Private servers/PVP Closed servers

  • Instead of the normal put you in a random server and hope you don’t get screwed by anyone else, y’all should put a PVP Closed server so there is no PVPing against other people. Of course in-game NPC’s such as the skeletons, kraken, sharks, etc.... still exist. I just think that not having this option is a flaw in the game. It saves a lot of frustration for newer players, and is very good for solo people. Please add this into the game for the next update. I really believe it will benefit the game.

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  • @f-22-ready

    Instead of the normal put you in a random server and hope you don’t get screwed by anyone else

    How about instead you don't buy a game that advertises itself as an open world sandbox game that allows players to attack and steal from each-other, with the expectations of that not ever happening. I buy apples because I am looking for apples, I don't buy apples then complain to the farmer that they aren't oranges.

  • @f-22-ready This has been argued to death on the forums since the beginning. Dev's have stated no PvP servers and Private servers are coming but will only be for events like Sea of Champions and Race of Legends and things like that. I apologize but there is different vids and Tweets where devs have said these thing's but my brain is so tired of this subject I don't have the will power to look them up and link them. Maybe another gracious pirate will do so. You could search up this subject as well, all those links are pretty much posted numerous times in each topic about it.

  • @f-22-ready Me and my friends actually stop playing this game because of the annoying people dont letting us play adventures. Its an awesome game, i loved it, but is terrible the annoying people dont letting us do adventures, so we better leave playing this. Lots of people i know had the same issue. We pray for Skull and Bones had this option.

  • Stop calling this people "annoying". This are the rules of the game and you decided to play it. Don't go and try changing it just because you can't handle the game as is.

  • @avionics3429 Then just make it an option and everybody can play the way they want.

  • @elweymisterioso said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    @avionics3429 Then just make it an option and everybody can play the way they want.

    You play the way the devs want you to play, and if you don't like it you can find a game that suits your needs better.

  • @bloodybil And this is why, there is this "forum", to explain developers what most people want. ;).

  • @elweymisterioso said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    @bloodybil And this is why, there is this "forum", to explain developers what most people want. ;).

    But most people don't want this. It's valid to express what you'd like, but for this specific request the devs have said many times that this game is a "shared open world".

  • @elweymisterioso Yup, and a search function to revisit and read as to why some suggestions are not in the best interest of the game, especially when the devs themselves politely explain the direction they want to keep with the game ;)

  • Alliance discord servers exist, and seem to be fairly good at accomplishing the goal of a non-PVP server

  • @nabberwar said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:


    Instead of the normal put you in a random server and hope you don’t get screwed by anyone else

    How about instead you don't buy a game that advertises itself as an open world sandbox game that allows players to attack and steal from each-other, with the expectations of that not ever happening. I buy apples because I am looking for apples, I don't buy apples then complain to the farmer that they aren't oranges.

    How about instead you just don't reply to threads you don't agree with? Literally your logic LUL

  • @venomous-sloth7 said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    @f-22-ready This has been argued to death on the forums since the beginning. Dev's have stated no PvP servers and Private servers are coming but will only be for events like Sea of Champions and Race of Legends and things like that. I apologize but there is different vids and Tweets where devs have said these thing's but my brain is so tired of this subject I don't have the will power to look them up and link them. Maybe another gracious pirate will do so. You could search up this subject as well, all those links are pretty much posted numerous times in each topic about it.

    eyeroll here we go again. Devs have NOT said the private servers will ONLY be for a specific purpose. They have not said either way. Please stop stating your speculations as facts.

  • @nabberwar said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:


    Instead of the normal put you in a random server and hope you don’t get screwed by anyone else

    How about instead you don't buy a game that advertises itself as an open world sandbox game that allows players to attack and steal from each-other, with the expectations of that not ever happening. I buy apples because I am looking for apples, I don't buy apples then complain to the farmer that they aren't oranges.

    Yet if you made a complaint to the farmer and they made oranges available, you now retained a customer. I guess the free market and business practices work, eh!

  • @lord-szarvas said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    Yet if you made a complaint to the farmer and they made oranges available, you now retained a customer. I guess the free market and business practices work, eh!

    Unless the farmer lives in a climate that cannot grow oranges, then you're just wasting everyone's time by complaining that they don't have oranges.

    (how far can we make this analogy go)

  • @rowge-gaming

    How about instead you just don't reply to threads you don't agree with? Literally your logic LUL

    Or... Dont' post in the Feedback and Discussion section if you can't handle criticism.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    @lord-szarvas said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    Yet if you made a complaint to the farmer and they made oranges available, you now retained a customer. I guess the free market and business practices work, eh!

    Unless the farmer lives in a climate that cannot grow oranges, then you're just wasting everyone's time by complaining that they don't have oranges.

    (how far can we make this analogy go)

    The free market allows for produce from one climate be sold in other areas around the world. I can buy Oranges here in Canada. And actually, a lot of farmers markets have farmers that resell produce that isn't even theirs.

    People that want oranges are probably going to go to the store that offers them. Plain and simple.

    The point I'm making is his analogy to begin with wasn't a good one.

    And your counter analogy doesn't work with what I said because in mine, the farmer actually put out the oranges in this example. So, he/she retained the complaining customer...

    And the point I am making is if there is a market for it, why not have it? I'd rather have people put more money in the game so Rare can grow more and develop more for the game that I love.

    Instead you want to come here, poke a little bit a fun at these people that want a PvE server, and basically tell them to stop being a patron to this game.. It doesn't really make any sense to me.

    They can play the game and pay for it (and likely be happier and pay into the emporium so we all benefit in the end), or you can be salty and whine back at them. Your choice.

  • I knew the forums will once more be floated with this suggestion, which is completely against Rare's vision, as soon as it starts on Steam

    STOP IT!

  • @f-22-ready go and join alliance servers, or play another game!

  • @rowge-gaming said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    @venomous-sloth7 said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    @f-22-ready This has been argued to death on the forums since the beginning. Dev's have stated no PvP servers and Private servers are coming but will only be for events like Sea of Champions and Race of Legends and things like that. I apologize but there is different vids and Tweets where devs have said these thing's but my brain is so tired of this subject I don't have the will power to look them up and link them. Maybe another gracious pirate will do so. You could search up this subject as well, all those links are pretty much posted numerous times in each topic about it.

    eyeroll here we go again. Devs have NOT said the private servers will ONLY be for a specific purpose. They have not said either way. Please stop stating your speculations as facts.

    Lol, I admire your tenacity but for the 100th time, the devs HAVE said they have no intention of breaking from the shared world.

    Joe Neate: "The whole core premise of SOT is that it’s a shared world. To get to Pirate Legend, there will be danger and there will be other players…that’s what SOT has always been, it’s a shared world adventure game…it’s all about a shared world and we have no intention to deviate from that."

  • @xx-mirth-xx

    And they proceeded with an opt/out option with the crossplay after all the marketing and jazz around that pre and post release.. So...

    They might have said that PvE is a no, for now.. But they don't have a track record of sticking to what they have said before.

  • @lord-szarvas You can't please everyone.

    Having ships ferrying loot around the sea is an integral part of the gameplay ecosystem. If it was possible to just grind rep by yourself with zero chance of ever being interrupted, most players are just going to do that because why not? We constantly see people take the easy road whenever there is a gold/rep exploit. If the majority of loot is acquired outside of the main game, there are fewer ships that are going to be carrying loot which means less to steal, less people doing forts, etc...

    If something like this ever comes to the game, it should be restricted in some way - whether that is by removing commendations, loot or rep or by having these player pay an additional server rental fee so they can run their own instance. I don't have a problem with the idea, but without restriction it is going to have an effect on everyone else.

  • Welcome rookie pirate to the sea.

    Maidian Voyage is your go to place. Test yourself, learn the ropes and then set off.

    • Also, removing other players removes the whole "unexpected" aspect of the game. Never knowing or fearing...who or what pirare you meet will be friend or foe.
  • @d3adst1ck

    Again you're missing the point. These people are probably just going to quit playing the game. They come on the forums and are told exactly that by you people.

    Should it have restrictions? I agree with that, never have I stated otherwise.

    But what is quite funny is when you people talk about loot/rep like it actually has a lot of meaning in the game. Rare made it super easy now to get to PL. All you get is cosmetics in the end, anyways. They nerfed really hard to get commendations in the first year (after the hardcore players that earned them). So, I don't really know what the anti-PvE side's argument is other than "oh Rare said no" or "That's not what the intent of the game is."

    Guess what, things can be added on.

    "You can't please everyone."
    Nobody is suggesting that when they propose a PvE server. But it seems like that all the threads for the 2 years suggest there is a market Rare can tap into to expand the business. Because at the end of the day, this is a product from a business. It isn't a charity and take what you like or get out... Common.

  • @f-22-ready Sure, lots of people want private servers, but there are many flaws with the idea overall. The main problem is that the game would be overall too easy. If there were private servers, there would be no need to have much caution. This of course leads into the problem of it being too easy.

  • @lord-szarvas said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    But what is quite funny is when you people talk about loot/rep like it actually has a lot of meaning in the game.

    Well it must have, since you people go all up in arms every time at the mere suggestion of having the simple and reasonable compromise of keeping progression in the regular play mode, even if it would get you the very thing you supposedly desire.

    Guess what, things can be added on.

    Absolutely, and they usually are once properly balanced and thought through.

    "You can't please everyone."
    Nobody is suggesting that when they propose a PvE server. But it seems like that all the threads for the 2 years suggest there is a market Rare can tap into to expand the business. Because at the end of the day, this is a product from a business. It isn't a charity and take what you like or get out... Common.

    So you are saying its a great business move to alienate and impact negatively your proven target audience to please and potentially tap in another audience that might stick around only if the business agree to change their direction? Curious business practice, but okay.

  • @bloodybil

    There he is.

    And yeah. Since I think progression is pretty well meaningless, I wouldn't mind it going in a PvE mode. However, to alleviate the Anti-PvE side and their attachment to such a system (because thats one of the only pillars on which you stand for being against the idea), I'm prepared to go to the middle ground and say to Rare that some restrictions are necessary. This way if people want more, they can risk more by going into the PvP servers.

    And, anything that makes more money for the business and its investors (Microsoft being a parent company) is a good business move. So yes, if they made the mode and people that wanted that mode got happier and started buying things from the emporium = more $$$ for development. It means that dev at Rare can keep his/her computer screen on and go home with a paycheque and earn a living. Then return the next morning and keep working on SoT.

    If you're thinking that you're going to 'quit' the game cause Rare wants to add this mode, it says a lot about you personally. That you're the entitled salty pirate here..

    And if you've been playing the same game. They are not making it for us Veterans in the long-term. Many of their decisions in recent developments have been for the new-player experience. Captaincy was announced for a couple of months post release but 2 years later and we still don't have it. PL means nothing. So... I don't know what you're saying about 'negatively impact your proven target audience'. A lot of veterans probably have left the game. Its 2 years old now..

    Lol, you're so triggered.

  • @rowge-gaming I'm sorry you still feel that way. Many others along with myself have linked many different things in past posts to you and to others that shows what has stated by devs on this same topic. I'm not here to argue with someone. I have come here to share what the devs have said about this subject with the OP. The videos and social media where devs have talked about this seems straightforward to me and many others. You have the freedom to disagree if you like. I do hope you enjoy the seas for its full glory and wish you the best.

  • @venomous-sloth7 It's not a feeling. I hear a claim, I've asked for those links which have been provided, and they do not contain the content claimed. There are zero articles or interviews where they definitively say either way that there will or won't be "PvE" or "Private" servers for general use.

    The devs have never said "We'll make private servers, but they will ONLY be for organized events." In that interview, they say they've seen those events and because of them, they put private servers "somewhere on the roadmap". They specifically did not say if everyone would get to use them or not.

    Then there was the other interview you guys keep linking to where they very clearly say they wouldn't want to make servers where people could just grind without any fear, and the very next sentence (which you guys always somehow leave out) is that they have always said they want people to play the way they want and it would weird for them to say "oh, but not like that". Again, you are speculating about what this ambiguous information actually means, and passing it off as fact. You don't know if the private servers will be for people to just play by themselves or not.

  • @mysticshadowzx "too easy" is subjective. It's easy for you, might not be so easy for a 5 year old.

  • @rowge-gaming


    Joe Neate: "The whole core premise of SOT is that it’s a shared world. To get to Pirate Legend, there will be danger and there will be other players…that’s what SOT has always been, it’s a shared world adventure game…it’s all about a shared world and we have no intention to deviate from that."

  • @f-22-ready said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:

    Instead of the normal put you in a random server and hope you don’t get screwed by anyone else, y’all should put a PVP Closed server so there is no PVPing against other people. Of course in-game NPC’s such as the skeletons, kraken, sharks, etc.... still exist. I just think that not having this option is a flaw in the game. It saves a lot of frustration for newer players, and is very good for solo people. Please add this into the game for the next update. I really believe it will benefit the game.

    Well its not really a flaw in the game, it is just how the Dev's want their game to be. At the end this is Rare's game and we pay money for the privilege to play it. The dev team has made quite a few statements that they do not favor PvE servers and have flat out said "no". I know a few here seem to think the word no doesnt mean no forever kinda like a stalker ex ,however I think the dev team is pretty clear about this topic.

    As far as private servers, I think that could be fun but to me personally progression on private servers make no sense especially going off of how the devs feel about PvE servers.

    I think people just need to embrace the game for what it is and have fun. Trust me I am not a fan of the PvP in this game I think it is awful but I enjoy the game for what it is. Also I manage to pretty much avoid PvP and if I can anyone can, I am no one special.

  • @xx-mirth-xx

    "...its a shared world adventure game..."

    I guess he kinda forgot about the Arena (PvP) mode which earns you rewards/commendations and exclusive cosmetics tied to that game mode...

    But yeah, we won't talk about that! Lets just use the quote in the anti-PvE threads because it sounds like he's on our side!

  • @lord-szarvas said in Private servers/PVP Closed servers:


    "...its a shared world adventure game..."

    I guess he kinda forgot about the Arena (PvP) mode which earns you rewards/commendations and exclusive cosmetics tied to that game mode...

    But yeah, we won't talk about that! Lets just use the quote in the anti-PvE threads because it sounds like he's on our side!

    How is the Arena not a shared world???? You salty, boy.

    Also, maybe watch the clip. The quote is in response to the question: "will there be PVE servers?"

  • @xx-mirth-xx

    Its not a really a PvE world though. They introduced chests and obviously that didn't vibe well. The Arena community wanted more combat and less reliance on chest digging. So, they opted for a 1 and only shiny chest to encourage more pvp combat.

    That is its own separate mode. It may be a shared world but its hardly an 'adventure' experience. Its an Arena! And it helps you get to PL if you get the Sea Dogs to 50, btw.

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