Stop trying to have equality on the Seas

  • I realized the problem I have with Sea of Thieves. I haven't played this game in over 6 months and it really breaks my heart. New content is always being added but the same problem that has been since launch is still there. There's no progression. Absolutely nothing. You can gain level and get access to new cosmetics but the gameplay still doesn't change. You dont get any special weapons that other players dont have or anything, just some lame cosmetic to slap on your ship or character to "one-over" them to show how "scary" you are. They need to stop with this "equal playing field" junk. The whole point of an open world progression game is that you build up to getting better equipment, but everyone has the exact same stuff. I know they want everyone to be on the same playing field, but it's exactly what is killing the game for so many people. Every encounter is so predictable because every crew has the same weapons. It's so boring. This really needs to change for me to get back into the game. They even said themselves that there aren't enough people fighting and they keep trying to implement new things to go after that will cause people to fight, but it still isn't working. If they just cut the junk and make actual progression with advanced equipment for higher levels then it would bring so many new ways to fight other players.

    I am once again reminded of the horrible community this game holds. Every post I have ever made on here is shot down because nobody is open to new ideas anymore. I guess everyone just wants the same old garbage and doesn't want anything new. Rare says they are putting in "new and interesting" ways to play, but one new voyage doesn't change a dang thing. I am not saying that skill isn't necessary in a fight, I'm saying that the same old weapons gets BORING. Every game that has combat is ALWAYS adding new weapons. New cannonballs won't cut it. We need a new weapon to make things fun. And I am saying that you don't get anything but experience from leveling up, which just is NOT worth it. But I guess that a new hat every month is enough for you soyboys.

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  • @nagthenaggy The funny thing is that they actually think it's an even playing field. Being able to unlock new tool is "unbalanced" and "unfair" and "too much power" while being able to have 4 people on a crew and fight solo players is "fair"? lol logic...

  • @nagthenaggy

    Encounters are not all that predictable. Resource counts, strategies, skill levels, crew sizes, and more all affect your battles, no two are quite the same. There is horizontal progression, you don't get an advantage just because you bought the game earlier or ground out tasks for longer, you get advantages from putting in the effort to stock up your ships, developing strategies based on the current environment you're in, and learning new mechanics and skills. If you can't do that, then maybe this just isn't the game for you. Rare isn't just going to change the horizontal progression aspect of the game, though.

  • In Sea of Thieves, your character doesn't get stronger as you gain levels......

    However, with experience, you become a better PLAYER....

    In a fight between two crews, I'd always bet on the more experienced crew to win...

    Many solo sloopers sink galleons all the time.

    The only disadvantage to experienced players is when we are outnumbered by equally experienced players, and THAT is a matter of choice....(i.e. I CHOSE to play on a sloop instead of a galleon)

    Don't be fooled into thinking there's no's just not progression that can be measured by levels.....

  • There are skill based games and there are progression based games.

    SoT is a skill based game.

    Some people like skill based games, some people like progression based games, and some people like both. All of that is okay.

    It's okay if you don't like skill based games.

    It's not okay to demand a skill based game change its core mechanics to be a progression based game, nor vice versa.

  • I think you'll find those of us who have enjoyed this game so far is at least in part down to the fact it doesn't contain what you want, stuff that many many other games have done. Sea Of Thieves, for me at least, breaks those norms, making it a truly unique experience.

    This may sound dismissive, but I'm afraid you're simply not going to get what you're looking for here, and I think that's a good thing.

  • @nagthenaggy said in Stop trying to have equality on the Seas:

    The whole point of an open world progression game is that you build up to getting better equipment, but everyone has the exact same stuff. I know they want everyone to be on the same playing field, but it's exactly what is killing the game for so many people.

    Having the same power level as the next guy is not a problem unless you're a player who's unwilling to improve upon his own game play. YES I just assumed your gender because there are no "girls" on the internet.

    YOU need to level up your own personal skill level, the cosmetic features in game are there to show off what you did, quests you completed and all that stuff.. some are just there to look cool.

    Sea of Thieves has been from DAY 1 a game designed around piracy, and the parameters they selected were around players all having effectively the same access to the same equipment.

    You either want to play Sea of Thieves or you're looking for a game more like World of WarCraft..

    Seeing how Blizzard's World of WarCraft has tanked so hard that they have less people playing now in Battle for Azuroth than were playing in the first 6 months of Vanilla WoW; that should tell you something about how much people enjoy a gear treadmill that you're promoting.

    So......... my answer is very clear.. NO , THANKS!

  • @nagthenaggy I haven't heard one of these for a while. So you would have this game be even more punishing to newer players than it already is? Imagine losing a ton of loot because you encountered a player with better weapons/stats that you could not possess and how unfair that would be. If you want to go on a power trip and lord over new players in a game, there are plenty of other games that have that. You can check back in in another 6 months and SoT will still have the same "equal playing field junk"

  • @nagthenaggy said in Stop trying to have equality on the Seas:

    The whole point of an open world progression game is that you build up to getting better equipment,

    Where is it ever stated that sot is an open world progression game?

    It is an shared world adventure game...

    If you think about it there might actually be a reason why you gain “reputation” with a company in sot and not “experience”

  • Honestly all the game needs is cosmetics that you earn after maxing out rep for a company. Turn in so many chests of each type for a different cosmetic. So low level loot means something. Merchant deliveries for cargo and animal would be made more.

    The games main end goal for all players is to play to be a pirate and have an adventure. Similar to No Mans Sky when you feel like you’ve had enough you put it down. There’s nothing wrong with that.

    I’ve played since launch and have taken a couple of breaks in playing here or there. But after a few weeks break I get the itches to set sail again.

  • the only way this sould possibly work is if the weapons aviable to leveld players were a side grade, different stats but it has a downside to level the playing field. and even that is unlikely to happen

  • @fllw3rb0y

    We already have that with the existing weapons, they're equal in their own ways (or were at one point, currently a bit messed up).

  • @nagthenaggy I don't think you understood the concept of Sea of Thieves. I suggest taking a look at the game concept.

  • @ultmateragnarok but you cant unlock them soooo... and im talking about an alternative bluderbuss or an alternative flinklock

  • I have some titles, scars and weapons that others don’t have.
    Like the shark bite from hungering deep. Or skull sword thing from last years anniversary (me thinks) and even few time limited stuff because, nobody got time for those difficult things.

    One day I will have the shroud ghost title....

  • @drbullhammer [Mod edit] what he means is the encounters in pvp are getting old and repetitive. I (and im assuming that you) have been playing since launch, and the core combat from two years ago hasn't changed much. That's the argument that is being made here.

  • @wisedekuleaf pvp doesnt get repetitive because people have the same weapons. It gets repetitive because the mechanic is still board and terrorize. Ship to ship combat is still not promoted enough and even when you get a good sea fight it usually comes down to a lucky cannonball kill or having the right ccb. Equality is neccessary on the seas or pirates like me would have way much of an advantage over newer pirates.

  • @nagthenaggy said in Stop trying to have equality on the Seas:

    I realized the problem I have with Sea of Thieves. I haven't played this game in over 6 months and it really breaks my heart. New content is always being added but the same problem that has been since launch is still there. There's no progression. Absolutely nothing. You can gain level and get access to new cosmetics but the gameplay still doesn't change. You dont get any special weapons that other players dont have or anything, just some lame cosmetic to slap on your ship or character to "one-over" them to show how "scary" you are. They need to stop with this "equal playing field" junk. The whole point of an open world progression game is that you build up to getting better equipment, but everyone has the exact same stuff. I know they want everyone to be on the same playing field, but it's exactly what is killing the game for so many people. Every encounter is so predictable because every crew has the same weapons. It's so boring. This really needs to change for me to get back into the game. They even said themselves that there aren't enough people fighting and they keep trying to implement new things to go after that will cause people to fight, but it still isn't working. If they just cut the junk and make actual progression with advanced equipment for higher levels then it would bring so many new ways to fight other players.

    If anybody is confused about OP, allow me to translate for you: "If i can't have a mechanical advantage over players who haven't played as long as i have, i don't want to play the game."

    OP doesn't want skill to be a factor, basically. : /

  • @nagthenaggy said in Stop trying to have equality on the Seas:

    The whole point of an open world progression game is that you build up to getting better equipment, but everyone has the exact same stuff.

    Good sir,
    This mention of what the core of this game is, is a total wrong look on the game. This is no way intented as an open world progression game.

    This game is build for interaction. We all have the same no upgrades just skills. Its like a sandbox game with tools.
    Basicly all they want is give u option to interact with the world and its players to have an adventure and a story to tell. All the other additions as rep, "progress", coin, cosmetics is just to add to the story of your adventure.

  • @nagthenaggy i understand where rare is coming from ... especially when it comes to new players, the game takes some getting use to as it is and having a crew that has high level stuff against a new crew would be pretty unfair, especially how most pvp crews are now... i cant count how many people kill new players for the fun of it, prevent them from having fun with the game

  • @sweltering-nick sagte in Stop trying to have equality on the Seas:

    @nagthenaggy said in Stop trying to have equality on the Seas:

    I realized the problem I have with Sea of Thieves. I haven't played this game in over 6 months and it really breaks my heart. New content is always being added but the same problem that has been since launch is still there. There's no progression. Absolutely nothing. You can gain level and get access to new cosmetics but the gameplay still doesn't change. You dont get any special weapons that other players dont have or anything, just some lame cosmetic to slap on your ship or character to "one-over" them to show how "scary" you are. They need to stop with this "equal playing field" junk. The whole point of an open world progression game is that you build up to getting better equipment, but everyone has the exact same stuff. I know they want everyone to be on the same playing field, but it's exactly what is killing the game for so many people. Every encounter is so predictable because every crew has the same weapons. It's so boring. This really needs to change for me to get back into the game. They even said themselves that there aren't enough people fighting and they keep trying to implement new things to go after that will cause people to fight, but it still isn't working. If they just cut the junk and make actual progression with advanced equipment for higher levels then it would bring so many new ways to fight other players.

    If anybody is confused about OP, allow me to translate for you: "If i can't have a mechanical advantage over players who haven't played as long as i have, i don't want to play the game."

    OP doesn't want skill to be a factor, basically. : /

    Thank you!

  • @nagthenaggy

    The beauty of the game is that even though you haven't touched it in six months there is no barrier for you to join and play at the highest levels along with the rest of us. Additionally it may be an open world environment and it actually does have a progression system within the gameplay itself. Yet this progress is session based instead of persistent and what attracts many of us to the game.

    Most open world games have reset mechanics in them as well even though they are 24/7 persistent. Be it through players wiping each other out, game mechanics through purge events or forced wipes. These usually mean that you have to be dedicated for a week, month or years even if you want to be able to play end game in any shape or form or join a community to share that burden. The seas just reset each and every play, session based.

    Let's be clear, not all pirates are on equal footing when they meet. Apart from the skill gap and crew choice, we have actual gameplay progression. We are all pirates that join the world with the same starting point.

    We have the clothes on our back, how pretty they may be. We have the weapons, how gruesome they might appear and a ship with basic supplies. Then we gather and progress by collecting

    • additional supplies which makes us stronger in combat, healthy and defensively more capable
    • throwables that provide us with additional ways to engage in combat
    • upgrades to our cannonball regiment in the form of cursed cannonballs
    • a rowboat to increase our mobility and ease to gather treasures
    • we get storage crates to increase our supply rate and provides a portable source of supplies
    • we get ammo crates allowing us to create sniper nests and beneficial fight locations
    • finally we have the ability to collect explosives for devastating effects

    The progress we make can be taken away by other players, placing us back to the starting state with just the supplies you carry for the effort till that point.

    The progress we make is reset the next time we join as well. Making sure that the seas remain a fun experience for both new and veterans, without the need to feel: I need to grind and get x, y, z.

    There is no barrier to enter, but the experience we gain makes us better than the new. Play a game because you enjoy playing it, not because you need some pixels. As long as you are enjoying the game you are not wasting time in my opinion.

    The only true progress in games that matters is our own abilities and those are not linked to any ingame item or tool. You can even take that progress with you to the next game that you play.

  • @wisedekuleaf Ahoy matey!

    I have had to edit your post above as it went against our Community Code of Conduct or Forum Rules, please remember...


    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

  • A level playing field isn't killing this game. It's the lack of meaningful content.

  • @nagthenaggy Having it the way it is makes this a skills based game. Clearly bugs are a factor, but apart from that, it’s about being good with the tools you have. There are solo sloopers who can handle good Galleon crews. There are A10 players, for example, who still can’t navigate without the map - a player who can has an advantage. So, it’s less about an equal playing field and more about relying on player skill over an artificial buff.

  • @nagthenaggy Skill based PvP is the only reason I still keep up with this game. It makes it easy to return to and once you get good at the PvP, it's like riding a bike, you never forget. Take breaks here and there and be happy you can return without some massive gear/level gap.

  • @nagthenaggy

    Sorry , Sir NagTheNaggy , but can you point me out where the fun lies in the fact that ,if, Rare would make upgradeble weapons and you run around with guns and swords that have a +10 damage ,for wich you kill every Pirate you come across in one or two slaps? Wouldn't that become boring after a while...Or do you only like games where you can predict you will win with yer eyes closed , your left hand tied on yer back and two fingers of yer right hand in yer nostrils?...

    i have played games that you just described and i can tell you that i was proud on my level 32 , and thought i would have a great fight with a sorcerer of level 34, after all, i only lacked two levels... The " Epic" Fight , or duel i was expecting was faster done than i could pen down...Hold on , i try … Old George was standing firm in the wind that roamed around the abandoned battlefield, his eyes were fixated on a sole survivor , a sorcerer ...This man had a taunting smirk on his face and Old George would slap it off in an instand...The Old man, lifeted up his axe , Roared like a Berserker , charged like if he was William Wallace himself and...was beaten down to pulp by two spells from someone that had two misarable levels more than him...

    For me , this was no joy , for the other one? i don't know , would he had fun beating me so fast before i could rise my axe?...i don't know , but i knew i wouldn't if i was standing in his boots...

    Secondly , this game isn't about progress , it's a " Session" game in my eyes ...You sail with the Pirates of yer crew in a server where you couldn't choose yer "enemies" upfront...What delights me , on the contrary with you , is that all the power of the weapons is equal , so i have a chance in a fight...

    If i lose , and believe me i lose much more than i win, it doesn't hurt . It doesn't give me the feel that i had to " level up" somewhere in the shadow before i took on a higher leveled Pirate...

    i find this way of fighting the most fair i have seen in decades...
    Levels and Cosmetics have been brought in towards this game to satisfy many RPG players who like levels and differation in costumes and ...that's allright….

    The true setup of this game is to have an adventure that you can't get in any other game ...Sure , some gamesessions will feel lame ,because of many different aspects , but i ,and so many other Pirates can tell you that we all had Epic Seabattles, narrow escapes of sinking , and "just in time " cash in's for Legendary chests , just before we were struck down before the feet of the Mysterious Stranger...

    This game isn't a DieHard RPG , but that doesn't mean you won't meet DieHard Pirates who, luckely , have the same value of weapons as a NewBorn Pirate has...

    It's speed, dexterity and talent that let you make win or lose a fight and in the end , i think , that this game will make you an even better player if you go back to the Games where Levels do matter in strenght and power of weapons...

    You , and so many other Pirates who heven't discovered the True Meaning of this game , should focus on what is available , and stop complaining on the things that aren't there...

    This is a Game that doesn't need overpowering weapons ,because it would lead to dissapointment and empty Seas in time...

  • OP does not realize that the actual progression is in the players brain.

    How much better could he be as a player if he stayed and accrued actual game experience?

    Now he has returned, and realizes how the game should make him better.

    Must be a shock to learn that the sea is a cruel mistress and does not care.

  • @betsill said in Stop trying to have equality on the Seas:

    while being able to have 4 people on a crew and fight solo players is "fair"? lol logic...

    I was able to kill full crews just last night on my own (while my crew focus on repairing our ship). I'm basically the dedicated PvPer when I party with my friends while they focus on keeping the ship floating. Which gives me time to just invade an enemy ship and kill them all.

    I can probably do the same with a solo sloop but my ship will be sailing off or in a circle without me while I invade enemy ships...

    The game is on a pretty good even playing ground, only skill matters.

  • Then go play Call of Duty if you’re that bored of lack of progression lol

    I say it’s awesome because each encounter with each pirate is unique. Each weapon is the same but requires different skills and tactics to use and even then, people’s playstyles come into account too so they’d have to work around that as well!

    Maybe pirates are better fighting out on the waters, maybe others are better in close combat with their blades, maybe some are better shots with the eye of reach.

    Every battle is unique in its own way. THAT is what makes the even and fair playing field so great and fun!

  • @clumsy-george I'm not saying that your weapons should deal more damage, that's stupid. I'm saying there should be exclusive NEW weapons for players that are higher levels. These weapons wouldn't do more damage they would just open new ways to attack people

  • @agent-samuraii you are so blinded that there has been NO CHANGE in weapons for TWO YEARS. They've tweaked the combat for the worse but havent added a single new weapon. For a game that encourages combat, they really suck at providing new ways to fight. Quit being a soyboy and open your eyes

  • @nagthenaggy

    My eyes are open mate. Open to the fact that this is the first game I’ve ever played where I dont have to worry about encountering people with better ANYTHING.

    All is fair within the Sea of Thieves! No advantages, no disadvantages (other than ship size, sometimes). Just you, other pirates, and the weapons and strategies they choose.

    Aside from hit registration (sometimes) and sometimes lag, you have nobody else to blame but yourself if you fail. You live and you learn. And when you learn it actually makes you a better pirate.

    All is fair within the Sea of Thieves! Dont let the salt water get to ye, fellow pirate! This, coming from a pirate who stupidly kept drinking said salt water (even now I’m still a salty pirate).

  • @waronpants2664
    Well said. I was thinking the same thing. Not very even when you get a group that just picks on smaller ships and farms them.

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