• man, please tell me you did it) I was still hoping you found the way to do it

  • @aaronblueeyes it was less that 1 win per day when the event started. 20 was not too high.

  • @captain-coel But getting that 1 win can take hours. Not everyone has that kind of time.

    13/20 wins.

  • I might try to get on again in a little while.

    Wins: 14/20

  • @archaell
    I hear you on this. I'm open to grinding just about anything. But the rng is intense. It's beyond my control as a player. That makes it extremely hard to want to play.

  • Wife and I knocked out our wins the first weekend with open crews. I suppose we got lucky with our randoms, even though there was no voice communication. Chat Wheel only since the server game-chat is garbage.

    90% of the time we cannot hear other crews, and they cannot hear us. We will hear them sometimes in the tavern, but it will stop working when we hit the actual Arena and vice-versa.

  • Especially if...

    🔸 there is no matchmaking by skill level
    🔸 you appear alone on a burning ship and last in the table
    🔸 the system encourages attack-cannon-don't.sink spam

  • @stevagorn This is not RNG, if you are good enough you are gonna win.

    Me and my duo have been playing the new arena (on sloop) to get legendary weapons, we played 10-12 arena games a day and got ALWAYS at least 10 wins out of that. We even had 1 week were we lost no games and completed the event the 2nd day with 20 wins and 0 loss (10 wins the first day and 10 wins the second), atm I'm 10 wins away from hitting the 240 wins required to get the legendary weapons. Ok, we play 3-4 hours a day, but if get to play even just 1 hour and half a day you can still complete the event by winning 1 game out of 4 every day. Tbh this doesn't even feel that much hard.

    This is the kind of event not everyone is gonna complete, only players good at playing Arena will get the figure head (or players that have enough time and abuse cheap strategies that I hope they fix soon, yes I am talking about farming AFKs and not full crews).

    Just realise this event is not meant for every one.

  • @pellahh
    Sorry I spoke up and I'm not as good as you.

  • 15/20 now... just need 5 more.

  • @aaronblueeyes why I gave. Up

  • 16/20 now.

  • Competition of Courage? Please...

    More like Competition of Cowards!

    After 2 amazing back-to-back wins, 2 other crews teamed up against me and @aaronBLUEeyes! Normally, this wouldn't have been so bad except for the fact that they weren't killing each other! I boarded the turn in location with the chest and was immediately set upon by both of them. Naturally, with chest in hand, I didn't stand a chance. What was odd was that, after killing me, they didn't even fight each other. Second chest we tried to turn in, the exact same thing happened. After that, 1 crew mercilessly chased us while the other ship they should have been attacking and sinking to get the win turned in 1 more chest and tapped a 4th. I suspected foul play, and sure enough, I discovered they were in Xbox Live party chat together when I investigated their profiles.

    I took a screenshot of their gamertags, but I don't know if it's going to be enough for a report (and yes, they were reported).

    I have seen some losers before, but this takes the cake and just makes me so 😡.

    16/20 wins.

  • @galactic-geek what did they do wrong? teaming in the arena is allowed. it's unfortunate and odd, but it's not against the rules.

  • @captain-coel said in COMPETITION OF COURAGE:

    @galactic-geek what did they do wrong? teaming in the arena is allowed. it's unfortunate and odd, but it's not against the rules.

    It IS against the rules. They were fixing wins by effectively doubling the size of their forces. It's 1 thing to temporarily join forces to defeat a mutual opponent, but not going at each other's throats for the win afterwards?

    It is my belief that they server-hopped in together. I know it's not only possible, but with such low Arena numbers it's in all likelihood, very probable.

  • @galactic-geek said in COMPETITION OF COURAGE:

    @captain-coel said in COMPETITION OF COURAGE:

    @galactic-geek what did they do wrong? teaming in the arena is allowed. it's unfortunate and odd, but it's not against the rules.

    It IS against the rules. They were fixing wins by effectively doubling the size of their forces. It's 1 thing to temporarily join forces to defeat a mutual opponent, but not going at each other's throats for the win afterwards?

    It is my belief that they server-hopped in together. I know it's not only possible, but with such low Arena numbers it's in all likelihood, very probable.

    How is it against the rules? Informal alliances existed before the flags were added to adventure. Is the arena is not just supposed to be short bursts of Sea of Thieves? Isn't the opportunity of social interaction not the primary goal of the game?

  • @aaronblueeyes if you're alone better try it in sloop arena, when u start without another crewmember, go for some cannonball hits and leave the chest alone...maybe someone joins and can help...

  • @captain-coel It doesn't make sense for you to purposefully lose when the objective is to win. This is Arena, which is a 1v1v1v1v1; not Adventure. If Rare wanted teams, you'd see 2 of the same color of ship - but there's a reason that you don't.

  • 18/20 wins after last night’s back-to-back wins.

    @Schwammlgott yeah I spent the better part of a week playing with Randoms, and it was a dreadful experience for 99% of them had no mic and did not communicate.

    You can’t get wins without communication.

  • Okay, so I have good news and bad news.

    The good news: I did it! I got 20 wins!

    The last battle was intense too! We got the lead and for the last 3 minutes, managed to get wedged against another ship, which stole the chest from us. My sloop mate and I fought tooth and nail, taking turns fighting, dying, retrieving the chest, killing the other crew, attacking their ship, and stealing the chest back - all while trying to stay afloat as other ships closed in.

    We sunk...

    ...after time ran out. 😅

    Now, for the bad news: IMO, the competition of courage wasn't worth it. It was too time-consuming and very hard, and relied on a lot of luck most of the time.

    The boots are okay, the sword is great, and the figurehead I worked so hard to get?


  • It's a challenge. It's not meant to be for everyone. It's meant that the best Arena players win something in game that is unique that not everyone gets. This is a good thing.

    We did it but we are pretty good I'm not gonna lie but a little part of me feels bad for you guys out there that are not having much success with this challenge who really like the cosmetics and so on.

    There is cosmetics I've missed that I'll never get, that other people have. That's the beauty of this game, you really do win some and you do lose some.

    Okay so we get the bragging rights of having a figure head that says 'we are good at PvP' but when your out on the seas have an adventure and you run into a hostile ship, how often do you notice their figurehead anyway? And even if they have like say the glorious sea dog set or Athena livery and sails on...does it really make a difference? I'm certain you've gotten the better of these ships even though some of you might not have the same cosmetics as them?

  • @galactic-geek I totally agree the figurehead is the weak link of the 3 rewards.

  • I need 2 more wins, anybody avail?

  • Why? Why do randoms NOT use their mics!? It’s so infuriating.

  • They've gotta force people to put up with their less than stellar PvP experience one way or another.

  • @damondays said in COMPETITION OF COURAGE:

    They've gotta force people to put up with their less than stellar PvP experience one way or another.

    Ooh, burn...

  • @galactic-geek said in COMPETITION OF COURAGE:

    @captain-coel said in COMPETITION OF COURAGE:

    @galactic-geek what did they do wrong? teaming in the arena is allowed. it's unfortunate and odd, but it's not against the rules.

    It IS against the rules. They were fixing wins by effectively doubling the size of their forces. It's 1 thing to temporarily join forces to defeat a mutual opponent, but not going at each other's throats for the win afterwards?

    It is my belief that they server-hopped in together. I know it's not only possible, but with such low Arena numbers it's in all likelihood, very probable.

    Whilst I wholeheartedly agree that it is a scummy tactic, I think you need to be careful claiming that things are 'against the rules' and reporting players for not necessarily doing anything wrong.

  • @aaronblueeyes Because nobody likes anyone without microphones. They have to do everything themselves in most games.

  • alt text

    Yay! Finally was able to wrap-up last two wins on a Galleon with @Galactic-Geek and two friends, two evenings ago.

    There’s such a huge difference in what can be accomplished when the crew can communicate and work together.

    We had players dedicated to certain duties, yet be flexible enough to handle other tasks at the drop of a hat.

    Sail management, harpooning treasure chest, using two crew members for chest turn-in’s, getting entire crew on cannons at once to sink ships, and communication with our mics we’re all instrumental in our victories.

    To play with anything less is a disservice to the crew, esp on a Sloop when there’s allot more riding on each pirate’s shoulders.

    Thanks @Galactic-Geek for your help — Cheers!

  • @aaronblueeyes

    As someone who has worked hard and earned my Legendary Sea Dog Title and well over my 240 Wins...

    This is a COMPETITIVE Game Mode that is SUPPOSED to be challenging, not handed to people like everything else that has been nerfed for everyone.

    If you are not winning games , then you really need to re evaluate your crew and playing styles.

    Arena is not for Everyone...

  • @MrBadaBing, you might want to read the thread’s contents before chiming in.

    I enjoy PvP and understand the challenge of proving your worth through multiple arena victories to earn the figurehead. It’s not the challenge of winning multiple times that’s the issue, it’s the number of wins required for a short-term event that’s the problem.

    Pirates prove the same thing whether they win 5 or 10 times as they do 20 times — that they can win in the Arena multiple times.

    The 240 Win Legendary Sea Dog Title is one I plan on also earning, but it’s a longitudinal endeavor that takes time. A short-term event shouldn’t be nearly 10% of a long-term goal.

    Did I complete The Competition of Courage? Yes. Should it have required 20 wins? No.

  • @dominusocto7 said in COMPETITION OF COURAGE:

    @aaronblueeyes Because nobody likes anyone without microphones. They have to do everything themselves in most games.

    Do not assume that everyone hates those without micsrophones. Having a mic can make things more difficult, certainly, but the quick chat function in this game really helps counter that a lot if 1 knows how to use it, can listen, and cooperates.

  • 20 wins was easy got me figurehead awhile ago. If ya like come sail the seas with me and ill put it on for yee!

  • @galactic-geek Text chat can give you away, and tell the other crew what you're doing. I had to use party text chat for the first 6 months of my journey in Sea of Thieves so as to not get me and my crew destroyed. :D

  • @captain-coel

    Sorry brother I worked 12 hour shifts for 14 days of the event so for me it was difficult.

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