Remove Pirate Appearance Potion notification, turn it into a buttom

  • 33
  • @mugiwara3026 its absolutely dumb that it does this.

    What if.

    You could just always access the IPG and then they charge you the ancient coins at the end?

  • People forget they even buy the thing.

    I say make where, you buy it you have to use it then and there. No waiting.

  • If you don't want it, ask support to remove it.

  • @mugiwara3026 said in Remove Pirate Appearance Potion notification, turn it into a buttom:

    @personalc0ffee wasnt ware this was an option, if i get my ancient coins back maybe i would think about it, but doesnt change the fact this system needs to be reviewed and improved

    I wouldn't count on getting your ancient coins back, that's premium currency and is usually non refundable. Like I am pretty sure in the ToS for the store, it says no refunds.

    But they can definitely remove the pirate potion from your account, so you don't have to worry about accidentally using it.

  • I have been thinking that my self for a while, but i dont use the potions enough to have it on my mind actively. But the 2 times i did buy one, i was absolutely annoyed each time it popped up.

  • @mugiwara3026 I'm glad you made this thread.

    I was thinking of buying one, but if I didn't find anything I liked cancelling and keeping my existing toon. I would be a drag to have this happen.

    Needless to say I didn't do it because my existing toon is near perfection :)

  • lol that thing annoys me just by seeing streamers go through it as I'd never change my own pirate

    never made sense to me why it would be set up that way

    it's not necessary to bug people, qol improvement to change it imo

  • @personalc0ffee I know people who have had the potion refunded.

  • @captain-coel said in Remove Pirate Appearance Potion notification, turn it into a buttom:

    @personalc0ffee I know people who have had the potion refunded.

    As do I but I do not believe it is a guarantee.

    They will remove it for you, however.

  • @mugiwara3026 said in Remove Pirate Appearance Potion notification, turn it into a buttom:

    @personalc0ffee bruh, you keep talking about "asking to remove" but you do realize this is not the topic of the post right? im proposing improving it not asking for a refund, you dont have to very smart to understand that lol

    You can literally have the problem fully resolved by having support remove the item from the account.

    Easy done

  • You should not buy it if you don't intend to use it.

    If you don't want it anymore, contact support to have them remove it.

    Nothing else needs to be done IMO because it is a waste of developer resources and time to develop something for such a small percentage of players.

    If you have friends or other crew that don't want theirs, let them know that support will remove it if requested.

    As to a solution?

    You have to use it when you buy, you can't save it. If you changed your mind, oh well.

  • @mugiwara3026 said in Remove Pirate Appearance Potion notification, turn it into a buttom:

    @personalc0ffee said in Remove Pirate Appearance Potion notification, turn it into a buttom:

    You should not buy it if you don't intend to use it.
    players not only should, but CAN buy it to either use or keep for future if they feel like it, it just should not ask if i want to use all the time, it should be a option which i can click on when i want to use it, i dont know how this was even approved to be released working the way it does is bad desing and lazy work, and it needs a fix :)

    Only siding with what @BurnBacon said earlier.

    I do believe this. Don't buy something you aren't going to use.

    Maybe instead if you don't use it, it should just refund your AC and remove it.

    There, easy done.

  • @mugiwara3026 said in Remove Pirate Appearance Potion notification, turn it into a buttom:

    @personalc0ffee said in Remove Pirate Appearance Potion notification, turn it into a buttom:

    I do believe this. Don't buy something you aren't going to use.

    never said i wouldnt use it, i bought it while on discount planing to change my character's gender in future, but didnt find the right one yet, meanwhile i dont need a notification everytime to remind me that i have it, im not a gold fish and im sure no one else but you and bacon seem to need it, also it doesnt matter when i use, after all i paid for it, common sense?

    I don't have that potion.

    I spent over 30 minutes selecting my pirate.

    I know some did not, prior to that potion you would lose all data if you changed pirate.

    I know you didn't want to be constantly reminded which is why I told you can contact to support to have them remove it for you. You can always just buy it again in the future should you have need.

    Could they do better with notifications? Yes, absolutely. Is it strictly necessary? No it is not.

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  • @captain-coel how

  • @darkvader202 They asked, they filed a support ticket and got it refunded.

  • Some posts SHOULD be necroed!

    *Get BACK you MODS!!*

    The constant potion reminder is annoying, even more than Larinna!

  • @foambreaker said in Remove Pirate Appearance Potion notification, turn it into a buttom:

    Some posts SHOULD be necroed!

    *Get BACK you MODS!!*

    The constant potion reminder is annoying, even more than Larinna!

    If you don't want it to constantly remind you, currently you must contact support and they will remove it for you.

  • I just basically bought the potion but I then regretted it later because I didn’t know about the spam everytime you logged in and when I didn’t feel the need to change my character could I get the pirate appearance potion removed?

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