Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced

  • @kinggzanga Have you shot it yet? Have you shot it yet? Have you shot it yet? Do you understand how far (or lack of range) the (Med Edit) weapon has without having purchased it for yourself yet? Or are you really that stupid?

  • So done. Good luck. Again... complaining about something you don't fully understand. Good luck bud. Blocked.

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    I'd like to go into a game, any game, like CoD for example, and say that a particular weapon is unbalanced before I even test playing with it in the game? Am I allowed to complain to the CoD devs about that weapon? I think not. You can though. You be you.

    You can't tell something is unbalanced just by looking at it? Never heard of the concept of weight? The mind boggles, honestly. So I have to use it in order to comprehend the damage? Haha.

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    So done. Good luck. Again... complaining about something you don't fully understand. Good luck bud. Blocked.

    Hahaha. Unbelievable. I don't fully understand however I've been shot and killed several times by it? /logic

  • Stupid is as stupid does.

  • I don't call many people out, and very rarely use the word "stupid" but to act like you know something about how op a gun is without having fired a single shot. That's the definition of the word imo.

  • Get in the game. Use it a lot. Then come back and tell me if it's as op as you originally thought. We can continue this debate after you get back and you will see that the lack of any range compensates for the power of the shot. And yes, if you let someone run up and blast you in the face, that says more about how bad you are as a player than how op that gun is.

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    Stupid is as stupid does.

    Says the guy crying over balancing a blunderbuss

  • @kinggzanga Roflmao. Was I the one that started this (Mod Edit) post? Yeah, who's really crying here? Noobtard.

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    Get in the game. Use it a lot. Then come back and tell me if it's as op as you originally thought. We can continue this debate after you get back and you will see that the lack of any range compensates for the power of the shot. And yes, if you let someone run up and blast you in the face, that says more about how bad you are as a player than how op that gun is.

    Get out of my topic, your logic is pitiful you moron.

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga Roflmao. Was I the one that started this fckin post? Yeah, who's really crying here? Noobtard.

    Hahahaha, there it is. "Roflmao".

  • Amazing comeback. Answer one question. How many times have you shot the blunderbuss again? My logic is perfectly sound. Your logic is... lacking... seriously lacking. I wouldn't even describe what you are saying as logical at all.

  • If I were a QA tester, wanting to know if a gun in my game is overpowered or not, the first thing I would do is actually use it. If I had a QA tester that told me what you are saying, that the gun is OP without ever having fired it once, I would call the guy and idiot and fire him on the spot.

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    Amazing comeback. Answer one question. How many times have you shot the blunderbuss again? My logic is perfectly sound. Your logic is... lacking... seriously lacking. I wouldn't even describe what you are saying as logical at all.

    Your solution to a pirate with a blunderbuss on your boat, is to back up hahahaha, don't talk to me about logic. Bye now.

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    If I were a QA tester, wanting to know if a gun in my game is overpowered or not, the first thing I would do is actually use it. If I had a QA tester that told me what you are saying, that the gun is OP without ever having fired it once, I would call the guy and idiot and fire him on the spot.

    Obviously never heard of damage models then. Do you know what QA testing involves? You think it's just shooting guns? Bless.

  • @kinggzanga Yes, that also takes skill, which you obviously don't have. Turn sideways and back up on the ship so that he doesn't have a face blasting shot. Oh wait, you can't turn sideways. I get it. Lacking in skill. I get it. Blame the shotgun. I get it. I can't even understand your logic tbh. It's like you already know something is op without having touched it and when someone else says something, anything at all, you immediately call them out on it. Do what you want from this point on, I can't help you obviously, and really don't want to at this point. Good luck with the face blasts that you can't dodge, sidestep, or back away from in game. Good luck with being an idiot too, I know that's hard to overcome as well. Good luck in everything in life, because it must be hard saying everything else is too hard all the time without any evidence, or even trying to understand what someone else is trying to tell you. Good luck bud. Done here. No need to respond at all. I won't read it.

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga Yes, that also takes skill, which you obviously don't have. Turn sideways and back up on the ship so that he doesn't have a face blasting shot. Oh wait, you can't turn sideways. I get it. Lacking in skill. I get it. Blame the shotgun. I get it. I can't even understand your logic tbh. It's like you already know something is op without having touched it and when someone else says something, anything at all, you immediately call them out on it. Do what you want from this point on, I can't help you obviously, and really don't want to at this point. Good luck with the face blasts that you can't dodge, sidestep, or back away from in game. Good luck with being an idiot too, I know that's hard to overcome as well. Good luck in everything in life, because it must be hard saying everything else is too hard all the time without any evidence, or even trying to understand what someone else is trying to tell you. Good luck bud. Done here. No need to respond at all. I won't read it.

    Just to let you know I stopped reading halfway through because your logic is near tragic. So your solution is to 'get gid'. I don't have to use something in order to understand the damage models, its basic knowledge. Just like it's basic knowledge that it doesn't take 'skill' to shoot someone from 5ft. Re-evaluate yourself before replying, I can't bear to read your drivel once more.

  • We get it. You are smarter than the developers who do this for a living without having fired a shot. We get it. You dat gud. Can I be dat gud? I'm pretty sure anyone on this planet with half a brain will side with me on this one, but you're right. You can be right. I'll let you be right so I don't have to debate with an idiot about the stupidest (Mod Edit) thing I've ever heard. GL.

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    We get it. You are smarter than the developers who do this for a living without having fired a shot. We get it. You dat gud. Can I be dat gud? I'm pretty sure anyone on this planet with half a brain will side with me on this one, but you're right. You can be right. I'll let you be right so I don't have to debate with an idiot about the stupidest fckin thing I've ever heard. GL.

    "Stupidest", the irony. Good luck, kid.

  • It really is ironic how firmly you believe this lie you've told yourself without testing the gun yourself. That has quite the ironic ring to it in my ears.

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    It really is ironic how firmly you believe this lie you've told yourself without testing the gun yourself. That has quite the ironic ring to it in my ears.

    How is that ironic in anyway? Hahaha. Define; ironic

  • @kinggzanga Look. You can't say anything that will change my mind and I obviously tried to say something that you would listen to but you are hard set on being ignorant without anybody else's opinions on the matter, and I can't get you to test the weapon so we're at a standstill. Do what you (Mod Edit) want. Keep complaining if you (Mod Edit) want. I'll dodge every one of your posts because I know what kind of obvious drivel they will be.

  • I hope you learn to back up when I jump in and shoot you in the face.

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga Look. You can't say anything that will change my mind and I obviously tried to say something that you would listen to but you are hard set on being ignorant without anybody else's opinions on the matter, and I can't get you to test the weapon so we're at a standstill. Do what you (Mod Edit) want. Keep complaining if you (Mod Edit) want. I'll dodge every one of your posts because I know what kind of obvious drivel they will be.

    That first sentence, proves how close minded you are. "You aren't going to change my mind", about something so small as a weapon balancing. Are all alpha players this precious? Why are you here? loool

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    I hope you learn to back up when I jump in and shoot you in the face.

    I hope you learn to walk on water so I can see your signature "back up on a boat" move.

  • @kinggzanga Test. It. For. Yourself. First. Before. Being. A. Whiny. (Mod Edit). About. It. That's all I ask. How hard is that? Is there something preventing you from doing that right now? Or would you just rather debate endlessly something that most people will call you idiot over for not testing yourself? Are you that hardheaded? Guess so. GL never firing the weapon and not knowing exactly where it's sweet spot is. GL with that really.

  • @kinggzanga I've literally been sailing the ship, got off of the wheel, took two steps back and shot the guy that was trying to kill me. Trust me it's easy if you are paying attention. You said yourself that you were not. You were smoking so you let the guy get in your face where the bb does the most dmg. You've already given us every piece of information we need to understand that you are complaining over something you don't fully understand. How far does the blunderbuss shoot? What's it's cone of fire? How much damage does it do when shot point blank? How much damage does it do when fired from 2 in game feet away? From 5? From 10? You don't know the answer to any of these because you haven't shot the gun yet. You are a child who has gotten something in his head and you know you are right about it so nobody can debate it with you. Anything you say about this is uneducated. Get the gun and fire it. Then come back. Get the gun and fire it. Then come back. (Mod Edit).

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga Test. It. For. Yourself. First. Before. Being. A. Whiny. (Mod Edit). About. It. That's all I ask. How hard is that? Is there something preventing you from doing that right now? Or would you just rather debate endlessly something that most people will call you idiot over for not testing yourself? Are you that hardheaded? Guess so. GL never firing the weapon and not knowing exactly where it's sweet spot is. GL with that really.

    You know nothing. You have brought nothing to this debate other than "get good". That's your outlet, it's pathetic haha. So (Mod Edit) and leave this topic and leave the advance of this game to people who know they can't "back up" on a boat and that know "stupidest" isn't a word. Idiot.

  • I have no problems with it. I've killed many people using it, never actually been killed by it, and I don't own one. I could see this being a controller/console only balance issue, on PC its a non-issue as I can move out of the way of most shots. And sorry to say, but if I am point blank in front of someone I deserve a stomach full of lead as punishment.

    I might also suggest you own one and shoot it first before you start calling it OP. Its really not as great as you think. And just because you've been killed by it, doesn't really give you an idea of how it really operates.

  • @ethnine said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    I have no problems with it. I've killed many people using it, never actually been killed by it, and I don't own one. I could see this being a controller/console only balance issue, on PC its a non-issue as I can move out of the way of most shots. And sorry to say, but if I am point blank in front of someone I deserve a stomach full of lead as punishment.

    I might also suggest you own one and shoot it first before you start calling it OP. Its really not as great as you think. And just because you've been killed by it, doesn't really give you an idea of how it really operates.

    "I've killed many people using it, never actually been killed by it, and I don't own one." So explain to me how that makes sense? So you've killed lots of people but don't see a problem as you've never been killed by it, but you don't own one. This thread gets better by the minute. These alpha players really are something special.

  • @kinggzanga I never said "get good". I debated whether you had room to take a few steps back on a boat and/or sidestep someone's fire. You think one does not, and I disagree. Stupidest is a word too stupid. Look it up. My god.

  • @kinggzanga Surprise! Boat isn’t 2ft tall so you have enough space to back up

  • @dwead-p-woberts said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga I never said "get good". I debated whether you had room to take a few steps back on a boat and/or sidestep someone's fire. You think one does not, and I disagree. Stupidest is a word too stupid. Look it up. My god.

    Hahahaha, wow.

  • @kinggzanga

    @kinggzanga said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @ethnine said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    I have no problems with it. I've killed many people using it, never actually been killed by it, and I don't own one. I could see this being a controller/console only balance issue, on PC its a non-issue as I can move out of the way of most shots. And sorry to say, but if I am point blank in front of someone I deserve a stomach full of lead as punishment.

    I might also suggest you own one and shoot it first before you start calling it OP. Its really not as great as you think. And just because you've been killed by it, doesn't really give you an idea of how it really operates.

    "I've killed many people using it, never actually been killed by it, and I don't own one." So explain to me how that makes sense? So you've killed lots of people but don't see a problem as you've never been killed by it, but you don't own one. This thread gets better by the minute. These alpha players really are something special.

    Reading comprehension, get some. He meant he has killed many players who were using the blunderbuss and has never been killed by one. He's got a brain and moves out of the way.

  • @sileny13 said in Broken Blunderbuss Unbalanced:

    @kinggzanga Surprise! Boat isn’t 2ft tall so you have enough space to back up

    5ft in length*. 2ft tall what are you talking about? I'm in tears 😂

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