Hourglass cheating

  • After losing my streaks to the same person, and also watching my friends and streamers come across the same individual for the past 3 days who is running subscription cheats and clearing the entire US-East stamp with multiple reports, at what point is something to be done to prevent this?

    I appreciate the efforts that have been made recently, but quick action should be taken when an obvious cheater is targeting a game mode. I've provided the evidence, have four separate people who have evidence and have made reports as well.

    I understand it's an ongoing battle against cheaters, but when one person is able to ruin the experience of an entire mode for everyone it is disheartening to not have it taken care of in a timely manner.

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  • @cainbong Rare employees are not robots and thus don't work 24/7. That means that in the evenings and weekends there are not much people working (just like for other gaming companies). But because Rare is a UK-based company, when most people play on the US East Coast (end of the afternoon, beginning of the evening) it's far into the night in the UK and thus it takes longer for those reports to be able to handled.

    Also take into account that when Microsoft wanted to cut spending and demanding less employees at their companies, that also affected Rare, since they are owned by Microsoft.

  • @super87ghost said in Hourglass cheating:

    @cainbong Rare employees are not robots and thus don't work 24/7.

    All Rare has to do is watch solo hourglass fights. 100's of cheaters play there every day

    Also take into account that when Microsoft wanted to cut spending and demanding less employees at their companies, that also affected Rare, since they are owned by Microsoft.

    Sea of Thieves is horrible for casual players. Perhaps if Devs worked on improving the hostile angry community, they might retain more players that then want to buy cosmetics

  • Sea of Thieves is horrible for casual players

    Define casual. Because I see myself as one and never have troubles or stress over much. Not like the old days. These days everything is simple

  • @burnbacon

    Why focus on that part of the response while ignoring "All Rare has to do is watch solo hourglass fights. 100's of cheaters play there every day" which is related to the thread. That is a valid point that is actually on-topic and was ignored. The topic is "Hourglass Cheating"

  • @burnbacon said in Hourglass cheating:

    Sea of Thieves is horrible for casual players

    Define casual. Because I see myself as one and never have troubles or stress over much. Not like the old days. These days everything is simple

    Casual means someone that hasn't been playing constantly for the last 3 years, that isn't on these forums advocating and giving tips for PVP for the last 3 years. @Burn, I don't know how many hours you have in game, but you've been on here posting almost everyday since I started playing 3 years ago. You call yourself casual? I consider myself a more committed player and I'll bet you have more time than I do in-game.

  • I'm not sure if Rare is doing this, but sometimes devs choose to observe cheaters to study what's happening and refine their server anti-cheat systems. Simply banning the player might just lead them to create a new account, which can turn into a cat-and-mouse game. By watching the cheater in action, devs can gather valuable data to improve the system and prevent future exploits. I understand it’s frustrating when immediate action isn't taken, but this approach can sometimes lead to stronger, more lasting solutions against cheaters.

  • The problem is they have hundreds of accounts ready to go at the cheaters disposal. It's a part of the subscription benefits. I'm referring to the obvious cheats that were detectable but now are rampant again. While they are not teleporting through cannons, they have an equally powerful way to board now and it is unwinnable.

    I'm going to estimate that there are on my stamp less than 100-200 active players at peak hours (being generous here) who are playing hourglass, for all ship sizes. This number steadily drops throughout the non peak hours until there only a handful of players.

    I constantly see streamers being targeted through this game mode, as it's fragile and easy to do so. There is no escape other than to switch stamps with a VPN and they will likely run into the same issue as it's easy to target.

    A single player can target this game mode, achieving 100+ streaks without being dealt with. I've seen this live on stream with a solo reaching over 110 on a galleon.

    At the time of this post, I've met the cheater I described again on an alternate account, after his last account was banned. The original name was banned and they are already on a new account targeting the mode and using NAL sails on the account. This is the fifth time I can confirm I have met this same individual. He mentions who else he is specifically targeting, some of which have a strong presence in the community. Egregious blatant cheating should be handled immediately. These people are not trying to to go 'under the radar' they are vocal about themselves cheating admitting so in text, voice chat and stating the reasons for doing so. The player base is suffering at the expense of angry individuals seeking revenge for 'injustice'.

    It would not be hard to monitor this specific mode daily to prevent this.

  • @cainbong said in Hourglass cheating:

    These people are not trying to to go 'under the radar' they are vocal about themselves cheating admitting so in text, voice chat and stating the reasons for doing so. The player base is suffering at the expense of angry individuals seeking revenge for 'injustice'.

    I ran into a player in hourglass that told me how he was cheating and even offered to send me links. Wonder if it was the same guy? I ignored him and just turned the game off

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