@cainbong said in Run trolling in Hourglass should be reportable:
None of those things you mentioned should be reportable and I wouldn't consider griefing.
Why not? All those things fit your definition of griefing: they are intentional and it annoys or trolls a lot of people.
I do agree with you that those shouldn't be reportable, since those are part of the intended gameplay. But so is running.
@cainbong said in Run trolling in Hourglass should be reportable:
Not engaging in a rival ship battle with the sole purpose to intentionally waste as much time as possible by sailing around the boundaries in hopes the rival ship quits is entirely different than the examples you provided. I also included when the person states they are going to not engage and extend the match until you leave the server is in my opinion 'griefing'.
You call it griefing, that other might call it a tactic to win the match. Another might call it a skill issue, since they can't keep running without ever being in your line of fire, since it's a relatively small circle so you can always cut them off.
A last point is: from what point is it running and not just resetting, not having a good death circle, etc. I have never run in HG, but have been accused of running many times, just because my ship was so damaged i had to reset to not sink or because either i or the other didn't have a good circle and we eventually sailed away untill we corrected course.
There is so many false running accusations, that if this idea would get reality either innocent players will get punished or that Rare get so overwhelmed with reports that they are either not punishing it anymore or have to close down HG because it gets to expensive (all those reports costs money, since you need employees to look into them). This is why i think that Rare, even if they would agree with you (wich is a question mark), would never make it punishable.
I think the timer that @uluckyhitreg mentioned is a better option. I just don't agree with that you would lose both then, since that gives people still the chance to keep running to ruin the other's streak and considering how abissmally small your progression is without a streak, that is a huge punishment. I would rather make it so that it is a draw and both sides keep their streak (you don't lose it, and nothing is added to it). On top of it i would change up his timer idea even further and make it a sort of AFK-timer: if there are no cannonball hits against either ships (only cannonballs who make holes count) in 10 minutes, the match ends in a draw. I deliberately left out weapons, throwables and cursed cannonballs, so you can't use those to reset the timer without trying to sink the other to extend the match (this also helps prevent griefers who spawnkil and try to make the other scuttle so he won't get any allegiance).
Another thing i would change is to remove the commendations (1 for both sides) for sailing miles while in a HG match, since that is also a reason why people run, because they need the miles. This is just a wrong incentive.