Invisible ships in hourglass.

  • I've been encountering "invisible" ships in hourglass lately.

    We checked the map to see them next to us, my crew and I figured we should dive down to investigate and we found their ship submerged.

    They tried to act friendly and pass it off as a bug, but I didn't believe it for a second. He sounded like a typical untrustworthy shady guy, the type to wear skeleton curses and scam kids to raise hourglass.

    They were able to breathe underwater and even shoot the cannons at us from below.

    My crewmates decided to call it a night right then and there.

    Have you encountered any weird "bUgS" lately?

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  • There is a bug that can happen during hourglass where your ship won't surface, but you can sail around and use cannons no problem, which is what I suspect you ran into.

  • I've been encountering some invisible ships in hourglass lately.

    One of them stopped next to us, my crew and I dove below and saw their ship submerged. did you know they were next to you when they were Invisible? 0-0"

  • @burnbacon we thought they were invisible. Saw them on the map, but not on the surface. We dove down to see them moving etc etc.

  • @d3adst1ck Thanks for clarifying.

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