Bugs, more bugs, and more bugs.

  • Please for the love of God fix this buggy game. My entire day today doing hourglass has been an absolutely drag and uphill battle having open shots and cannons not loading what I tell the game to load or firing where I’m not aiming. It’s getting absolutely ridiculous and I’m getting burnt out.

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    xbox onegeneralfeedbackquestion
  • My entire day today doing hourglass

    Please for the love of God fix this buggy game.

    Okie, but how about the rest of the game, or is it just Hourglass that seems to need fixing?

  • @burnbacon everybody knows it’s the entire game. Just because I mentioned that I was experiencing issues with cannons, loading, and shooting doesn’t in hourglass doesn’t make it a hourglass subject. It’s just plain and simple bugs that need to be fixed. Everywhere.

  • @burnbacon there’s a lot that needs to be done for sure! It was just extra bad tonight while I was doing hourglass regarding the cannons…

  • @black-eye-wy

    Not everyone, as me and my fellow crewmates have not encountered these issues outside Hourglass it seems.

    soo..again, is it just Hourglass or have you also encountered them outside? What do you play on, what region?

    You know, so many things could be the issue and not the server :p

  • @burnbacon
    Do you ever stop the gas lighting on these forums or what's the deal with you? I'm asking a genuine question.

    PvP/ Cannon bugs have always been present and quite frankly filled with bugs Hourglass or not.

    The game has and WILL always be filled with annoying bugs, despite devs claiming otherwise and making new ''dev update videos'' claiming they are dedicating teams to fixing this and that, reality is, it's simply not good enough.
    I just think they do it to fool the casual people into thinking 'They are finally fixing it this time!' One year later, game is more broken and filled with more bugs... Yeah, right. The amount of players that quit the game because of false trust is off the charts.

    Point and case merchant crates and shipwright bugs... Been a good few years that they are still present.

  • @veronik5682 I don't think you understand what the definition of gaslighting is lol. Bacon brings up good points - issues are more commonly noticed in hourglass, because players are actively looking for/experiencing them in hectic situations, and the fact that there's constant action between two ships.

    This isn't always the case in regular High Seas, and much like Bacon and their crew, my crew and I rarely come across bugs in High Seas. When we do, we don't sweat it too much. You seem pretty sour towards the situation, which is completely fine, but it's probably best to not pop off at other people when they're legitimately asking for clarification, and make false claims about their statements/questions.

  • @veronik5682

    I'm asking a genuine question

    I asked one as well and yet havnt been given information required to fully grasp it.

    Servers and regions along with choice of system (pc or console) are all factors that pay into issues. Maybe these bugs are one sided?

    Someone sees me teleporting but it lag to me because of poor internet. Who knows.

    If any case. Send a support ticket, they may ask for the same information.

  • @valor-omega So why is it that I make a post regarding bugs in hourglass with cannons and I have a bunch of High-Seas folk (you and Bacon) arguing firstly that I’m only highlighting hourglass then backtracking and arguing that you don’t experience the issues in high seas. Both of you seem to be either very confused as to what I’m highlighting or want to just troll. Either way, I’m not gonna waste my time going back and fourth over useless conversation, the matter of the fact was my cannons were extremely delayed in firing and were shooting lower or higher then where they would normally fire after being delayed or would also load in the wrong ammo. I don’t need to know how your high seas experiences are because the issues I am experiencing are completely irrelevant to that. Thanks

  • @valor-omega I’ve been playing hourglass all month, almost every day and am still experiencing this issue. I have fiber optic internet and get 900 MB per second of download speed and the same for upload. This isn’t a lag issue it’s something else which is why I made a post about it. Y’all are completely allowed to have your opinions but the truth is this game is super bugged everywhere, just because I highlight it while I’m playing hourglsss doesn’t need to make it a argument and just because people don’t experience the same problems on high seas doesn’t make it a argument either. The game is bugged, bugs, bugs and more bugs as simple as I first stated.

  • Are you playing with friends on ping? I do get odd server that doesn't feel great but for most part its only when I'm eu playing na servers or my crewmate vice versa that we have interaction issues, delayed response, cannons not firing and the like

  • @black-eye-wy said in Bugs, more bugs, and more bugs.:

    Please for the love of God fix this buggy game. My entire day today doing hourglass has been an absolutely drag and uphill battle having open shots and cannons not loading what I tell the game to load or firing where I’m not aiming. It’s getting absolutely ridiculous and I’m getting burnt out.

    I haven’t experienced issues with the cannons loading or firing oddly. Not to say I haven’t experienced cheaters and various other issues, but as someone who’s been playing HG regularly the last month, I can’t say I’ve experienced your issue.

    I do play SoT from other regions occasionally and I’m a natural high pinger due to my geographic location, so I have experienced lag with loading and firing cannons many times, but that’s always been ping related. You can have great internet and still have high ping to a server, do you have your ping displayed in-game? If not, it might be worth having it displayed so you can rule that out as the issue. For example, I live in Hawaii and the best ping I can possibly get is low 80’s to west coast NA servers, but I probably average around 110 during my sessions. Anything 150 or above and I start feeling the cannon lag.

  • @black-eye-wy I get your frustration, but hopefully I can clear up the misconception. I can't speak for Bacon, but I certainly never said/implied that your issues that you're experiencing are devalued/invalidated because I don't experience them/experience them less.

    Heck, I never even implied that there weren't issues - I know all too well that there are. The only point I was making, was that hourglass issues are more widespread/visible, because of the constant high-octane nature of it, yielding more frequent/more frequently noticed issues.

    Said point doesn't negate the fact that issues need to be fixed, nor does it make your frustration less valid. It simply serves as a talking point of comparison. Literally zero trolling here on my end.

    I would say also that if the issues are frustrating, it's best to take a break if it bothers you that much. I get that's not a great solution to a frustrating problem, but sometimes it's better to take a break and come back, when the issue does get resolved.

  • @veronik5682 said in Bugs, more bugs, and more bugs.:

    Do you ever stop the gas lighting on these forums or what's the deal with you? I'm asking a genuine question.

    <whispering_to_your_ear> .... I believe he is a bot. Or at least a sot dev. The kind of dev that is not happy with his job and gets in the forum to discourage any progress or revolutionary idea in the imagination of the players that love this game but feels disconfort ... shhh ... act naturally. </whispering_to_your_ear>

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