Run trolling in Hourglass should be reportable

  • Run trolling in Hourglass should be reportable

    I've already come across several players, who just do that, run from one end to the other, while laughing. And they don't fight, they try to win hoping that you get tired and leave, because of the loss of time

    Rare for the love of god, do something about this problem

    its not even hard, make smaller, and smaller the area of the Hourglass with the time till you are forced to fight or die, limite this to no more than 15 mins

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  • And how would a shrinking area work with a third party?

    • If a third party is forced to join the fight; This means people wanting (Or needing) to go near the fight for a Voyage now have to wait for it to end, or be forced into the HG fight.
    • if the third party is not affected; They can now sit outside the circle and snipe HG players while being un-boardable.

    It's not such an easy fix when you take third-partying into account.

  • Agree, a 20-minute time limit sounds good. If both players are still standing at the end, it should be a draw, and both lose. Who enjoys a match lasting over 20 minutes, especially with third-party interference?

  • @uluckyhitreg The only problem I have with that idea is that it would suck if they were about to sink, and your 20 minutes is up, then you lose your streak for no reason. That's really the main problem with this idea otherwise it would be good.

  • @sharkfire75 True, that could be fixed by checking the water level of both ships. The one with less water at the end of the time limit would win, so it’s still fair without cutting a streak short.

  • just making the area smaller with the timer, like fornite would improve the experience a lot. forcing players to fight because it will be a time where you cant scape anymore

  • Run trolling in Hourglass should be reportable

    Not until people who use a bucket to "Scoop" the soul is reportable. Not until people who spawn camp. Sure its reportable but it goes nowhere. There other things that are more trolling or disrespectful normal.

    As for Running. Park ship, fish. Wait until you see a passing ship, give them a DM to come sink the other ship. :D

    Rare for the love of god, do something about this problem

    Is it a problem? Or players not plan for the encounters and do something about it.

    make smaller, and smaller the area of the Hourglass with the time till you are forced to fight or die,

    Small band aid to a problem that will get worse.
    Map causes issues when a circle shrinks. Think. If an island is part of the circle...what happens when your cut off from fighting?
    If both lose, Im sorry but NO. Nobody in the right mind wants to lose because a timer said so.

  • @thecatsidhe said in Run trolling in Hourglass should be reportable:

    just making the area smaller with the timer, like fornite would improve the experience a lot. forcing players to fight because it will be a time where you cant scape anymore

    Again; This does not work with third-party mechanics.

  • @guildar9194 No it doesn't. If anything it will make it easier for 3rd partying ships to either 3rd party or not get involved. Isn't that your whole shtick, 3rd partying is fine?

    I'd say for this change to be good they'd need t make it so after like 5 min it start shrinking the circle after like 5min and then stop when the circle has shrunk to about a 3rd of its size. That way no one can run easily and there is still room enough for a naval fight. I don't like the idea of a timer cause that would just lower the skill ceiling.

    @uluckyhitreg then the meta would be just bucketing at the end of the time limit. Another reason i don't like the time limit because there is no way to find a solid winner and loser.

  • A horrible idea which would introduce even more problems.

  • They probably close the miles related achievements. But the narrowing of the area by time was really a good plus. I stopped playing hourglass because I got bored with runners and battles when two ships stand without masts and constantly shoot trying to make a oneball kill. It is no longer interesting, the game before the first oneball quickly gets boring

  • @hegemon3 Do you think you have to come to terms with people who, instead of fighting, just run away?

  • @sungvu No, why?

  • @hegemon3
    Well, judging by your last message, you don’t care. As for me, at least some solution is better than just allowing clowns who simply run away to troll normal players

  • @sungvu No, trust me, I do care. I just think the time limit will cause even more running. Think about it. You're giving them a buff. A gift of one chance at the very end for a lucky win attempt. You won't have quicker battles than the max time limit. Also, lots of fights are solved long before the end, but you just need that one final nail in the coffin and sometimes you wait for it for 10-15 min, just because your boards are not going good enough. You have no pressure, you know you've already won basically and it is a matter of time to secure the win. The time you want to take away from you and take the draw instead.

    Trust me, you don't want your idea to be in the game.

  • @hegemon3 But in fact RARE can add at least a reason for the report for running away, right? That such people would be banned from pvp.

  • @sungvu Oh that? Sorry, I was thinking we're talking about the time limit / shrinking circle.
    Well, to be honest running is part of the game, one of the strats that can be used on the sea. Personally I think it is boring and kinda duck move, but this is a sandbox game. The freedom of doing whatever we like has a cost - meeting people that do what we don't want to do. Also catching runners is a skill you can learn. I hardly ever have a problem with runners, I just keep my wheel and sails sharp, react quickly, predict and keep myself prepared (chains). Reporting people for not following your will or playing outside meta isn't a good idea imo.

  • @burnbacon

    running to the edge , then run again to the other edge while laughing is part of the game? those things are making players leave the game dude. there is 2 option, leave at it's or just do something with the hourglass, because what they wanted is making you loose your time

  • @thecatsidhe Forget it, it’s useless, the developers won’t change anything anyway. The only option here is to play 2+ or become an uber cutlet that will quickly drown these guys

  • @thecatsidhe 10 mins is my attention span for sailing in a circle, I purposely don't repair. I figure if I can't sink you with what I've got on board or you can't put enough holes in me to win it's a boring piece of gameplay I want no part of.

    I actually think they should prevent repairs taking place or dare I say it bring back the original Arena which was fun.

    Hurt your hands it was so frantic on the controller but it was exciting.

    Given the numbers who have departed due to PvP I think it's time Rare decided on a PvP game that actually works and bring back all the customers they've lost because they just wanted to PvE.

    Hourglass is not the answer.

    I have been very reluctant to have any discussion about splitting player base as i always believed it would kill the game. Unfortunately not providing an exciting PvP part and willing to sacrifice the loss of PvE players is killing the game anyway.

  • @thecatsidhe

    I know I've heard a few people say they only play hourglass to run. To extend the time as long as possible until the other person quits. They get a laugh out the entire situation and solely do it to annoy the opposing player.

    IMO, this is grieifing. As per Wiki:
    "A griefer or bad-faith player is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately and intentionally irritates, annoys or trolls other players within the game".

    It could also fall under harassment. It is the same as joining an open crew ship with the intention of firebombing and dropping anchor in order to prevent progress for the entire crew.

    I think this is a reportable offense and I have reported people for doing so when they admitted they were solely going to "waste as much of my time as possible"

  • A griefer or bad-faith player is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately and intentionally irritates, annoys or trolls other players within the game".

    Players Deliberately in Sea of Thieves: attacking other players, stealing from them, chasing them down because they have loot or resources, burn down there ship, proceed to damage there nice repaired ship, attack players while doing Tall Tales....

    By that...All those things should be reportable Right? Since...those things annoy and irritate players it seems. Very sad.

  • @burnbacon

    None of those things you mentioned should be reportable and I wouldn't consider griefing. Sinking 'Tall Talers' is distasteful to me, but attacking them is a part of the high seas and you should be aware of that whenever you opt in to play it. Same goes for 3rd partying in hourglass. Well I don't like it, it's a part of the game.

    Not engaging in a rival ship battle with the sole purpose to intentionally waste as much time as possible by sailing around the boundaries in hopes the rival ship quits is entirely different than the examples you provided. I also included when the person states they are going to not engage and extend the match until you leave the server is in my opinion 'griefing'.

  • @cainbong said in Run trolling in Hourglass should be reportable:


    None of those things you mentioned should be reportable and I wouldn't consider griefing.

    Why not? All those things fit your definition of griefing: they are intentional and it annoys or trolls a lot of people.

    I do agree with you that those shouldn't be reportable, since those are part of the intended gameplay. But so is running.

    @cainbong said in Run trolling in Hourglass should be reportable:

    Not engaging in a rival ship battle with the sole purpose to intentionally waste as much time as possible by sailing around the boundaries in hopes the rival ship quits is entirely different than the examples you provided. I also included when the person states they are going to not engage and extend the match until you leave the server is in my opinion 'griefing'.

    You call it griefing, that other might call it a tactic to win the match. Another might call it a skill issue, since they can't keep running without ever being in your line of fire, since it's a relatively small circle so you can always cut them off.

    A last point is: from what point is it running and not just resetting, not having a good death circle, etc. I have never run in HG, but have been accused of running many times, just because my ship was so damaged i had to reset to not sink or because either i or the other didn't have a good circle and we eventually sailed away untill we corrected course.

    There is so many false running accusations, that if this idea would get reality either innocent players will get punished or that Rare get so overwhelmed with reports that they are either not punishing it anymore or have to close down HG because it gets to expensive (all those reports costs money, since you need employees to look into them). This is why i think that Rare, even if they would agree with you (wich is a question mark), would never make it punishable.

    I think the timer that @uluckyhitreg mentioned is a better option. I just don't agree with that you would lose both then, since that gives people still the chance to keep running to ruin the other's streak and considering how abissmally small your progression is without a streak, that is a huge punishment. I would rather make it so that it is a draw and both sides keep their streak (you don't lose it, and nothing is added to it). On top of it i would change up his timer idea even further and make it a sort of AFK-timer: if there are no cannonball hits against either ships (only cannonballs who make holes count) in 10 minutes, the match ends in a draw. I deliberately left out weapons, throwables and cursed cannonballs, so you can't use those to reset the timer without trying to sink the other to extend the match (this also helps prevent griefers who spawnkil and try to make the other scuttle so he won't get any allegiance).

    Another thing i would change is to remove the commendations (1 for both sides) for sailing miles while in a HG match, since that is also a reason why people run, because they need the miles. This is just a wrong incentive.

  • @guildar9194 said in Run trolling in Hourglass should be reportable:

    @thecatsidhe said in Run trolling in Hourglass should be reportable:

    just making the area smaller with the timer, like fornite would improve the experience a lot. forcing players to fight because it will be a time where you cant scape anymore

    Again; This does not work with third-party mechanics.

    I fail to understand how this doesn't work with a third party. The mechanics are the exact same, only the circle is smaller for the two HG ships. They're more restricted in their movements while the third party is not.

    Same as always, yes?

  • @habiki said in Run trolling in Hourglass should be reportable:

    @guildar9194 said in Run trolling in Hourglass should be reportable:

    @thecatsidhe said in Run trolling in Hourglass should be reportable:

    just making the area smaller with the timer, like fornite would improve the experience a lot. forcing players to fight because it will be a time where you cant scape anymore

    Again; This does not work with third-party mechanics.

    I fail to understand how this doesn't work with a third party. The mechanics are the exact same, only the circle is smaller for the two HG ships. They're more restricted in their movements while the third party is not.

    Same as always, yes?

    So a third-party ship can sit outside the circle and be safer? People will complain about that.

  • @guildar9194 said in Run trolling in Hourglass should be reportable:

    @habiki said in Run trolling in Hourglass should be reportable:

    @guildar9194 said in Run trolling in Hourglass should be reportable:

    @thecatsidhe said in Run trolling in Hourglass should be reportable:

    just making the area smaller with the timer, like fornite would improve the experience a lot. forcing players to fight because it will be a time where you cant scape anymore

    Again; This does not work with third-party mechanics.

    I fail to understand how this doesn't work with a third party. The mechanics are the exact same, only the circle is smaller for the two HG ships. They're more restricted in their movements while the third party is not.

    Same as always, yes?

    So a third-party ship can sit outside the circle and be safer? People will complain about that.

    They can do that now though. A smaller circle would make it easier for the third party, true. But they can literally patrol the outside of the circle now, taking shots and firing off boarders to disrupt if they choose to.

    There's a negligible difference imo.

  • @super87ghost

    "Why not? All those things fit your definition of griefing: they are intentional and it annoys or trolls a lot of people."

    The examples bacon mentioned all served a purpose. Sinking Tall Talers can be done to remove a potential threat and to potentially gain loot and supplies. Same goes for the rest of the examples. You are randomly connected to a server with other ships and should be aware of the threat.

    Hourglass is entirely different. If the sole purpose is to run without engaging (not firing a single cannonball) and avoiding the fight entirely (no boarding) is trolling. Specifically when they are laughing and mentioning they are going to waste as much of your time as possible. I'm not talking about a potential keg play, island cannon play, board play. I am referring to running to avoid the battle entirely for as long as possible with the sole intention to make the other ship quit. This is a battle you opted into to troll. The same as joining an open crew with the intention to ruin the session for your crew. If you cannot see the difference then we may agree to disagree on that

    The mechanics allow you to be able to run, and while some might consider that a skill issue, most people specifically Solo Sloopers will have a difficult time securing a demast, boarding or being able to inflict enough damage to sink with naval alone. A competent pirate will have no trouble sailing around for hours on end if that is the goal.

    Running with no purpose other than to waste time is entirely different than Resetting. Resetting means you engaged in the fight and strategically chose to put your ship in a better position to resume the fight.

  • @cainbong said in Run trolling in Hourglass should be reportable:


    "Why not? All those things fit your definition of griefing: they are intentional and it annoys or trolls a lot of people."

    The examples bacon mentioned all served a purpose. Sinking Tall Talers can be done to remove a potential threat and to potentially gain loot and supplies. Same goes for the rest of the examples. You are randomly connected to a server with other ships and should be aware of the threat.

    Let me play devil's advocate again then (because i don't like that strategy either, mentioning it just to make sure): running in HG also serves a purpose, namely staying afloat. The whole point of hourglass is being the last one afloat. If a player is not confindent in his/her ability to fight, then running and hoping the other gives up or makes a crucial mistake might be his/her best strategy.

  • @super87ghost

    I agree there currently is a flaw in the mechanic that I haven't seen a viable solution for that wouldn't cause other issues, such as a shrinking circle or timer, both of which could cause even more trolling. It is meta gaming- which is what rod launching and ladder launcher were, and both were frowned upon and Rare has made statements and patches to help fix those.

    While you do gain a win at the expense your opponents sanity, the purpose for some is not the win, it's to prevent progress for others. If they are laughing as described and mentioning this, then that would be a reportable offense that could be considered grieifing and/or harassment. Specifically if they mention this

  • @cainbong Rod and ladder launching were exploits (something that wasn't supposed to be in the game and you shouldn't have been able to do) and (ab)using exploits is literaly a form of cheating. Running is not an exploit, but simply a tactic you do with intended means in the game. So i don't know why you compare those with each other, since they are completely different.

  • @super87ghost

    I do believe what I described in this situation is a form of exploiting and a targeted attack on a game mode that was opted into

  • @cainbong an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, to give you an unfair advantage.
    Running is not a bug or glitch and it doesn't give you an unfair advantage. So no, it is in no way an exploit.

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