Introducing the Verified Sea of Thieves Discord Server & your newest Discord Deckhand!

  • It's Launch Day and our lovely pirate community is larger than ever! We're introducing a brand new community space, which we are really excited for you to join and be part of it!

    Introducing our Verified Discord Server!

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    We've seen the positive impact Discord has in the community, so we created a space where we could give you the most up to date information, and allow you to share your pirate adventures! Our Verified server still work in progress! This is a space for you as much as it is for us to talk to you! So, if you've got suggestions, please put them in the #discord-suggestion channel and we'll review as needed.

    Like our Official Xbox Club and Official Forums, the Sea of Thieves Discord will be moderated by Community Managers and Deckhands. Who are the Deckhands you ask? Well! Deckhands are Community Moderators who work closely with Rare staff to make sure our community is a fun, place filled with all the right information for your Sea of Thieves adventures. You can read more about them and their responsibilities in the community here. And speaking of Deckhands... we have our very first Discord Deckhand!

    Please join me in welcoming the newest Deckhand @Taydoge-Swift!



    Taydoge Swift - Discord Deckhand

    Hi everyone! Taydoge here. I'm so glad that we can finally talk about what we've been planning for the last few months. If you don't recognize me, for some reason there's a community recap of me floating around the forums containing several old pictures and questions that are equivalent to looking at your Facebook posts from 3 years ago. If you do recognize me, it may be because I've been very active around the fan made Discord servers (and to a lesser extent) the Reddit, and because of that Rare has offered me the chance to help out on their official Discord server (as well as on their other sites). This gives me the chance to help out this community on a deeper level than before, and gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment that I could only dream of till now. I look forward to seeing how the official Discord evolves with the game, and I hope to see you on there. !tay

    Time Zones


    EUROPE (United Kingdom)

    OCEANIA (Australia, New Zealand)

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  • Weooo finally an official Discord!!

    Also welcome to the crew @Taydoge-Swift, can’t wait to see your memes of us!

  • @khaleesibot Whooo have been waiting for so long! :)

  • Congrats @Taydoge-Swift ! Good luck on the discord! :D

  • WELCOME and Thank you!

  • congrats @Taydoge-Swift

  • Congrats @Taydoge-Swift another well earnt position... all the hard work paid off!

  • is this the Monday announcement?

  • Congratulations @Taydoge-Swift, well deserved!

  • Congrats @Taydoge-Swift! Dont personally use the discords myself but im sure they are in for some great memes! :)

  • Spread the Discord Love o/

    Thank You ❤️

  • Congrats @Taydoge-Swift !

  • Congrats @Taydoge-Swift
    May the Meme's be forever in your favour.

  • Congratulations @Taydoge-Swift! Well Deserved!

  • @Taydoge-Swift

    Congratulations on making Deckhand status man! Super cool! You’ll do great!

  • Welcome to our merry band of misfits @Taydoge-Swift!

    And to all, welcome to another section of our community in the new official Discord!

  • Congrats @Taydoge-Swift

  • @khaleesibot

    Welcome aboard @Taydoge-Swift!

    And Huzzah for the Official Sea of Thieves Discord!!!

  • @Taydoge-Swift Congrats me matey! Ye be fully fledged now :D

  • @khaleesibot Hi im trying to join Discord not opening up for me any idea? Thank you <3

  • @m-strit Hope not as it does not seem worth keeping secret nothing special. Already in more than enough discord groups.

  • Another fine addition to our ranks!

    Congratulations @Taydoge-Swift !!

  • @Taydoge-Swift - Welcome aboard Matey!

  • HEYY!! Congrats @Taydoge-Swift !!

  • Congrats! @Taydoge-Swift

  • Who let the dogs out!?

    Welcome aboard @Taydoge-Swift!!! We're happy to have you with us.

  • Might have to try this whole Discord thing out now...

  • About Time R')

    glad you're finally getting you time in the sun @Taydoge-Swift. Or do you still go by Hatter ;')

  • invite expired.. cant join.

  • @katttruewalker Such a shame that as I've previously stated Discord is inaccessible to users of assistive technology, specifically screen readers. Glad to see that the community is going well regardless though.

  • Im a bit late to the Discord suggestion party but can you please add Rich Presence for SoT?

    Edit: Also the ability to invite people to our lobbies will be great

  • How do I get an invite to the discord group?

  • @hf-infeman Ahoy there!

    All you need to do is visit and you should be good to go.

  • 😢😢😢 i missed the discord legend verification i just got a phone for it lol oh well my discord is wskclown #9034

  • @green-giant-530 keep an eye out for another thread for it. New threads for it get created regularly.

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