Sloop Speeds - How Fast Can the Sloop Sail - Check this out!

  • I was curious as to how fast/slow the sloop sailed, so I did some testing. Of course, as with anything else, this is not a foolproof method, but the math adds up. I was able to calculate speeds in KMH and MPH for MAX (full wind), Normal (wind), and Slow (no wind) speeds.

    I hope this is helpful. Check it out and let me know what you think.

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  • So tacking DOES work. Good to know.

  • @deliciouspack Yup! The proof is in the math. In the example in the video if you went at normal speed (instead of max) it would only have been a 1 min difference between normal and slow speed.

  • @upstateantnio1z
    Real dope video man, I'll sub. Nice job!

  • @deliciouspack um.. of course tacking works. How could you not know that..?

  • @deliciouspack said in Sloop Speeds - How Fast Can the Sloop Sail - Check this out!:

    So tacking DOES work. Good to know.

    It always has. People posting here saying it doesn't haven't tried or don't know how to sail.

    No galleon has ever caught me in this game the few weeks that I've been playing. Nor any sloop save one time, and that was my own fault for misjudging distance to shore around Old Faithful.

    Whenever a galleon chases me, I simply open her up to full sail, maybe head for a rock or island, and let the galleon crew guess what I'm going to do. I mean, they're the ones that want what's in hold, not the other way around. And since I usually stop off at an outpost after every quest or few items, even if someone did catch me, then odds are they would get nothing.

  • @dutchdeadschot Well of course it "works", what I meant is that it works as a means of traveling faster than sailing against the wind, which is counter-intuitive to one of the core principles of logistics: The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.

    Never bothered to test it myself, because usually when I attempt to tack, SOMEONE on the boat makes a fuss about how we're not facing our destination.

    Just because you know something, doesn't mean the rest of the world does. I bet there's plenty of things I know that you don't. Drop the attitude.

  • @deliciouspack nee. I drop the attitude when ye walk the plank.

  • @upstateantnio1z Great work and very insightful!

  • Long time pirate. Always willing to learn something new. I have not been caught by a galleon either. Sloops sometimes. What is tacking. Just a brief explanation is handy. Thank you. Happy Pirating

  • @sirsn34kyfox tacking is zigzagging while against the wind

  • @drewbob7

    Interesting. Thanks

  • @upstateantnio1z much respect for taking the time to do this man. See everyone tacking is important! And for getting away from a Galleon.

  • Good video. You should do one for the galleon.

  • Thanks everyone for the positive feedback! It really means a lot. I am working on the Galleon speeds as we speak. I'll post it on the forums once I'm happy with the product and I'll post it here in a reply.

    But, if you subscribed, you'd see it first...LOL (gotta put my plug in).

    Thanks again everyone. Happy sailing!

  • Great info, keep up the good work!

  • @sirsn34kyfox said in Sloop Speeds - How Fast Can the Sloop Sail - Check this out!:

    Long time pirate. Always willing to learn something new. I have not been caught by a galleon either. Sloops sometimes. What is tacking. Just a brief explanation is handy. Thank you. Happy Pirating

    In more detail: Unlike SoT, in real life you can't sail a boat directly into the wind. If you have to travel into the wind, you must angle yourself back and forth, zig zagging to your destination adjusting the sails with each tack. The types of sails determine the degree of the angle needed.

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