The current server limit is 18 players and 6 crews. Is there any plan to increase the limit to 24 players?
I know that the player limit was decreased dur to performance issues, but some players might still want to play with a busier server even despite the performance issues.
Should we keep the option open to the players? Thanks!!
Regarding the player limit per server
Is there any plan to increase the limit to 24 players?
18 Players
6 ships (all galleons) But it will always be 6 ships regardless o of players.
which if they split into even groups across the sea. Besides DR each area has two ships each.24 players would be crowded or even worse on servers.
Looking at 7 Galleons and duo Sloop just for 8 ships = full server.
So many vaults opening, fortresses being taken, skeleton spawning, Shrines being loaded.Skeleton spawns & ships might have to be reduced and Megs would be tough.
(Unless my understanding of player count vs ship count is messed up. Forget my rambling)
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