It's time in the next developer update to talk about cross play

  • Come on rare it's time to tell us when this is coming or put it to bed and say it's not coming ever so either console players like me who have been waiting for it to look forward to playing the game again or if not we can move on uninstall this game and sell our copies cos we are never getting it it's a hot topic has been for a while and sitting on the fence about it and doing anything it's time you addresses this issue and give a firm time frame or its not gonna happen

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  • Or you improve against PC players?

    I rarely struggle against anyone when im on Xbox so i feel like you and others complaining about crossplay aren't good enough on the game and wants to blame something except themselfs.

  • If your looking to play SoT for the long term, you may just want to upgrade your hardware.

    SoT is a pc game that xbox can play.

  • @itz-majman the usual get good response then followed by the community nonsense rare promised optional cross play that's what me and alot of players want if you wanna remain in the mixed pool good for you but it coming upto a year nearly since they said ina developer update they was working on it and we still don't have for adventure they need to either deliver or don't and tell us which it is gonna be on the opposite end don't you want this resolved one way or the other

  • @tak225
    Agreed, they should say:
    No, its not going to happen, ever,
    This is the timeframe and this is the method of implementation we are working on.

    At least we could then have a discussion from a different perspective.

  • @barnabas-seadog nah I will stick with my X1 I am a console players and only wanna play all games with other controller users if they wanna do matchmaking via input method that would be something at least even tho alot of pc players would cheat with xim but it's time we heard something official about this they need to tell us who want this if it's coming or not and if it is give a firm time frame

  • @pomalotacusmk3 agreed no matter what side of the fence you sit on at least they could be honest and let us know what's going on I am tired of waiting for this update and I don't think it needs a year to implement they need to tell us and if it's happening tell us when or say it's not what they want from the game this cross play issue is not only this game Xbox game studios messed up gears social modes with this and will probably destroy halo infinite with this and as a console user I don't want cross play with mouse and keyboard players most of all

  • @tak225 you mean the cross play opt out they released recently in arena ?

  • @callmebackdraft yeah still not got it for adventure tho

  • I would rather they continue to work on it and make sure it's ready before they commit to making any kind of announcement that they may not be able to keep.

    Be patient and keep practicing. It'll come or it won't. Either way, being a game, it's not really worth stressing out over.

  • I have to agree with the OP, there has been a mega thread, COUNTLESS other threads and posts regarding crossplay on every social media outlet constantly.

    I think it might be time for Rare to address this issue publicly. It's not going away. And with zero information one way or the other, it never will.

    It's clear this is, and has been a 🔥 hot 🔥 topic for a long time now.

    Why the continued silence?

  • @needsmokes It is a hot topic, but it's important to understand the difference between what's wanted and what's needed. The mob doesn't always know what's best, and can often be used to destroy something beautiful that they never fully understood...

  • @galactic-geek

    I agree with you.
    But zero reference to such a discussed topic from Rare is not helping anyone and is just causing more fractures between platforms than anything else.

    They are working in it, or it isn't required. But the silence is deafening.

  • @needsmokes They haven't been silent; only reserved. I'm fairly certain they've already commented on it. They've essentially said they're looking into it. It's not ideal, but it's the best stance they can give right now, and the only 1 you're going to get until they have something more concrete.

  • @galactic-geek

    How many months ago was that?

    This isn't going away. Only they can stop this one way or another.

  • @needsmokes Stop what? People's complaints over their own lack of skill? It's Rare's game and the numbers and data they're getting are likely showing a strong and healthy pirate community, along with relatively balanced gameplay between equally skilled crews.

    This is nothing more than sensationalist fake news, IMO, that's coming from a largely ignorant, misinformed, and unskilled mob.

    More people today than ever before are ignoring the experts, and are following a false narrative that they can easily agree with - that's a mistake on their part, I think. They should be following facts and evidence presented by the experts in the field, and not from their equally ignorant peers.

    If Rare isn't talking, it's probably because there isn't an issue at all - only a perceived 1...

  • I regularly play against pc players. I win most fights. Input device doesn't translate to skill. I for making crossplay permanent and not optional

  • @captain-coel good for you then stay in the mixed pool of players but I have not played this game in months because of forced cross play rare said they would give us opt out and I think it's time to deliver or be honest about it not coming so I can stop worrying about this game at all anymore plus as a Xbox gamer of over 270 thousand gamerscore this has wider implications they messed up gears social modes with cross play and will probably mess up halo infinite and future titles if there not giving us the option then it's time to make playstation my main platform of play as a console gamer I should always have a choice

  • @tak225 if you haven't played in months just dont come back. The world of gaming is better when we game together. Xbox/Ps/Pc/Switch/Mobile we are all gamers and should pay together. The next generation of consoles are going to have more crossplay than we have seen before. It doesn't need to be an opt out.

  • @captain-coel nope think I will request what I want and the world is not always better when we game together cross play especially with pc needs to be implemented carefully I have seen loads of people complain about the cross play in gears 5 and this gears players are now forced to play in ranked to opt out cos of it the better together is fine in co op games or games where input has no advantage but competitive games it should be optional as it is with most games with combat mechanics

  • @tak225 I mean you just sound like the kind of person that needs to make excuses when you lose. You should go read the community code of conduct again about being a good sport in a win or a loss.

  • @captain-coel believe what you like but name me some competitive cross play games with pc where the console player can't opt out even pubg had the sense to only make console cross play

  • @tak225 PUBG a non-competitive game?

  • @captain-coel a dit dans It's time in the next developer update to talk about cross play :

    @tak225 if you haven't played in months just dont come back. The world of gaming is better when we game together. Xbox/Ps/Pc/Switch/Mobile we are all gamers and should pay together. The next generation of consoles are going to have more crossplay than we have seen before. It doesn't need to be an opt out.

    Looks good on paper, but all the streamed SOT community events which involves PvP skills are in majority PC players. So far for gaming together. Check the Sea of Champions that is streamed right now. I don't think there's any Xbox players.

  • @galactic-geek predictive text meant competitive

  • @jetorchidee97

    There's no XBox players on those big events because the streamers participating can use other features run on a computer to better stream and improve their content. I've seen complaints from XBox and PC crews alike when they started this talking about the fact that they can't join, despite being above the skill level of many participants in the event.

  • @JetOrchidee97 streaming is just so much more capable from a PC than an xbox.

  • @tak225 we’ll thats just the thing isn’t it sea of thieves ISNT a competitive game and therefore doesn’t need crossplay out in any game mode but arena which is “competitive”

  • @zezirconium Every game is competitive. If there was no competitive challenge, then there'd be no incentive to ever play video games.

  • Wasn’t this game touted as one of Microsoft’s first big fully cross-playable “play anywhere” games?

    With as transparent as Rare has been on pretty much everything but this topic; I suspect it may be out of their control whether or not they can speak/update/act on cross-play opt out.

    My guess is Rare knows that a certain percentage of their player base wants opt out and are willing to give it to them but MS is saying no. I also think they were able to persuade MS in to at least allowing the opt out in arena as a compromise.

  • @tak225

    the usual get good response then followed by the community nonsense rare promised optional cross play

    No, they didn't.

    They promised a crossplay preference in ARENA, nothing else... Rare never PROMISED optional crossplay in adventure mode, they said they're looking into adding crossplay preference for adventure, but they haven't promised anything.

    "looking into it" means there's a rough 50-50 chance that it may or may not be added.

    So clench your buttox, because my money is on it not being added at all, given there's no effective way to implement crossplay preference for adventure, seeing as adventure doesn't have a pre-game lobby it can matchmake players in, like Arena has.

    So that leaves Rare with 2 choices:

    1. Redesign the entire game to allow for crossplay preference in Adventure in some way. (Remaking the entire game from scratch, basically.)
    2. Make Xbox-only servers... Which isn't going to happen unless Rare goes back on their core promise of not splitting the playerbase.

    So, yeah, i don't think it's going to happen. : /

    How about next time, you just read the games description, or look up some info on the internet before you impulsively spend money on a crossplay game? Seems to be the mature and adult thing to do, instead of complaining on the forums and asking for an entirely different game. -.-'

  • @needsmokes said in It's time in the next developer update to talk about cross play:

    I have to agree with the OP, there has been a mega thread, COUNTLESS other threads and posts regarding crossplay on every social media outlet constantly.

    That may well be true, but go back and check the upvoted posts. You'll find, like this one, the upvotes go to the posts who don't want crossplay opt-out.

    Your post I quoted in this thread has zero, the OP has one, their other posts have mainly zero. They also made their opinion known about their feelings on crossplay in another thread on this topic, but for some reason, decided to make another thread about the same thing.

    If Rare sort these threads by upvotes, to see the most popular opinion, they'll see it's not in agreement with the OP.

  • @sweltering-nick nonsense how would they need to redesign the whole game to make cross play optional probably more to do with the server side of things maybe

  • @withmyapologies either way they need to address it and let it be known what they plan to do and end the debates or give optional cross play to console players this is the only game Xbox studio games are the only games where cross play is forced on console players and it's not right we should get the choice

  • @tak225

    nonsense how would they need to redesign the whole game to make cross play optional

    You're making the mistake of thinking game development is magic... Literal magic... In your head, you're thinking "The devs can do anything they want!".

    The reality of the situation is, they can't... There are technological limitations, and also PR limitations.

    For a crossplay preference to be added, there must be a matchmaking system in place... WHEN does this matchmaking happen, where, how? etc etc.

    In Arena, the matchmaking happens during the lobby, when everyone is inside the seadogs tavern waiting for the game to begin, the matchmaking system is working to see the players preferences and their platforms, and then putting them together in the same lobby.

    So WHEN can the matchmaking system do it's thing in Adventure? People come and go from Adventure servers all the time, this complicates matchmaking a lot... So you can't add a lobby to Adventure, they wont work. :P

    As i said, the only way to implement ANY form of optional crossplay in adventure, is to either redesign the game from scratch with this system in mind, or create Xbox only servers which isn't a crossplay preference, but a hard-optional crossplay, a split of the playerbase.

    Spend a few seconds contemplating the things you suggest... because atm, you're just saying stuff and demanding things, without bothering to understand what any of the stuff you say and demand actually means, implies or how it even works.

    probably more to do with the server side of things maybe

    ... nobody, including yourself, has any idea what you're talking about here.

    Proving my theory about how you don't try to understand the things you say. : /

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