select over the 4K 30 FPS mode.. That would give you essentially the same graphical resolution that PC users have; most of them game at 1080P from what I read because 4K even on the best machines does not offer very good frame rates, and 4K gaming is apparently a massive waste of money..

    Top this off with the only REAL advantage the PC guys have being double sound channels for chat; something WE can actually also take advantage of by using our cell phone and a 3rd party app to communicate while our X-box mic is "OFF" allowing us to hear all, and speak with out being discovered.

    The mythical PC advantage is more mythical than it is real.. I have seen a good PC first hand playing Sea of Thieves, and it looks beautiful, but the reality is that the player makes the game, not the machine the player is on.

  • @d3adst1ck
    Don't want pc trolls harassing my main account thank you, went down that road before!
    I'm discussing the issue m8, what are you bringing to the table?

  • @swimplatypus7
    What the hell has cost of a gfx card got to do with the various issues we are bringing up?
    I don't care if the pc users want to spend silly money on a rig, that's up to them.
    I bought a console to be on a fair a level playing field with other console players - let that sink in for a moment!

    PC players have a host of advantages m8, these have been listed here & in the millions of threads on the internet regarding the same thing.
    If you don't think there is an issue why do you find it necessary to get involved in the discussion?

  • @sort-out-xplay said in Sea Of Thieves cross platform related:

    What the hell has cost of a gfx card got to do with the various issues we are bringing up?
    I don't care if the pc users want to spend silly money on a rig, that's up to them.
    I bought a console to be on a fair a level playing field with other console players - let that sink in for a moment!

    PC players have a host of advantages m8, these have been listed here & in the millions of threads on the internet regarding the same thing.
    If you don't think there is an issue why do you find it necessary to get involved in the discussion?

    I make that point because you fully do not understand the actual advantage that PC has and X-box enhanced in theory can mirror.

    Big deal you purchased and X-box like the eleventy billion other players like you and I. Problem with this is; not all X-box are even remotely equal, if you don't understand why I hope that you would do some research to understand why this is and why there is no such thing as an even playing field even if we had such a mythical X-box only server.

    Then take into consideration that the X-box Elite controller I have is a massive advantage over the standard controller because I have fast access to everything I need while players on the standard controller are going to be using menu support for some of their tools even if they re-map for a far better experience.

    Most of the so called "PC Advantage" does not apply in Sea of Thieves because the pace and speed of the game is too slow for those advantages to actually work. This is something you would know if you ever had competed in REAL competitive gaming; and I assure you this game is not even close.

  • @swimplatypus7
    I have an Xbox OG, A One X & a PC.
    I can tell the difference & see the advantages & have been able to for a long while.
    What advantage does the elite controller give? The 2 paddles cant be mapped as extra buttons. It's not like a keyboard or gaming mouse where you can hotkey nearly everything!

    By it's nature a game is competitive!
    Why this keeps getting said is just stupid. If i invest 2 hours questing & have that wiped out in 2mins by a pc player then those advantages do matter! That's why these threads won't ever stop.
    The load times between xbox's is minimal compared to the gulf in difference with a half decent pc.

    My mouse has 8 buttons i can remap. I can remap all my keyboard keys. I have a much better refresh rate on my pc, the game looks prettier & runs smoother.
    But i choose to play on my one x with a controller on a tv, if i want to continue doing that i shouldn't have to be disadvantaged doing so.

  • @sort-out-xplay said in Sea Of Thieves cross platform related:

    Don't want pc trolls harassing my main account thank you, went down that road before!
    I'm discussing the issue m8, what are you bringing to the table?

    Sounds more like you are possibly a troll dodging a ban or don't want to risk more strikes on your actual account.

  • @sort-out-xplay said in Sea Of Thieves cross platform related:

    I have an Xbox OG, A One X & a PC.
    I can tell the difference & see the advantages & have been able to for a long while.
    What advantage does the elite controller give? The 2 paddles cant be mapped as extra buttons. It's not like a keyboard or gaming mouse where you can hotkey nearly everything!

    By it's nature a game is competitive!
    Why this keeps getting said is just stupid. If i invest 2 hours questing & have that wiped out in 2mins by a pc player then those advantages do matter! That's why these threads won't ever stop.
    The load times between xbox's is minimal compared to the gulf in difference with a half decent pc.

    My mouse has 8 buttons i can remap. I can remap all my keyboard keys. I have a much better refresh rate on my pc, the game looks prettier & runs smoother.
    But i choose to play on my one x with a controller on a tv, if i want to continue doing that i shouldn't have to be disadvantaged doing so.

    You're intentionally deceptive in that. Yes you can indeed map those bottom paddles, thing is you map them as D-pad buttons so that your access to tools changes, etc never need be interrupted by movement. That is a massive advantage that you clearly don't appear to accept.

    Sure it would be nice if the button mapping was improved but at least I don't need to use the menu to select the most important tools on the fly.

    It's my opinion that either you're intentionally deceptive or unwilling to innovate to compete.

  • @d3adst1ck
    Think what you like m8 :)
    I am adding to a debate that has been going on for ages & won't just miraculously go away!
    You are the one coming into the discussion with no intent to add anything, just solely to cause unrest & bait an argument.

  • @swimplatypus7
    Not being deceptive at all. I'm being blunt & honest.
    I don't own an elite controller, but was aware that the paddles could only be mapped as other buttons, not extra buttons.
    So you can map bananas or planks to a paddle instead of the dpad. It's not quite the same as being able to hit someone with a sword, jump over them, change weapon in mid air & shoot them in the back of the head before the poor controller user has even managed to turn around is it??
    You are just unwilling to accept there is an issue & that's fine, but don't try & say there is no advantage or that it they don't matter because of the pace of the game or because it isn't competitive, as that is just a crock of....

  • @swimplatypus7
    Agree with your entire post except what you said about 4k gaming... as it’s not the standard yet it soon will be. That said my rig runs anything I throw at it right now 4k 60fps and hdr if available . It will run higher frames than 60 but my oled only accepts 4k 60hz or 1080p 120hz.

    Either way 4k hdr IMO is leaps and bounds better than 1080p granted you have the beast to run it.

    Currently playing SoT at 1080p 120hz bc there is no hdr support on pc and the motion resolution is soooo much better at 120, lol.

  • @sort-out-xplay said in Sea Of Thieves cross platform related:

    Not being deceptive at all. I'm being blunt & honest.
    I don't own an elite controller, but was aware that the paddles could only be mapped as other buttons, not extra buttons.
    So you can map bananas or planks to a paddle instead of the dpad. It's not quite the same as being able to hit someone with a sword, jump over them, change weapon in mid air & shoot them in the back of the head before the poor controller user has even managed to turn around is it??
    You are just unwilling to accept there is an issue & that's fine, but don't try & say there is no advantage or that it they don't matter because of the pace of the game or because it isn't competitive, as that is just a crock of....

    You don't know what a massive advantage that is because you don't play with it. The difference in your ability to respond to a situation is massive.

    Additionally the Elite controller unlike the standard controller allows to to massively increase the sensitivity of the controller input to be "hair trigger" meaning your response time is only matched by the most expensive keyboard and mouse; not overcome by it. It's possible that the Elite controller is actually better when set up correctly.

    There is a lot you can do with the elite controller, and its well worth the $150 USD for the advantage that it provides. Also as time goes on the capability will only increase, the firmware will get updated and the number of buttons we can bind will expand by 4; this is only a matter of time, not "IF".

    The massive advantage to those back 4 button locations is that we can stay on the stick while swaping weapons, access to banana, or whatever your hearts desire without any need to take our thumbs off the control; this is where the Elite controller absolutely dominates the standard controller.

    As for the supposed disparity between a mouse and keyboard and the Elite controller, sorry I have played on both my buddies top end PC and the Elite, and the controller is seriously very good. Mouse and Keyboard is nice, but it's not the advantage that players claim.

    This old argument does hold true for REAL competitive FPS combat games, but this Sea of Thieves is not even remotely in that arena. Even when Rare finally ships arena play, it will NEVER be a real combat FPS at any point ever, nor should any one be so foolish as to think it can be an "E-sport" of any kind..

    Furthermore you really don't want Sea of Thieves to become an E-sport of any kind; that's how you destroy a video game and transform it from fun to poison.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Sea Of Thieves cross platform related:

    @sort-out-xplay said in Sea Of Thieves cross platform related:

    As usual baiting & trolling, the name calling & derogatory language comes in trying to derail any real discussion!
    Swiftly in there to censor it guys ;)

    I'm not sure you can really complain about baiting and trolling from a new user account created specifically to "discuss" a certain issue.

    Nothing wrong with discussing an issue though?
    I’ve been eyeing a lot of these new accounts of both sides repeatedly and reporting if any of them start taking a negative turn.
    And while I don’t see everything, from what I have seen he’s been making points rather than trying to start arguments.
    I’m pretty sure the mods are probably keeping a very close eye also.
    He’s done no baiting or trolling that I’ve seen.

    Also on topic I still can’t believe there’s people who say there’s no difference between using a keyboard and mouse and a controller! I actually can’t tell if these people are serious or not?!?! Haha

  • @knifelife said in Sea Of Thieves cross platform related:

    He’s done no baiting or trolling that I’ve seen.

    His first appearance in this very thread was this post (which you liked, btw):

    I'm glad to see that this topic is still being widely discussed.
    I'm sad to see that the same old faces are coming to derail the threads & lie to preserve their advantages & bait & troll to try & get the threads closed.
    Still Rare does nothing about these members & does even less about the issue of unfair crossplay!!

    The very first appearance in this thread is trying to bait people by calling out the "same old faces".

    I haven't reported any of these dubious accounts because I would think that the mods would have dealt with them on their own, but I guess that's the state of the forums right now.

  • @d3adst1ck I say that everyday pretty much and it’s true. There is a group of people who are not interested in having a discussion and just jump on the threads to derail them and try and get people’s views censored.

    I wouldn’t say that’s trolling I would say that a fact. Why do you think nearly every crossplay thread gets locked.

    It’s because instead of everyone discussing, sharing ideas and trying to find solutions which can Benifit us all. There’s a sub group who baits trolls and starts arguments (On both sides) and it ruins the topic and conversation where it descends Into arguments.

    And you need to do something wrong first to get banned. I’ve reported accounts on both sides and they do get banned, after they violate the rules.

  • I wouldn’t say that’s trolling I would say that a fact. Why do you think nearly every crossplay thread gets locked.

    @knifelife They get locked because the same people on both sides post the same thing over and over and eventually it devolves into namecalling and arguing.

    It doesn't matter if what he said was true or not, its 100% trying to bait the same people into the same argument and he's doing it with an account created specifically for that purpose, both of which are against the rules.

    The only ideas being presented anymore are just adding opt-out. If that's the only solution, there is nothing left to discuss.

  • @d3adst1ck I believe we will just have to agree to disagree on this matter than. As it seems to be about our opinions rather than facts.
    I guess it’s down to the moderators to cast judgement.

    But generally issues don’t go away untill they are addressed. #HiDevs

    Also I don’t recommend opt out. Scroll up and take a look at my ideas :)

  • @d3adst1ck
    Not 'calling out' anyone, i was merely stating a fact that the same people keep doing the same things on these types of threads & pointing out that Rare has done nothing about them & have done even less about facing up to the crossplay issue. Therefore my post also contained some feedback, so regardless of what you want to think, i was adding to the discussion.
    I have bit my lip up until now, but enough is enough! This topic needs to be put to rest & the only way that is going to happen is if Rare step up & say something. Instead we get silence from them & more users end up getting banned because of these situations.
    Users are allowed to have multiple accounts m8, it's not against the rules. I told you i'd rather not have any recourse taken by said 'trolls' on my main account. I don't intend to break any rules as this could jeopardise my main account, & that is something i don't want to happen.

    We all know & can see you are against any form of crossplay option, but your attitude towards those that still want to discuss the topic is just plain rude.
    If you have nothing else to say on the matter why do you still find it necessary to comment?

  • @knifelife
    Thank you for sticking up for me m8 ;)
    It just really grinds my gears when any form of crossplay discussion is shutdown because of stupid arguments all the time.
    I don't want any hassle on my main account, so made an alternate one for sensitive topics, not to flout or break any rules as deadstick is implying.

  • @swimplatypus7
    I'm not being funny m8, but there is enough research done on KB+M vs Controller with results widely available.
    All results show that a controller cannot compete with a KB+M. I'm sorry m8, they just cant!
    That is why every other crossplay game separates pc from console or KB+M from controller.
    It is common knowledge.
    Fair enough the elite controller may offer a small advantage over a standard controller, but KB+M beats them all by a huge margin! (even your expensive controller ;) )

  • @sort-out-xplay said in Sea Of Thieves cross platform related:

    We all know & can see you are against any form of crossplay option, but your attitude towards those that still want to discuss the topic is just plain rude.

    Well now you're just making things up.

    If you have nothing else to say on the matter why do you still find it necessary to comment?

    I commented because I found it hypocritical for an alt account to be calling other people baiting trolls.

    The crossplay discussion is over for me, I don't care anymore. Rare will do what they figure needs to be done.

  • @d3adst1ck Just to be clear, I made a very real suggestion on a way to balance the game that would be fair without the opt-out. But each time someone attacks it because they don't like the fact that it would limit them. The only way to make it equal across the board is a limitation on all that is fair to all. Sadly, many view this as an attack on them. It is not, it is an honest suggest for a legit problem. I think if you ask anyone out there, if cross play was made so that everyone was on equal footing, or close to it, then no one would be against it.

  • @nofears-fun Its clear that the only option for some people is to just segregate themselves away from PC users no matter what and no other solution is possible. At this point, I say let them.

  • @d3adst1ck I know, and you are right, there will always be reasons people make that argument. But I for one would like to find a real solution that could work. Let's face it, while SoT is a PvEvP game where PvP can happen, when compared to other PvP type games, it is fairly casual. From a month or so after launch until the end of the year I had played over 2,200 hours in SoT. So calling it casual doesn't seem like giving it justice. But fact is, it is not nearly as intense as other games out there. So for me, setting limits that bind everyone to the same max abilities seems like a fair solution across the board. I have some friends that play on PC, and even I play on both PC and Xbox, so ending cross play just doesn't feel like a great solution.

  • @nofears-fun I think the use of the terms “Casual” and “Hardcore” to describe games are very suggestive and are not a good way to to catergorise them.

    I feel it doesn’t particularly do the games justice as what may be a “Hardcore tryhard” game to me (Like OW for example) is another persons game where they will jump on for some light laughs and a bit of fun.

    SoT is unique in the sense I don’t feel it particularly fits into any of those genres as well yes it can be light hearted and fun, but at the same time if you have a ship full of treasure and are being chased and have people trying to steal it you are going to try your absolute best to prevent that from happening.


  • @knifelife I agree and didn't mean to imply it is not intense at times. Simply meant the game mechanics themselves make it less hardcore than other games. And by that I mean the importance of say a head shot is meaningless in SoT, where other PvP games it has a great deal of importance. So being a better shot to the point of being able to do headshots doesn't benefit you in SoT.

  • @nofears-fun Ohh i wasn’t refuting anything you said mate aha.
    I just saw the conversation and being the rude pirate I am just thought I would throw my ten cents in :P

    At the end of the day I don’t think any of us is right or wrong, it’s suggestive and changes depending on the person.

    But I do get what you mean when you say about no damage amplifiers on headshots ect. Although it’s my guess that would have been implemented in an attempt to balance crossplay.
    Although I could be wrong.

  • @nofears-fun no worries thete mate ending cross-play will never happen just a option to turn it off when you're not using it would be greatly appreciated

  • @swimplatypus7 I use plumbers tape. it doesn't have any sticky stuff that will mess your TV up and it stays on the TV just fine : )

  • @d3adst1ck said in Sea Of Thieves cross platform related:

    @sort-out-xplay said in Sea Of Thieves cross platform related:

    If you have nothing else to say on the matter why do you still find it necessary to comment?

    I commented because I found it hypocritical for an alt account to be calling other people baiting trolls.

    The crossplay discussion is over for me, I don't care anymore. Rare will do what they figure needs to be done.

    So because you assume that everyone with an alt account is a ban dodger or a troll, & you find the need to disrupt any discussion they are in, call them out & bait them into an argument.
    That makes perfect sense & is perfectly rational isn't it?
    @Deckhands @Quartermasters - I don't think it's fair that @D3ADST1CK is allowed to throw those types of accusations at me for no reason. Surely that's against the pirate code?

  • I only assume people who have a username similar to "Sort Out Xplay" that suddenly appear and post consistently in crossplay related threads are here to ban dodge or bait and troll - there is definitely a good reason to assume this based on that information, don't you think?

  • @d3adst1ck
    So now its because of my GT or my choice of topic to post on?
    Still makes no difference m8, what you did is exactly what you are trying to accuse me of.

  • @sort-out-xplay This is my only account, so no. Try to follow the conversation.

  • @d3adst1ck
    You called me out with your accusations & then tried baiting me into an argument with the way you spoke about me to @KnifeLife. Very hypocritical.
    Please try to keep up now

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