• ahoy you all, welcome to see my ideas for the sea of thieves
    ive make a big idea list for what would be fun or interesting.

    you can read all ideas below, ignore some misspelled words, English isnt my primair language.
    let me know what you liked and would you kindly not use toxic behavior
    i try to answer questions after you read it

    ideas sea of thieves 2

    made by Sjoerd Derks

    note: i made the first part around before the cursed sails update (the second big update) and some ideas about old the note are in the game (not inspired by me, there were just higly
    requested by the entire community) and some ideas became bad, let just say we won't see double flintlock pistols anytime soon thanks due the double gun issue.
    some ideas are wil be brought back and updated: weapons and crew roles.
    and of course new ideas that came up in mind.


    MALLET: the mallet (first named giant hammer) is a heavy swing melee weapon, it can hit multiple targets but slower and has a difrent damage dealt, 25% less damage against rival pirates
    and leaf skelletons, however 25% more damage against the other skeletons, the mallet wil knockback you enemy to makes space or even knock them of the ship or of the cliff.
    the the right click will be a charged 360 swing.
    the mallet is alternate melee weapon of choice, as the cutlass is almost a must have in bassicly every fight, so a nice new melee weapon to make fight more uique.
    MUSKET: the musket is bassicly a eye of reach but it has a bayonet (dagger) instead of a scope, when you run out of bullets the musket will be used as a spear thanks to the bayonet.
    FIST: fist can be used against other pirates and even your own crewmates, however it does bearly damage; the first punch is a right, then a left punch, and last a right uppercut.
    hit all in that order your oponent wil go in a sleep animation for around 5 seconds (there knocked out), the right click will be blocking.
    the perfect choice when a fight breaks out in the tarven, or proof who is the strongest of the crew, you equip your fist by having a empty weapon slot, amputy hooks are alowed.
    carful with fisting your crew, the brig exist and don't use it to gold skeletons, thats unafective.
    MEATHOOKS: bassicly a upgrade to fist but without knockout sleep and use against crewmates, does around the same damage as cutlass but shorter range, the knockout sleep is replaced by
    extra damage, if you a have a amputy hook, the meat hook will attach with ropes.
    LOOSE CANNON: only used by cannoneer (see crew roles), the loose cannon is a smaller cannon that can be carried on land, requires cannonballs as ammo, also cursed cannonbals.
    be carful with it your movement is slower due to weight, and can damage your own ship when hitting it.


    every pirate has their own skills, one at sailing and the other is better in combat.
    support the skill of the crews with giving the roles and abilities
    each crew can only have one role each (like no four captains)
    whatever class you choose, it will not give you a disadvantige in other stuff in the game like you can still fight as a navigator, the role says what you prefer with supporive abilities.
    you choose role before you set sail, you can change your role at the my crew menu

    these are the roles you can choose
    -the captain (control)
    -the first mate (sailing)
    -the navigator (sailing)
    -the quartermaster (combat)
    -the cannonist (combat)
    -the scout (support)
    -the hunter (support)
    -the survivor (survival)

    -steers the wheel faster
    -throws/release crew mate from brig
    -other crew member can desite if they spawn on ship or captain

    the captain is about having the lead, teamwork and control.
    with leading comes with steering, steers galleon like a briggatine, steers brigatine like a sloop.
    the open crews can break the pirate code often, breaking the code will must be punished, so the captain can throw them in the brig faster then a chicken on grog.
    to prevent this going work against good behavior players, the cannot be chozen in the my crew menu on open crews, its still possible in closed crews if you captain friend comes later.
    by by choosing to spawn near the captain the captain bassicly summons his crew (but the rest of the crew must being dammend first you cant overused it in the arena)

    the captain can not be used on a sloop due the lack of crewmates there can the sloop
    take the wheel and lead your crew to succes

    -fix damage faster
    -handles ship movement better

    the first mate is responsible for the ship, hoisting and turning sails and raising anchor is were they best at, making your ship always ready for anything.
    especially with new form of ship damage, the crew will be grand having the first mate around in nasty situations.
    even if your a lone wolf alone at see you manouver through the sea of thieves.

    -having a passive compas on the upper right corner of the screen
    -has full control of the seamap of the ship

    feeling lost? the navigator helps out.
    when someone is using the map, you can still scearh and mark for yourself.
    buried treasures are not save for you, even it is on wanderes refuge.
    the the passive compass will look like the compas you have equipt

    -hold 3 weapons

    as master in combat, the quatermaster shows no fear to their enemies.
    with 3 hold, the quatermaster is able to stay longer in a fightwhen the situation change.
    but dont let your guard down, cause skeletons can defeat you like any other

    -cannot blow away form cannon
    -able to equip the loose cannon

    just as the quartermaster the cannonsist is ready for a fight, however they prefer heavy atilery
    as expert in cannons they are the only ones to use the loose cannon or else the arena has only cannonballs flying around.
    i keep quartermaster and cannonsist seperated roles so the crew have a choice wich combat they prefer.
    and if you really a combat crew, of course two crewmates can choose those roles, wich one it will become its up to the crew itself.

    2.6 THE SCOUT
    -faster sprint speed
    -faster ladder climb up

    the scout must be fast to explore land and sea, sprinting and climbing it shall be
    with the fast ladder climb you can reach crowsnest and top of island quickly to see far on the sea.
    with a quick sprint you will be head first on situations, discover lslands or a quick runaway.

    2.7 THE HUNTER
    -reels fishing rod faster
    -catch animals instandly

    with the call of the hunt availible, making the hunter role was possible to make.
    for big crews the hunter makes sure there is food on the plate.
    if you alone? the hunter will still be viable to get all the fish for yourself and sell some to merrick
    by fast catching animals the hunter is recommend for merchant voyages.
    as hunter you catch small fish instantly, big fish are a more challenging

    -regens health slowly
    -spend less time on the fessel of the dammed

    for lone pirates only.
    it can be hard for without a crew in a big dangerous ocean.
    yet the small sloop is still a big target.
    luckily the survivor survives the chaos and get the treasure back to outpost.
    the survivor role will into a random role if someone is joining in the crew
    the reason the survivor is for the lone sailor is because the role will be to dominant on a actual crew


    with the sea of thieves getting bigger new threats will apear
    new monster and others will pop out the the depths

    from the kraken to megladons to skeleton ships to the kraken again we have now sea serpents
    like the megladons the diffrent ones but there not five, only with the names Toirneach (means thunder in irish) and Deataigh (means smoke in iris).

    both: the serpent will apear just like the meg popping up out of the sea, however the serpent a bit deeper in the water slithering around the ship.
    once the serpent pop out ready your guns cause the serpent is a about to attack.
    the serpent will do three moves: wrap, bite or spit.
    the wrap: the serpent wraps over the ship and is gonna crush and squeez the hull, making holes
    to stop the rap is to slice the tail or shoot the head of the serpent
    the bite is biting a pirate or the mast, when ship moves in full sail, the serpent bites the mast causing the mast to collapse.
    if not he tries to bite a pirate or even you, to avoid it move away when the serpent opens its mouth.
    by spit the serpents leans his head above the ship, toirneah and deataigh have there own kind of spits.

    Toirneach: toir is apears most of the time in clear water like shores of plenty and ancient isles.
    like the name said toir's spit is thunder, spitting a lighting strike.
    thunder spit does many damage on pirates when hit, if you die at the thunderspit you get the white flame of fate.

    Deataigh: unlike Toirneach, Deataigh prefers the wilder waters like the wilds and the devils roar.
    Deataigh's spit is smoke, creating a smoke cloud around the ship.
    the smoke does damage on players inside the cloud. if you die at the smoke, you get a purple flame or a red one (don't know wich i diside to do).
    the smoke takes a while to dissapear.

    reward: if you defeat one of the serpents you will be rewarded.
    bilgerat coins and achievements for defeating either Toirneach or Deataigh and both.
    just like meg and kraken after defeat of one serpents, loot will apear in the water.

    can you survive and defeat the serpents of the sea of thieves?

    its time that skeleton lords get the ships ready to sail
    lords like; flamehart, warsmith (wanda), the gold hoarder and even more even lords that apear the trailers
    of course there a bit more rare then normal crew but their of course stronger then normal

    the goldhoarder has golden plates on his ship, making those parts inmume.
    warsmith has one more cannon on each side of her ship, dont get in her sidelines!
    some skeleton lords can have a fast ship, comming closer and let its crew even board your ship.
    and flamehart is stonger in overal, sailing with a real man o war.

    in short the skeleton lords can do some outside the tall tales, sailing around and terror

    the infamous ghostship arrives at the sea of thieves.
    unlike other threats, this is a threat you can't fight back, the dutchman fights everthing in its path, even unfortunate (skeleton) ships who came by.
    it will apear when pickup this item: the barrel of past letters.
    the barrel of past letters is a rare item thats worth a lot when selling it to either the order of souls or if you are pirate legend to athenas fortune
    when picking up the barrel a storm apears above your head and the race of life and death starts.
    you need to escape the storm and the dutchman, the dutchman wil stay in the storm and as ghostship its uneffected by the storm.
    if you succeed to deliver the barrel of past letters to a outpost, the storm and the dutchman will dissapear.


    4 THE ARENA!!!!!

    the arene now in sea of thieves, some extra modes would be fun.

    -swordfight 1v1: two players fights of with only a cutlass, the winner gets a bit seadog reputation and others can even bet gold for who wins.
    -3v1 treasure hunt: one crew hides a chest, the 3 other crews need to work togheter to find it on time.
    -traditional guncontest 1v1: flintlock pistol only, two prirates back to back, then walk ten stepsfoward, then turnaround and shoot, the pirate with the best hit wins.
    score: head 3 points
    chest 2 points
    limb 1 point

    in short: the mode what we now have is just a start what you can do in the arena, i hope there can be more modes for the arena in the future.

    my crew has struggle a bit because we are with five and around time one of us cant play.
    and new ship types can give crews choice wich ship there the most confortible with.

    the new four man crew ship with two mast and with 3 sails each and 3 canons on each side.
    only one floor on underneath deck however the captains room is like the sloop between deck and the underfloor.
    the galleon will become a five man crew ship.

    the six man crew with 3 mast with the front and middle with 3 sails and the back with only 2.
    having to floors underneath deck and the captains room is big enough for bed, vote table and the map table.

    with crews from 2 to 6 making will make balance issuses, a 1 vs 6 is unfair of course.
    it gives me doubts if the man-o-war is a good plan

    some small ideas from forums and friends.
    -new shanties and instruments: some new songs to play with new intruments to make big music bands, we see clues of a playable banjo
    -cursed chest: one that can walk away or summons enemies
    -keeping chickens, pigs and snakes as pets on the ship without in cages. FREE LARRY

    ive played sea of thieves since beta and is my favorite game of 2018.
    with the hungering deep and shrouded spoils my two favorite updates, the future of sea of thieves looks bright.
    i hope you like my ideas and that some or all ideas can make an apearence in sea of thieves.

    happy sailing and goodbye

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  • @tedgie2574 I gotta say i do not like any of these ideas 😣

  • @tedgie2574
    I like your weapon ideas, but I don't think a class system would work. What about randos? They would be even worse, and I like that you can do whatever you want in the ship. The only class system you need is the skills you learn for this game irl.
    I like your sea serpent idea, it should definitely be a red flame for the smoke, pink is for pvp. I think skeleton lords should stay in tall tales, but if Rare wants to add skelly lord ship, I wouldn't complain. The flying Dutchman is also a cool cursed item. Maybe it could be based off of a skull.
    I don't think we need bigger ships, galleon vs sloop is bad enough.
    The duels should just be an option for your crew imo instead of an arena mode.

  • @blazedrake100 i made the crew abillities quite minor so that you can still everything however the roles gives you a small bonus in combat or sailing, you can still be a better fighter as navigator then your quartermaster for expample.
    my only regret is that i should look more in a open crews eyes.
    the legendary skelleton crews can still be a part in tall tales, a madame from the order of souls sent you to a location at sea to fight or maybe they can be a boss for the skeleton fleeds.

    as i said ive doubts for the man-o-war, the friggit and 5 man galleon idea was to solve the 5th wheel problem

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