Please rebalance Milestones for The Hunter and The Rogue

  • I can make several arguments against these specific milestones. For example, only fishermen willingly go into the storm, and certainly not enough to be there for 100 hours. I think there are more Legendary Sea Dogs than those that have caught 25,000 of each fish. In the nearly 3 years it’s been since fire was added, I don’t think I’ve even spent 5 hours on fire. You have a milestone to literally do nothing and just sit or sleep, afk but not enough to lazybeard. You also can’t do that soloing since the waves mess up the ship direction. 7500 grogs gives you alcohol poisoning, and in my 3 years playing I haven’t drunk 1000 grogs. Maybe 500.

    I understand the intention is to have these milestones earned over years, however these milestones are in every sense of the word unreasonable. If fishing takes 1.5 minutes (guess) to get one regular fish, that’s 3750 minutes (62.5 hours) fishing in perfect conditions where you don’t get a splashtail and the fish shows up instantly.

    There are so many more interesting things to do in game than get 2500 of every fish. I don’t understand the reasoning of having players literally do nothing for 200 hours sitting/sleeping. It’s an unjustifiable amount of effort compared to LSD, which was tough but fair.

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  • understand the intention is to have these milestones earned over years, however these milestones are in every sense of the word unreasonable

    If you understand. You should also understand.
    You don’t have to do those milestones if deem to difficult for yourself.

    What is unreasonable is people are picking these seemless easy to do over time milestones and nothing else.

    Can’t or won’t fish? Then don’t. Nobody is forcing you.

  • for sure allow the fish to be gathered from shipwrecks and barrels

    would be a massive qol improvement there

  • @burnbacon I am beginning to think you can't type anything other than the words "don't do them". lol..seriously do you just sit around waiting for a thread to be posted so you can go into it and type that? it's EVERY thread about the milestones. I'm guessing you are afking in a chair in-game while you hangout on the forums lol.

    The rogue and hunter commendations ARE unreasonable. the voyager, and gold earned are fine. but those two categories(rogue and hunter) are just so unfathomably out of touch with what even long-time players are not gonna sleep for 100 hours. Nothing about spending 100 hours of your limited time you have on this mortal coil sleeping in a fake bed on a fake ocean is reasonable...NOTHING about that.

    And as far as the fishing goes, I personally fish more than most probabyle in this game and there is no way I am going to catch 2500 of a type of fish for a single trophy. that's just too much. it's 250 for the worst tier of trophy...the lowest tier takes more than legend of the deep and the legendary trophy hunter COMBINED...let that sink in..

    Critiquing an update and expecting better from devs who usually knock it out of the park is not from a place of hatred. It is from a place of passion. without that passionate playerbase Sea of thieves would not be where it is today.

  • @wolfmanbush I would rather catching the fish stay the manner for what counts on the milestone. Just the numbers need to be tweaked.

  • @rathbaume said in Please rebalance Milestones for The Hunter and The Rogue:

    @wolfmanbush I would rather catching the fish stay the manner for what counts on the milestone. Just the numbers need to be tweaked.

    why? it's hunting

    hunters aren't all the same, harvesting isn't exclusive to fishing

    rename it fisher if it's exclusively for people that fish

  • @wolfmanbush I AGREE! it should be called fisher. because doing all the sea monster hunting is ACTUALLY in the feared tree. which i thought was the pvp tree. I agree 100% it's almost as confusing as the pirate log not actually being the pirate log from the update and the ship log having both the pirate log AND ship log inside of it in the menu. lol alot of mislabeled things in the menus lately.

  • @burnbacon those milestones are also unapologetically boring to do. I don’t understand why you’re defending players literally doing nothing for 200 hours just so they get a shiny trophy that tickles their fancy. These milestones shouldn’t take 5+ years of casual effort to reach cherished. Since fire was added, how long do you think you’ve been on fire? Or sitting? Or sleeping? How many fish do you think you caught total in 3 years? Let alone of a specific species. This is a fresh system with plenty of criticism I wasn’t able to voice as I was in Oregon (no internet) while these were being tested.

  • @rathbaume to further make fun of fishing milestones, combining every grade v fishing commendation for legendary hunter only gives you 2200 fish needed. Doing a Legendary Hunter grind for 1 specific fish still doesn’t get you to cherished. Now that’s messed up.

  • @rathbaume said in Please rebalance Milestones for The Hunter and The Rogue:

    @wolfmanbush I AGREE! it should be called fisher. because doing all the sea monster hunting is ACTUALLY in the feared tree. which i thought was the pvp tree. I agree 100% it's almost as confusing as the pirate log not actually being the pirate log from the update and the ship log having both the pirate log AND ship log inside of it in the menu. lol alot of mislabeled things in the menus lately.

    yeah it's unfortunate for me as I adore the hunting part but not at all the fishing part

    it's odd to me to kill as many krakens and megs as I do and not be making progress towards the hunter

  • @wolfmanbush eat 5 million pieces of produce? "apex hunter" , kill 4000 kraken? the sea wants you and fish "fear" you. lol

  • I get drunk and cook while playing off key music!

    In the game now...

    It's certainly altering play for us mildly obsessive weirdos. The firebug in me is disappointed that a good 5 minutes of fire time didn't count. 😔

  • @pithyrumble how long before you think you’ll get tired of it?

  • @baronbrr

    When did the update drop? 🤔 lol

    I dunno. It's put a spin on it cause I like doing kinda stupid stuff in the game. I know I keep bringing it up, but I have the Fleeting Fancy and Spared No Expense achievements because I wanted to know if it could be done.

    I've been playing long enough to know how to position the wheel to counteract the currents... this is something to do between points.

    Stupid grindy tho, I agree.
    But I want that 🐉and Rouge titles.

  • @baronbrr well before hundreds of hours of it. for sure. most entire games last 20-40 hours content-wise. to ask someone to sleep for 100 real time hours is just asinine.

  • @pithyrumble wait how do you counteract currents. I must know (please). I’ve always tried but I hasn’t ever worked

  • @baronbrr

    If you're sailing NW turn the wheel a little to the right (starboard) on a sloop. You'll figure out exactly where.

    If you're sailing SE you should stay straight mostly.

    The current runs SE. Adjust your wheel accordingly.

    It's like Treabeard says: I like going south. It feels like walking down hill.

    Maybe not exactly but you get it.

  • Honestly my TSD grind (which was cut before getting finished) feels nothing near these milestones...

    Gold curse grind? PFFFT.

    Legendary Sea Dog Grind? Not even a challenge.

    Legendary Hunter Of The Sea Of Thieves? A long grind of 2400 fish but doable.

    Cherished fish trophy grind? The real stuff.

  • @baronbrr a dit dans Please rebalance Milestones for The Hunter and The Rogue :

    You have a milestone to literally do nothing and just sit or sleep, afk but not enough to lazybeard.

    Why do you want to grind those milestones ? They are infinite (Milestones aren't capped at Class 100) and there are not tied to any trophies. I see no reason at all to focus on them specifically.

  • @grog-minto because I want the cherished trinkets associated with them. If there are any, and there might be ones in the future

  • Ahoy maties!

    The call has been heard and milestones have now been rebalanced. You can find out more in the post below.

    For now, I will be dropping anchor here and ask that any further feedback gets added to the post above.

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