Sail Art Concepts

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    Decided to try and make some sails for fun!
    Love the game, would like to see more things I can decorate my ship with

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  • @AtomicPiggies Loving the Skull Face sail!

    Good work!

  • @atomicpiggies said in Sail Art Concepts:

    alt text

    Decided to try and make some sails for fun!
    Love the game, would like to see more things I can decorate my ship with

    You've already created 300% more content than Rare. Nice job!

  • @mattydove74 said in Sail Art Concepts:

    You've already created 300% more content than Rare. Nice job!


  • Nice work Atomic. They really should make a custom app or something ingame that would allow players to create their own sail designs.

  • @atomicpiggies These are awesome! The pig and chicken ones are so cute!!

  • yeah this is really good! Rare, give this guy a job! I mean, if you're having only visual customisation, i think there should be a TON of it. Like 100+ different types of EACH item. Not to speak of customizable color schemes... You can do it, Rare!

  • I defend this game to the hilt like a rabid fanboy - something I have never done for a game before and I don't know what makes SoT different.

    That puts into context my next point: there SHOULD be waaaaay more in the way of cosmetic content for a sideways progressive game... At the moment I find most pirates either look basic or have the exact same gear as it is they either can't afford anything, or it is the best looking.

    You would think at the very least that we at least have palette swaps.

  • @sshteeve
    I absolutely agree, at very least they could make it so you can change the colors of your stuff

  • I want the pig sails so badly.

  • Need the pig sails. We sorta have skull sails with the Sea Dog sails and their variants, but we need pig sails.

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