Under the Sea?

  • Do you think that Rare may add some kind of Under the sea structures, along the lines of cities? And if so, may they add some way to breath for longer periods under the vast ocean?

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  • @divinehorizon04 I guess, yes, one day. The game is launched 20th March and at this point the game will be "ready to play" BUT Rare will continue to add content in the game. So yes I think some of the greatest ideas will be added with time.

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  • I’m just hoping for a fishing mechanic it be fun to be able to fish while on the sea

  • @zombie-p1ague said in Under the Sea?:

    I’m just hoping for a fishing mechanic it be fun to be able to fish while on the sea

    An slap fellow crewmates around the face with a wet fish you caught too. Oh and maybe even eat your catch I guess ;p

  • I hope they add like posiedon as maybe one of the underwater bosses and maybe the trident.

  • Well how about a little city under the sea. Something like Atlantis.

  • Submerged caves - adventures or 'quests' taking place in air pockets across underwater cave networks.

    Pearls - found in shallower waters, could be a good pass time.

    whale carcass - or other sea creatures, just big submerged bodies or skeletons that can be searched for ship accessories.

    Crab ship - A ship carried by crabs that sails the sea bed, swim under it and up into the air bubble and you'll find a room selling rare items, or a pianist that could teach you a new song... or anything cool really.

    Pinned barrels - found around wreckages on the sea bed, these air - filled barrels can be grabbed a cut loose to provide a rapid ascent to the surface, and then launch the player high into the air.

    Wrecktown - an underwater town build of wreckages where pirates do pirately things, and also where chests can be sold more safely. A special map is needed to be able to access this outpost and the map is only accurate for so long before the town drifts to another locations.

    Barnacles - These need to be cleaned from under the ship every so often or they will start to slow it down. This adds an additional reason for crew to head into the water, and also a vulnerability to make the open sea a more tense place.

    Currents - Falling in the water durng a storm should be exceptionally dangerous. Whilst in the water during a storm there should always be a chance of them being dragged deep down into the ocean.

  • @divinehorizon04 We hope so, it would be nice to have a diving bell, or something like a potions to extend breathing to explore underwater caves and lost civilizations, ruins, shipwrecks, Etc...


  • @techno-warwitch And this is how you'd be able to explore the lost city of Atlantis, Shiver me Timbers! DLC you might say?! lol jk, but I really like your idea of having a breathing potion. I always felt this game needed more pirate magic implemented into it. Things like curses, potions, and witchcraft go nicely with the skeletons and whole vibe of the game. Of course there needs to be a balance with the pirate theme out weighing the magic one but apart from the skeletons, phantasm enemies, and the mermaid revival magic, I don't really see much pirate magic being used.

  • I'm hoping for a potion or any kind of spell able to tranform you into one of the merpeople. I'd love to just explore underwater and float with waves. I like relaxing games, and since the sea of the game looks amazing, i'd like to chill on it :)
    According to the comic-con video of 2016, I was pretty sure we would be able to do so, but my topics about the subject had been deleted recently and no news about something like that so... Not so sure now.
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  • Hopefully they will have Davy Jones Locker , that would be so cool having to find a way out back to the sea , and also like POTC your ship could go underwater like The Flying Dutchmen that would be a fun add on one day.

  • @fignnus could we sail upside down?

  • I hope so.. it would add a whole new realm to explore and give more questing for crews to do.... i love the whole idea of this game and hope rqre keeps adding layers to it.......

    I am worried it will devolve into a grief fest like arc survival evolved

  • @inbred-chimera i love your ideas... i hope rare sees this

  • I agree, being able to explore the sea bed in places would be pretty good. :)

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