
  • ok so I thing that SoT sould just have have a season were they fix glitches and improve overall quality of the game

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  • I know this is one of the popular ideas with sot regs but I don't see it happening.

    They've confirmed that they gotta keep things moving in a live service game, it's just how they pay the bills to keep it going.

    and even if things did improve the next content/feature additions would put us right back in bug town anyway.

    There is this feedback/performance groundhog day loop in SoT where it's the same thing over and over and I just think that's always gonna be that way.

    There are the escalated times and then things calm down while people play other games (or enjoy this one for a week or 2) and then it all starts right back up again. People pretend to quit and then love coming back a week later, same old dance over and over.

    My guess would be that the next few seasons are pretty similar to the last few. I doubt we see much change in the way things are done, other than them throwing some stuff to the feedback community as "wins" but it really doesn't substantively change/improve things.

    It's just not a game to play seriously, but it still has opportunity to have some fun casually. Gotta take the bad with the good.

    At some point it's just healthier to accept what is than it is to act like doing the same thing over and over will somehow be different next time. At least then some fun can be found, here or somewhere else.

  • And what would that do or actually change the teams working on stuff ?

    I can tell you, just about nothing.

    The thing is there is multiple teams doing different things each on of which is working on game stability and performance.

    Others are working on content, just like a 3d asset artist is not going to be able to code the server files making people swap teams or making all the teams working on the same thing doesn’t improve working efficiency it actually decreases it overall.

    While they could do a season like that it is just something to do for the court of public opinion.

    As it would actually show a focus on that instead of that stuff being mingled in.

  • They could still release cosmetics for the emporium and premium Plunder Pass and not add new mechanics for a season or two.

  • They done this before in years past.

    Worse 3 months of no content and the community made it clear they were bored and unhappy.

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