Pet Related-Missions

  • Ahoy!

    Hi everyone, I'm going to introduce myself. I'm Pablo from Chile. I'm a big fan of SOT and have been playing for many years, but lately, I’ve been feeling very uninterested in the updates of the last season. The truth is that my crew and I have been playing with the same alliance, doing the same missions, because we lack motivation to try something different. Lately, I feel stuck in a game loop, which makes me lose interest.

    That’s why I’ve been thinking about some changes that, in my opinion, could be beneficial to bring me back to the game. It’s something I’d like to share with you and discuss.

    The addition of pets was highly acclaimed by the community, but it could be interesting if they played a bigger role in the game. For example, I’ve been thinking about the idea of creating pet-related missions. However, since pets are a paid feature, the best way to allow the entire community to participate would be to create a free pet. For example, this pet could be a rat with the unique ability to squeeze through small holes to retrieve keys or access locked areas.

    Additionally, when we purchase another pet, we could unlock new missions. For example, I’ve been thinking about dogs and foxes having the ability to sniff out objects, treasures, or skeleton captains. Cats and monkeys could have the ability to climb and help us reach higher places, such as throwing down a rope to scale them. Parrots and owls could have the ability to carry a lantern to illuminate dark areas or assist in fighting skeletons that are weak to light.

    This could generate interest among players to purchase more pets. Additionally, the creation of a new alliance called the "Pet Alliance," where your crew’s access to missions depends on the pets you own, could be a great idea. It could also include new items, such as cheese, bones, and cosmetics for our pets.

    That’s just one idea I have. I’ll make more posts in the future to discuss other topics, but I’d love to hear your opinion about this one. While it might seem a bit unrealistic, it could provide a significant role for players who enjoy PVE content.

    Goodbye, and happy sailing!

  • 3
    communityfeedbackgeneraljust for fun
  • If we get pet voyages I'm gonna need a horse.

  • Having a pet use their own ways to get keys/treasure/whatever related to them in some way sounds really awesome to me! They already had an adventure where you had to scare a rat into the OoS tent to distract Olivia.

communityfeedbackgeneraljust for fun
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