Who is More Toxic? PvE'rs or PvP'rs?

  • Now before you tell me who you think which community is more toxic, let me tell you what I think toxicity is. I see toxicity as someone yelling slurs or homophobic words and / or being rude to another person for no justified reason. What I DON'T see toxicity as is someone just spawncamping a ship until they sink. Now if you were to go up to a random ship that wasn't bothering you; and spawncamp them in adventure without even attempting to sink them, that's what I deem toxic.

    Anyways, now that we've set what I deem as "toxic" I've found that in around a 70/30 ratio, I've been told to, !@#$ myself and have been called homophobic and racist things more often by PVE'rs than by PvP'rs

    Now I don't really care if someone says these things as if I REALLY want to, I can just mute them with a click of a button. But I know that there are tons of people who look at PvP'rs and say that they are super toxic and are only playing to ruin someone else's day. However in my experience I've been harrassed more often by PvE'rs who call me slurs and make rude comments than I have by the PvP'rs. I want to know whether that's just MY experience with the 2 sides, or if when people say, "PvP'rs are SO TOXIC!" They have a different version of what "toxic" means than I do.

    Which playerbase do you think is more toxic? And if you pick one or the other, can you explain to me what you deem to be "toxic" so that I can better understand where you're coming from?

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    feedbackgeneralquestioncommunityjust for fun
  • i’d say PvE’rs are more toxic just because they’re not interested in fighting, and probably not to good at it. If they do have a mic they’ll probably have it on game chat do they can make an alliance with every ship they see. So if a ship starts attacking they’ll throw every curse word that exists to make the attacking crew lose focus or feel bad.

    PvP’rs however are smart. They’ll probably be in a xbox party or discord call, etc. so they can talk with the other crew listening. Once they’ve destroyed whatever ship they wanted to, they can switch to game chat(if in an xbox party) and start telling the other crew how bad they are, at which point the other crew will have probably left the game.

  • Pve players are 100% more salty the toxicity of losing loot is warrented. But as in my experience the pve ships that are loaded with loot do say a lot of bad words that get censored.

    If you disagree I have a hall of shame worth of screen shots.

    A majority of the time when you have a good fight close fight hard fight aka pvp players ...

    It's always a gg.

    I will send "IT'S DAVEY JONES FOR YOU" but that's just me

    Being salty and being toxic are 2 different things. Main reason I never report people. I get it

    Everyone has a different way to interpret the word "toxic"

    It's so vague and open ended.

  • In my personal experience I only get toxicity from PVPers only because of the way I play. I don’t care about cosmetics or rewards I have the ones I cared about. I love the discourse between the PVE and PVP battle (personally the PVPers are more annoying, my opinion) so to enjoy the sandbox we all play, to kill time I lure people into chasing me even with my ship empty and I get them to chase until the catch me or if I get bored I’ll sail into the Red Sea which is allowed in the game. So that results in some toxicity from thePVPers if they do catch me and see I had no loot or if I Red Sea and they stumble across me again. I don’t get it from PVE players tho purely because they don’t chase me and I don’t interact with ships first

  • Two things I've learned: 1] People hate losing loot. Especially stacks that took hours. 2] People hate being spawn-camped, but ironically, some would rather spend their time being camped than scuttle.

    In my experience, the saltiest, most toxic messages & hotmics I've received and heard, have been from players that fall into either or both of those groups.

    Are these players PvEers or PvPers or PvPvEers? I just don't know enough about them to make that distinction.

    They could've earned the loot or stolen the loot that I ended up stealing. I don't always know how they got it. Plus, I spawncamp incoming attacking ships just as much as ones running away. I've heard toxic nonsense from both types, though attacking ships are usually better sports than the ones getting attacked. Is it because they had less to lose, or is it because of their PvP-dominant playstyles? I just don't know.

    I think it boils down to the fact that some people can't handle losing. This includes PvEers, PvPers, PvPvEers.

    I'd say 70/30; for ships I attack/ships attacking me. But I can't comment on their dominant playstyle or how they usually earn loot.

    Edit: For clarity, I mean salt and toxicity as @kaijoi defines it. Proper no-no words.

  • PvP. I’ve gotten plenty of messages after a battle that consist mainly of a curse word and 10 emojis. People take PvP way too seriously.

  • @kaijoi


    Or both.

    PvE and PvP isn't a binary divide; it's a gradient. Ranging from someone like me who's never even fired on another ship or pirate, even in self defense; all the way to someone who's reached pirate legend solely through stolen loot.

    And even then, where you fall on that gradient doesn't really influence your attitude. I'm the PvEest player you're likely to meet, but I'm probably also one of the most easy going. If someone gets onboard and kills me, I'll wait on the Ferry to give them time to loot my ship, scuttle and move on without a care.

    Likewise, I've been cornered a couple times by attackers who, once seeing I wasn't a threat, actually stopped to have a little fun together before killing me and taking my loot.

    Basically, what I'm saying is that the terms PvEer and PvPer are broadly generic terms that have very little actual meaning especially in a game like SoT. If someone is a person susceptible to toxic behavior, then that behavior is going to come out, regardless of playstyle.

  • At the end of the day, it is entirely down to Rare what is deemed 'toxic' or acceptable but a little common sense goes a long way.

    If you believe a player has been toxic in the game, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket via Rare Player Support.

    Going to be dropping anchor here as trying to 'pin the blame' on one group or the other is never going to end well.


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