After months and months of playing, I finally faced the Shrouded Ghost

  • I was alone, sailing my new brig, Gravesend, when the elusive beastie caught my attention. I tried to get my boyfriend to hop on and join to assist me in taking down the creature but it was late for him and he was relaxing so I attempted to take on the Ghost myself. I was surprised to find it was rather timid, it never once attacked me (which honestly made me feel kinda bad for attacking it lol), but my cannonball hits didn't really seem to phase it. I didn't wanna let this super rare fish escape me so I stayed to fight.
    Suddenly, the crescendo music plays like it's about to ram my ship, but then.... it's gone. It disappears. I didn't kill it tho, it just despawns out of nowhere. I waited, sailed the area hoping for it to surface again. Minutes go by. Nothing. The Shrouded Ghost had escaped my clutches... for now.

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  • Congratulations , we have been trying to find it for years untill we finally found and killed it in the end of 2022, so we hunted for 4 years and a half.

  • Congratulations 😌 that is a feat I couldn't accomplish. The Shrouded Ghost escaped before I could finish it off.
    However, the more I look at the clip and the picture, I'm almost wondering if it was even the Shrouded Ghost I had seen at all? The Shadowmaw looks insanely close to the Shrouded Ghost at night...

  • Congratulations , just to encounter the Shrouded Ghost is just so epic, such a nice move to get a recording of it to share with us.

  • @liliithxxx You're correct that The Shawdowmaw can look like the Shrouded Ghost at night.

    The best way to be sure that it was the Shrouded Ghost is the music. The music for the Shrouded Ghost encounter is different to the normal megolodon encounter music.

    If you want to hear what it sounds like the track is called The Shrouded Ghost.

  • I have a heavy color weakness but it dont look white at all? if that the shrouded ghost i might missed him

  • @toy8161 I wish I could have gotten a better recording of the music as well bc it sounded different than the meg music I'm accustomed to. But it's so hard to tell between the Shadowmaw and the Shrouded Ghost at night that I'm wondering which one it was. The music was different tho. They seem to look the exact same. Only difference is the music. 🎶

  • @granty012 I just looked it up on YouTube and that's the music I heard! That's why I was so confused about it being a meg but the music sounded so different than normal. But I also heard that this could have been the Shadowmaw as well and maybe I just didn't hear the music correctly or something? But I swear the music sounded different when this beastie spawned on me. It freaked me out bc I didn't know what was happening. Lol

  • @da-german420 the Shrouded Ghost is much darker in color at night. I've read that it's more of a dark purple or dark gray at night compared to daytime.

  • @liliithxxx

    Oh hey nice! I haven't seen the Ghost but a friend of mine does. We were going to ask about the music but didn't want to be that poster lol.

    6 years between 4 different accounts that usually solo and only a sighting and it was before the special music lol.


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