The pirate lord might not be who we think he is

  • Spoilers for a couple tall tales ahead. There is a good chance the pirate lord is evil. Now I know this is bold of me to say but here are some pieces of evidence. 1, he could have stopped Lechuck, he opened the root beer crate to finish off Lechuck and correct me if i'm wrong but he has one of the swords of souls so he could just resist being brought down in the ending. 2, he has sent us out into the unknown without going with us or knowing if we would come back. This guy literally sent us into the realm of the dead multiple times. 3, he has for sure worked with Lechuck before since he is one of the only ones to call the pirate lord Ramsey , this might make some of his old ways resurface and he could betray us. 4, I know this is just a game play thing but this is lore, he has had members of the guardians, his own faction fight each other when that is Flameheart's thing. That's all for now make sure to let me know what you guys think and smooth sailing to all. Have fun!!

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  • @maxmegavenom said in The pirate lord might not be who we think he is:

    Spoilers for a couple tall tales ahead. There is a good chance the pirate lord is evil. Now I know this is bold of me to say but here are some pieces of evidence. 1, he could have stopped Lechuck, he opened the root beer crate to finish off Lechuck and correct me if i'm wrong but he has one of the swords of souls so he could just resist being brought down in the ending. 2, he has sent us out into the unknown without going with us or knowing if we would come back. This guy literally sent us into the realm of the dead multiple times. 3, he has for sure worked with Lechuck before since he is one of the only ones to call the pirate lord Ramsey , this might make some of his old ways resurface and he could betray us. 4, I know this is just a game play thing but this is lore, he has had members of the guardians, his own faction fight each other when that is Flameheart's thing. That's all for now make sure to let me know what you guys think and smooth sailing to all. Have fun!!

    When adventures where a thing Le Chuck transformed into Ramsey Singh in order to trick us to get the sword of souls for him, sadly this was time limited and not really well thought trough by rare with the Tall Tale being a main stay.

    Technically there is also only one sword of souls, which has now been corrupted and used to bring the burning blade (world event) into the sea of thieves, hence why it stays behind when it gets sunk.

    Hourglass wise, the Guardians fighting the guardians and the Servants fighting the servants is a thing that got added later so people have a better chance of getting matched instead of staying in the matchmaking tunnel.

  • This is lore everything has a reason here even guardians v guardians and I did not know how many swords of souls there were and Ramsey is the pirate lord but almost nobody but Le Chuck knew that or called him that I do not want to repeat myself and I also want to know what people think about this and if it is possible I'm right. That's all have fun

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