Sea of Thieves Worldmap 2.0

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    I sketched a new worldmap, where the factions are divided!
    I think that would bring interesting new dynamics into the game!
    I can elaborate! (but I still can't upload images properly..)

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  • @realstyli Thanks, I have to wait a while before I can edit my post!

  • Nice drawing but it makes no sense. Why would the factions be divided into different areas?

    • The Order of Souls does not want to own land; They just want to kill skeletons and learn the secrets in their skulls.
    • The Gold Hoarders only want those magical treasure chests. They don't care about land ownership.
    • The Merchant Alliance just ships goods to each island. They don't own any of them.
    • Reapers just value ultimate freedom.

    All sectioning them off in neat little areas would do is make the game feel less organic and more like a video game. Because there's no reason for the factions to shuffle off into neat little areas of the map.

    Plus, now, if someone does an OoS mission; They can no longer sail to the nearest island. Now they have to sail all the way back to the OoS section.
    The factions have basically agreed that the sea is unowned, and to share every island's outpost without arguing.

  • @timotion22 Fixed it up for you :) PS Nice sketch!

  • @musicmee awesome!

  • @guildar9194 Well, I designed this with gameplay in mind:
    -pledge yourself to a faction and hire Ai ships/Ai crew or join real people
    -your part of the sea will be protected by Ai ships & forts
    -missions in enemy territory will be hard and exciting!
    -of course there could be neutral islands with small shops of each faction.
    -maybe players could create their own islands & trade.
    -Sot would become more grand, with fleets against fleets.
    -Of course, this concept should be tested & cracked.

  • No surprise seeing “Ice zone” which idk why player so into ice areas.

  • @timotion22 said in Sea of Thieves Worldmap 2.0:

    @guildar9194 Well, I designed this with gameplay in mind:
    -pledge yourself to a faction and hire Ai ships/Ai crew or join real people
    -your part of the sea will be protected by Ai ships & forts
    -missions in enemy territory will be hard and exciting!
    -of course there could be neutral islands with small shops of each faction.
    -maybe players could create their own islands & trade.
    -Sot would become more grand, with fleets against fleets.
    -Of course, this concept should be tested & cracked.

    Sorry but all of that feels like a completely different game, at that point.
    There's no 'enemies' or 'factions', other than being an Emissary. Reapers are seen as villains, sure, but only because they take the pirate idea of 'Do what you want' to heavy extremes.

    Your ideas, while possibly making for a neat game, don't fit Sea of Thieves.
    Making faction areas with AI ships and crew, and 'enemy territory' and such feels like 'World of Warcraft: Pirate Edition' instead of 'Sea of Thieves', and basically removes the 'sandbox' nature of the game by slicing the game into themed areas and adding 'Us vs Them' tribalism that's not actually in the game:

    • Suddenly, You're 'A Gold Hoarder' because you had to pick a faction, and attacking 'Order of Souls' because they're not 'A Gold Hoarder'.

    When what Sea of Thieves is, is that you're 'A Pirate' who does jobs for them because you feel like it. Or sails to K9 because you feel like it. or attacks someone else because you feel like it.

    Again; You have neat ideas. But not ideas that fit in Sea of Thieves. There's no sections of the map owned by factions and guarded by faction ships. And there should not be.

  • @timotion22

    WOW!!!! You have such an amazing talent!!! Even if this can't be implemented into the current game, this is still be an amazing concept! I'm wondering what types of treasures, lore, and voyages could be had in the frozen zone.

  • @europa4033 ha, thanks, now I want to sketch more! :)
    Sea of Thieves really inspires people to want more & more & more of the same goodness :)

  • @burnbacon If you want to make a map feel complete and diverse, Ice zones are a common addition! Ice, lava, desert, jungle, green hills, and so on.

  • @guildar9194 It was meant for a sequel or reboot. I love sea of thieves and it just sparks my imagination. I'll just draw stuff and post it here for the community te see.
    Maybe I'll make my own 2D pixel pirate game someday :D
    Thanks for the feedback anyways!

  • @guildar9194 Yeah maybe you'll need two big kingdoms: East vs West, red vs blue. And those two sides have their own factions for the type of loot you can find. Of course you can decide to stay neutral or be a true pirate. It is called 'Sea of Thieves', not sea of pirates :)
    I think the first game of SOT is just the beginning, Rare would be foolish to let this gem of a franchise sink.. There is still so much to do!

  • The only faction that makes sense to have its own area is Reaper Bones, probably the result of a conquest by battle.

    I even see it as something necessary for the progression of the Flameheart storyline to dominate a region for a while, it would probably be The Wilds. His great fortress was there in the past.

  • @lleorb Yeah I think it can be really exciting to venture into enemy territory, maybe give the option to conquer areas, become Captain, commander, general, king of a certain faction..

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