Health of regular skeletons

  • Here's a question that bothers me A LOT.
    May anyone explain me, how does the health of regular skeletons is calculated?
    What decides how much hits they withstand?
    Because recently I was playing with my friend and we've met regular skeleton spawn like 2-3 for the whole playing session (2-3 hours) and they all died in 3 hits. (One heavy attack)
    And now I play alone... no matter when, no matter what I do (Voyage, fish, event stuff, whatever...)
    They spawn LITERALLY every 2 minutes, withstand 9-EFFING-HITS and it really, and I mean REALLY pisse-s me off.
    I can't even finish one riddle without fighting 4-5 skeletons which can take 3 heavy attacks each.
    I wound a Ruby mermaid statue on the shores, grabbed my ammo box and started taking it down.
    I just can't do it since the skeletons keep on spawning with pistols, shotguns and honestly, I'm really tilted because of this ... shouldn't they have some fixed health or what exactly does make role in deciding their health?

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  • I think it's related to your character level with the factions? I know that skeletons take more damage on high level voyages so maybe now it scales to the pirate himself.

    I guess that when you play with a low level friend, they scale down.

    Agreed though. Having skeletons spawn every minute (and in big numbers) + taking a lot of damage just makes it annoying and boring.

  • @blindnev
    I'm doing some legendary voyages here and there, but my friend is much more ahead, I'm like level 3 at Athena, he is 8.

    And I don't really do voyages anymore, I just do whatever I come across so I guess it is now tied to your character or something and not to the difficulty of the voyage

  • @blindnev Forgot to add, shadow skeletons, the plant ones or regular (but with color bandanas and stuff) arn't that hard, they die in like 5 hits :^(

  • It depends on what voyage you are doing. For example, regular emergent eskeletos (white ones) that are only there to annoy can be killed in 3 sword dashes. Instead fort skeletons, tall tales skeletons (some of them) and legendary voyages need more than 3 sword dashes to be killed.

  • @tyrbuh

    What voyage you have on the table is the main determining factor of the health of a skeleton.

    Initial levels, 50% health
    Medium levels, 100% health
    Athena levels, 150% health

    An average skeleton takes 5 hits (100%) and is what most events have.

    If you do bottle voyages, they have a voyage level attached to them based on that bottle and do not follow the voyage table. Same applies for RNG captain crews etc.

    Therefore if you are collecting miles for Athena they will be tanky boys. Hope this clarifies your situation.

  • @cotu42 Thank you very much!
    It is kinda weird that I haven't had a Athena voyage on the table, yet they sill all took 9 hits, but thank you for giving a somewhat explanation :)
    The truth is I take a lot of the "captain orders" so probably they somehow affect the health of the skeletons (I don't do them that often, I'll just dig up some bait and do my fishing commendations/levels nowdays)
    BUT, still thank you very much :)

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