Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition - COSMETIC CHANGES.

  • Ahoy me screenshotting mateys! A different set of cosmetics will be up for grabs starting with the next competition ( running 16th December - 6th January)

    As a Holiday bonus we will be offering the winning screenshot the full Gilded Phoenix ship set and weapon set.

    I know we've run the obsidian cosmetics for a looooong time so what are your thoughts on changing things to some of the Gilded Phoenix and continuing with those?

    Feedback will be appreciated.

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  • I love the idea. This set is way better for me.

  • I am done with the competitions. Totally frustrated of having spent so many hours of work for years and not getting even a single mention.
    I am happily removing my notification alert from this thread!

    Whoever keep on this: Good luck mates! =D

  • I think since you have other cosmetic sets besides obsidian, why not make more places for winners? For example, two winners will choose what they like more from the offered cosmetics. It's like meeting a partner or a moderator on the high seas, only to get a prize, you need to earn it

  • @legendary-liz

    I'm unsure of how many players are missing these cosmetics. I originally got many of the Phoenix pieces from the orb Xmas event years ago but I am missing a couple pieces. I won the weapons from another twitch event.

    Anyone that needed the ob capstan was able to get it from twitch recently and I was planning on retiring from entries here as a result.

    But that would still leave this competition as one of the only consistently offered possibilities for getting the original obsidian 6-packs. Partners have limited supplies to my knowledge.

    Honestly we need some new stuff! It's been years!
    I'd love a simple Recolor of the naval commander set for example.

    But in general? Gilded Phoenix would probably be a nice refresh for people that continue to post here.
    For myself I probably will not post unless affiliate alliance sails are up for grabs!

  • You can change for another obsidian item, blunderbuss, banjo, drum, so on.

  • I would love to be able to choose between winning prizes. This would increase interest and retain those who have not won previous awards.

  • @bilgebeau We can possibly keep the 6-pack but not the capstan, that's why I am asking for feedback. The Gilded cosmetics have been offered as a replacement to the capstan and/ or the 6-pack. If the 6- pack is still sort after then it might be better to keep it and offer either the GP ship set or weapon set to go with it.

  • @legendary-liz For me it would be best to keep the 6-pack and add the GP weapon set, because it is more rare and the GP ship set is already obtainable from the Sea of Thieves Partners.

  • @Legendary-Liz I agree that CaC needs some new cosmetics but I strongly advise against removing the obsidian items. I know you said that you can't keep the capstan but at least leave the 6pack.

    Right now the partners can giveaway them but it's temporary and they have limited amount of those items (also getting them is based purely on luck and almost impossible) unlike the Gilded Phoenix set that they've been giving away for many months now. Before the Christmas event, the forum contests were the only way to get the 6pack and capstan and what after the event ends?

    You want to remove the items that we won't be able to get anymore after the event and replace them with items that can be easily obtained in different ways.

    I suggest to add Gilded Phoenix ship and weapon set to already existing rewards. That would make everyone happy and definitely increase the interest in the contests :)

  • I love Just enter the competition. For me its not really about winning some cosmetics!! Its about getting mentioned or win actually a shot (silently hoping AA sails are getting added ;) keep doing what you doing legend. Keep the 6pack in it and the guilded phoenix shipset or the emote pack they give away atm.

  • @legendary-liz
    I think serpent sails should be a reward as well.
    Perhaps serpent sails should replace the obsidian capstan, with that becoming far more common ever since they became a Twitch reward as part of this month's Support A Streamer campaign.
    Maybe even a unique sail for this contest, perhaps inspired by the Golden Hour sails, but still different enough for them to stand out.

    I also think alternating, having gilded phoenix for one contest, and another cosmetic for the next contest, to keep things fresh, giving people who have already won/obtained the cosmetics more incentive to compete again.

    A unique set of titles (like with sotshot winners) would also provide incentive for people to continue competing again and again.

  • keep 6 pack, let people pick their reward, change it back to weekly.

  • @bilgebeau not everyone played at those points in time. some people still need to finish the set

  • good idea hey . maybe even throw in a odd chance of a serpent sail. ?

  • @bilgebeau ha detto in Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition - COSMETIC CHANGES.:


    I'm unsure of how many players are missing these cosmetics. I originally got many of the Phoenix pieces from the orb Xmas event years ago but I am missing a couple pieces. I won the weapons from another twitch event.

    Anyone that needed the ob capstan was able to get it from twitch recently and I was planning on retiring from entries here as a result.

    But that would still leave this competition as one of the only consistently offered possibilities for getting the original obsidian 6-packs. Partners have limited supplies to my knowledge.

    Honestly we need some new stuff! It's been years!
    I'd love a simple Recolor of the naval commander set for example.

    But in general? Gilded Phoenix would probably be a nice refresh for people that continue to post here.
    For myself I probably will not post unless affiliate alliance sails are up for grabs!

    i'm totally agree with you mate.
    I and my mate take part to this contest only because there are the 6pack as rewards

  • I would not remove 6-pack, as there are no ways of obtaining it besides rare giveaways by partners (which is like a one in a million chance :/) and the Partners have full freedom how they give these away (so, 50 subs goal for one giveaway? yeah sure..)

    It is unfair how these cosmetics became so rare in the first place, was easily obtainable via codes and there are still some flying around which could be scam or could be legit..

    If Rare made this obtainable easier - the "black market" would not be so popular, and yet here we are..

    I would keep 6-pack, and any other cosmetics, Gilded, Serpent, emotes.. Totally up to you and what you are allowed to do!
    Assuming people are not interested in 6-pack is quite misleading.. Just make a thread "do you want a 6-pack granted to your account?" and see how many replies you get - I would be all in for just getting it, as my mind is far from artistic, it's more abstract and does not go well with fancy screenshots!

    Other than that, after all it is about the community, so just let people choose their reward..
    Maybe some will miss out on the Obsidian Capstan (or don't want to buy subs), let them have it here too, why not?

    Unless it is higher-ups that make the decision and this thread is not about feedback but just an announcement that one of the most rare rewards is gonna become unobtainable..

  • @Legendary-Liz how about some previously time limited cosmetics? Gilded Phoenix is pretty widespread. People are going to get upset no matter what you do because that's the nature of people online but what about Wailing Barnacle ship set or weapons? I really don't know I was just throwing out something time limited that's older.

  • I would say keep as much of the Obsidian cosmetics as possible and maybe have a "winners choice" of certain harder to get items that are in rotation on giveaways (Golden Phoenix, Serpent's Lie)

  • @legendary-liz personally I would love to see the 6-packs stay if possible due to them not being regularly available anywhere else.

  • small note, the ship's gilded phoenix set was given away twice in twitch drops and is still being given away by partners. The weapons were in twitch drops and continue to appear now from partners and in giveaways. Out of this set, clothes and tools were rarely given away, they were in twitch drops a few years ago and have not appeared anymore. I understand that management probably won't give you such items, but it would still be nice to see them again

  • @legendary-liz too many person have GP ship set,I think the clothes would be more interesting

  • ![Onyx 4-pack}( there any possibility of the onyx 4-pack coming back?

  • Personally, I was planning on continuing submitting entries because I am missing 6 pack. I own GP ship and weapon set. I would love to see 6 pack remaining as an option.

  • GP shipset is way too common in my opinion, I think the rewards should be ferryman pack or obisidian blunder as those are much more rare and worth trying to win a contest for :)

  • I'm fine with 6-pack and GH ship set. I have both but still thinks that is most precious.

  • Ahoy me mateys! Thank you for feeding back your thoughts. Tis appreciated.

    Just a few things we need to remember...
    This screenshot competition is a bit of fun, not to be taken in the same vein as the official SoTShot. Remember, back in the days of 'Going for Gold' (which preceded this competition) you only got gold and doubloons as a winner :D

    But... in regards to some of your feedback,
    Clothing and tools are considered Drops items, so they will not be on offer as prizes for this competition.
    The Serpent's Lie sails belong to Partners, so they aren't able to be given away on the Forums.
    Likewise the Affiliate Alliance sails belong to the AA: also unable to be given away on the Forums.
    Obsidian Banjo, Blunderbuss and Drum aren't available as prizes.
    The GP shipset and weapons have been offered as they are currently in the pool of rewards, alongside the Obsidian Capstan and 6-pack.
    I can still offer both of these or we can change it up. :)

  • Hiho, I think it's good to swap it, now that you can get the anchor relatively easily (which I also think is good, because a lot of people just want it)
    Does anyone know what's coming instead? A Serpent Lie sail? Black Dog set would be too big I guess? Because Black Dog or Ferryman would be a big thing - or Obsidian Blunder?
    Anyway, I'm looking forward to upcoming competitions - I don't take part in all of them because I can think of more ideas for some themes than for others, but just looking at the screenshots and how creative so many people are is great!
    And recently I actually met someone within SoT and joked around because they knew each other by name from this competition - it was great <3

  • @legendary-liz I think that changes are not needed, since partners are steadily distributing these sets CaC is the only stable method to get a capstan or 6 pack. It would be possible to replace the capstan with something else, since its relevance will be less due to the promotion on Twitch, but it is really impossible to offer something more valuable, since weapons and the GP ship can now be obtained in a different way, unlike the cosmetics that were offered earlier, but you cannot give it to us

  • @legendary-liz

    How about alternating the awards weekly? A week with six pack + onyx pack, the next week GP weapons + GP ship?

  • Quite a nice change the capstan does feel a little outdated in 2024. Will the Phoenix set include the ships crest?

  • @trumancrafts Afraid not :)

    Right... will be dropping anchor on this thread.

    Thank you for everyone's thoughts on the matter, much appreciated.

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