Got to the outpost at the soverigns and was about to unload the stack, got the server merge text. Server merged and found another ship already there, 3 player gally. Couldn't even turn in anything and was spawn killed. I was already parked and ready to hop up on the ladder to turn in stuff. What a waste of my time.
This shouldn't be a thing. Everything else restricts to without treasure onboard. But this is a whole new level of RARE'D.
So forced server merging needs to have restrictions like everything else. Don't spawn me beside a player(s) at an outpost when I pulled up to an empty one, or 2 don't server merge until there is no loot on board. One or the other or both. But after stacking for 3 hours and was as safe as I could be in limiting combat, you push me into a conflict that wasn't going to be there in the first place. I wouldn't have tried to 1vX either.
And stop server merging me to an EU server with 150+ ping, your game plays like trash with 100+ ping.
Stop trolling your playerbase please.