• I beg for Treasure Trove Cove to be an actual island on the Sea of Thieves.

    For those of you that do not know, Treasure Trove Cove was the pirate themed level on the RARE game Banjo-Kazooie.

    With a bit of updating TTC could be a fantastic new addition to the Sea of Thieves. Beloved by fans of B&K Treasure Trove Cove would be a perfect fit.

    The island would have some of its unique B&K features such as:

    Where would Treasure Trove Cove be located? I would say either the very middle of the map or somewhere out beyond the egg of the map in the bloody waters.

    I figure that this topic has been brought up before but the search feature on the forums is very ineffective.

    ~Captain Maximillian Zeus
    of the Maximillian Pride

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  • That's a genius idea but why put it somewhere you can't visit without dying very quickly? Middle of the map or somewhere out of the way for sure. They should definitely have all the characters as Easter egg cave drawings but not enemies you can actually fight.

  • @a-moldy-stump

    My thought on it being out of the map limits would be only the best prepared (stocked up on wooden planks) and most organized crews would be able to get there. It would be a very hard thing to do but if your crew manages it then you would have a very fine story to tell.

    However that's why I added the other idea of putting it right in the middle of the Sea of Thieves so that it is a very recognizable landmark that would be a hot spot for pirates.

    Ok sure, the giant hermit crab is a bit goofy but when you have other giant monsters in your world such as the Kraken it becomes a little less out of place. Also Snacker the shark would be an awesome deterrent to getting to the island imagine a very large shark that can take bites out of your ship!

  • That's fair but I thought going OB damaged players and the ship? It only happened once while in a battle so if I can't remember what killed me I just know I died and respawned out of bounds again with no ship.

  • @a-moldy-stump

    Oh going out of bounds does damage your ship BUT if you work fast a boarding up your ship and emptying out the water you can prevent yourself from sinking. That is until you run out of wooden planks so to survive this trial you would have to stock up on a lot of wooden planks to get there.

  • @maximillianzeus I know it damages the ship, but doesn't the player also take damage over time?

  • @a-moldy-stump

    Nope, the player does not take damage on the ship or in the water. Granted sharks will still come after you but the water its self does not hurt you.

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