FPS drops when entering a barrel or crate

  • There is a massive FPS drop when entering crates and barrels.

    Please fix.

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  • That may be a system issue for you. I haven't seen any such slowdown, but the game is also accessing additional information when you are entering storage objects, so the focus is on the UI not so much the FPS.

  • @reverend-toast Spectated friends and they have this issue too. Or spectate any streamer that has consistent 144 hz, and you will see it every time they enter a barrel or storage crate.

  • not really an issue, since the drop is neglegable

  • @heretic1873
    Yeah I guess leaving buggy code, resource hogging processes, and or possible memory leaks is not such a big deal.

    "Negligible" is relative to your hardware. I get near 144 fps consistently but opening a menu tanks it in the 90s. What about someone on lower spec hardware?

    I have a friend that can't open the Tools Radial menu without dipping FPS. So every time he opens the radial pull out a bucket it lags his client and he can't select it as quick.

    I noticed if you spam ESCAPE there is no FPS drop. I also tested with NPCs dialog and there is no drop. So it's not effecting all GUIs.

  • @bleu-solo i have a GPU from 2019 and a 10 year old CPU, haven't noticed the drop until you mentioned it, it's probably a display error anyway, since steam is technically third party software in this case, chill, dude.

  • @heretic1873
    I'm on the Microsoft store version.

    Also, as I have mentioned to you, "I have a friend that can't open the Tools Radial menu without dipping FPS. So every time he opens the radial pull out a bucket it lags his client and he can't select it as quick." So these buggy UIs can have a real impact on gameplay. Neither you nor I have any idea what impact this has in the background.

  • @bleu-solo and that means it can have exactly 0 impact, since it's, again, either a display issue, or your own local hardware/software kink, it's literally unnoticeable

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