What's your fastest time for sinking Skelly sloops

  • Mine is around 1-2 minutes as I hit it as it emerged from the sea with a Flame bomb followed with 4 blunder bombs and finally 5 cannons balls and it started sinking after the 5th cannon ball hit and I suspect the combination of the flame bomb and blunder bombs wiped out the skeletons manning the sloop with the exception of the captain on the wheel which is why I think it sunk fast as there was no skeletons to patch up the holes I caused.
    I would like to see your stories with you dealt with the skeleton ships.

  • 8
    just for fungeneral
  • quickest? showing up to an already sinking skelly ship that sinks from hitting rocks and being full of rain water. Sinking literally as I pull up

    in combat? hitting a keg with the first shot that triggers another keg and it's a one shot kill but dependent on rng

    in general they vary. Some stay up longer than others and some last longer than they should and some sink rather quickly.

    I don't really use blunder bombs or fire. I'm typically alone so I go for the best angles, best speed, and try to get it done as fast as I can so I don't risk more hits to the face by cannonballs or getting in a pickle with galleons

  • @metal385masher

    About 37 seconds from first hit (the sound chime) to the sinking sound plays! 😎

  • About 5sec with one cannon ball I’m not sure why it happened but it did

  • @otherfanboy Did they happen to hit a keg as they were surfacing? That is always satisfying!

  • @triheadedmonkey no I think they had one on board

  • @otherfanboy ALSO very satisfying!

  • Ahoy, mateys!

    Ter be fair, me fastest time with one of those blasted ships was... Arr, around as soon as the ship surfaced, I used the- BLAST IT ALL, YOU SCURVY DOGS! QUIET DOWN! Arr... As I was telling, yours truly used the blue lighted keg, and shiver me timbers! It blew past the horizon!

just for fungeneral
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