Any Tips On Solo Slooping?

  • I am a relatively noob solo slooper, maybe like 20 hours, I have played more but always with friends. Yesterday I decided to risk raising an emissary flag and do some gold hoarder buried treasure quests.

    After about 5 I began sailing to an Outpost and was attacked by the Kraken, managed to kill it (I only needed to kill about 3 tentacles apparently)

    After I sold I saw a roaming skeleton Galleon and decided to risk trying to sink it. After about 3 minutes I successfully sunk it and acquired my biggest loot haul yet. However just as I finished harpooning the loot I hear an ominous sound, turns out its the sound of a Kraken AND A skelly Sloop spawning.

    I decided to try and fight, however after killing five tentacles the Kraken didn't leave, then I got sucked in by a Tentacle and watched my ship get bamboozled by the Skelly Sloop into oblivion.

    Is their anyway to reduce these random encounters?

    It wouldn't have been so bad except that was the most money I'd ever had on my boat at one time and was pretty disappointed.

    Any help or tips about solo slooping would be Greatly appreciated.

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  • As a solo sloop pirate.

    Rule number 1!
    Do not stress yourself out over everything.

    If you forgot something, oh well. Keep sailing forward

    You will be a target. Regardless what you do

    Most other solo sloops are the enemy, but some are the most chill and may turn into a duo sloop

    You are captain even if you don’t own a captain ship. Don’t let anyone board unless invited.

    If you have nothing on your ship and see a fight coming your way. Don’t run, fight. You got nothing to lose anyways.

    Best way to get a lot of loot. Stop at every island regardless if you’re doing a voyage.
    Don’t skip bottles or islands. Might get lucky

    You can do anything. Play your way. Don’t let others get you down because you’re alone.

    Solo sloop is “hard mode” but not impossible.

    Don’t be that type of pirate that avoids others because pvp. You be surprised how chill some good pirates are. Talk to every passing ship
    Someone may give you bananas

  • There is no way to reduce random encounters, but that sounded more like a bug than a random encounter.

    I would say my best tip for learning solo is expect to sink when things get hard, but try your best not to, and when you do sink, try to remember exactly where you made a mistake and where you should have done something different in that moment.

    When you are solo, you have to learn to prioritize in very intense moments, and the only way to really learn exactly what to prioritize is by trying your best even against seemingly impossible odds. One trick i employed to get better was a self imposed challenge to get an emissary to grade 5 and i had to sink at least 1 other player ship before i could sell. The logic being if i won, i earned my loot, and if they won, they earned my loot and i needed more practice.

    Every time you sink, you will always have something to learn, and often you will learn more sinking in a hard fight, than you would by demolishing any enemy with little effort.

  • @burnbacon Thanks i will try these tips out.

  • @goldsmen Thanks for the advice. I have played with friends but usually just follow orders rather then actually leading.

  • It will be alright in time.

    It may seem dismissive in how simple that belief is but at the core of every successful solo adventure is that belief.

    The more you do something the better you will get at it.

    6+ months ago I switched to controller to experience the game in a different way and to challenge myself in a different way.

    Because I had no experience I could barely get by even though I have a lot of game experience. Just bucketing water was difficult for me. Pvp was difficult for me. Pve that I had vanquished thousands of times before was difficult for me. I sank over and over again just like I did when I was new.

    After a few months I was getting more effective and more comfortable. After 6 months I'm just fine.

    That will be you in a few months, that will be you in 6+ months. You will get the practice and you will be alright.

    Think of everything as an investment in yourself, the losses, messing up, being unlucky, sinking, the good the bad and the ugly. It's all an investment in yourself and you will do very well when that pays off in the somewhat near future.

    You will lose more and that's alright, I lose too. The struggle is temporary and then what you have gained will last you years.

    You will learn something today and tomorrow and every day after that. That's valuable, people can't rob you of that. Carry it, implement it, you will do awesome, this is just what it takes to get there.

  • @wolfmanbush Thanks for the support, I am getting a little better I think but when multiple enemies spawn on me at once there's still not much I can do.

  • @pizzacat8555 said in Any Tips On Solo Slooping?:

    @wolfmanbush Thanks for the support, I am getting a little better I think but when multiple enemies spawn on me at once there's still not much I can do.

    In your situation I would keep a rowboat on me at all times.

    If things go south you can throw some of your good stuff on the rowboat and either escape and pick it up or if you end up on the ferry you can just return to the spot and pick up your rowboat with the loot.

    The thing about solo slooping is always have a back up plan. Solo slooping isn't a game of always winning fights pve and/or pvp so the backup plan is how people can still get stuff done.

    In this case take some pressure off by having a plan to get loot out of there even if you sink. I would just move on to the next but I know people get attached to their loot so the rowboat backup plan is what makes sense.

    You mentioned a skelly galleon being a big loot haul for you so with that in mind I would check out shipwrecks. With king's loot and other new shipwreck loot it's quite lucrative and easy to find/gather. You can make up your losses pretty easy with that, and you might find a bunch of fish in the barrels to sell as well.

    Shipwrecks are a great point A to point B journey that can get you some gold/rep through a decent chance of good treasure and it won't be super intense as long as you sell regularly.

  • @wolfmanbush Thanks, i will try them out

  • @pizzacat8555

    Also a Solo Slooper newbie as part of PS5 influx and your experience (except for the victories) sounds familiar 😁

    Since beta have scoured internet for tips and tricks... PhuzzyBond's videos seem to be the best all round - serious solo slooping skills ☠️

    Also plan to use the Alliance flag functionality as someone mentioned above... Only found out about it post beta...

  • Top tip always check the horizon shipmate!

    But in direct response to your question, you can always run away from these encounters. Theres no shame in it if you have loot that you require to sell.

  • @captainwilks said in Any Tips On Solo Slooping?:

    But in direct response to your question, you can always run away from these encounters. Theres no shame in it if you have loot that you require to sell.

    Don't think it's possible to outrun skeleton ships? And kraken slows you down so option is fight or rowboat?

    Only going off what I've read online, so could well be wrong...

  • @old-jumby

    You can get away from the ships mate. And you can do a 180 degree turn to sail out of the krakens uni and avoid the encounter :)

  • @old-jumby

    Check out at 2:20 on the video.

  • Thanks for all the tips everyone! Recently I managed to finish a skull fort and hand in by myself! (It doesn't sound like a lot but for me it was huge)

  • @pizzacat8555 said in Any Tips On Solo Slooping?:

    Thanks for all the tips everyone! Recently I managed to finish a skull fort and hand in by myself! (It doesn't sound like a lot but for me it was huge)

    Solo is a challenging way to play the game. Whether a few pieces of loot or an entire vault it's all impressive when accomplished by solos that are new, inexperienced, and figuring things out.

    You are an underdog on a sea full of scurvy dogs. Hold on to that joy and sense of accomplishment, what you are doing is awesome.

  • @pizzacat8555

    Well done mate!

  • @old-jumby said in Any Tips On Solo Slooping?:

    @captainwilks said in Any Tips On Solo Slooping?:

    But in direct response to your question, you can always run away from these encounters. Theres no shame in it if you have loot that you require to sell.

    Don't think it's possible to outrun skeleton ships? And kraken slows you down so option is fight or rowboat?

    Only going off what I've read online, so could well be wrong...

    When I was new I use to always get sunk by the skeleton ships and hate my life when I lost all my loot. Now I just anchor my ship and keep shooting connon balls at there cannon line or raise you sails a little to decrease your speed.

    If you show them skeleton ships any fear they'll sink you, but you be surprised at how capable you are if you are the first one to fire at them once you hear that musical que and your already at the cannons waiting for their ship to rise out of the water 🌊.

  • @slimmmmcity

    For sure. They seem challenging at first, but they are pretty easy prey in the main.

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