Please stop begging for Athena Voyages.

  • It is very frustrating to join a game and to be badgered and begged to drop an Athenas voyage. Even after being told no. Sometimes I don't have time to complete the voyage or I'm tired of the Athenas grind and I just want to do normal voyages. But to be treated like I'm a jerk for refusing to drop a legend quest is starting to feel like a larger portion of the SoT community feels entitled to doing them just because there is a legend in the crew.

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  • @ro0or and why is that a problem? Helping others is hurting you? Wrong game dude, helping your crew is the most important thing in this game.

  • @ro0or No one cares about your trials and tribulations.

  • @ro0or find new crew or play alone

  • Just say no! Nothing wrong with gifting voyages although I do think you should only be able to gain Athena rep once you hit legend.

  • im n 50 41 37,and i never did a legend voyage,so had this some days ago a legend joined n dropped nothin,a legend voyage isnt bad for a random crew cause u level up every fraction.and gifting cmon these voyages cost almost nothing ,peanuts. i mean when u r legend u just need to level athena ,n if u r on ten why u care? u solved everything

  • @warmedxmints So stealing non legend loot is cool but stealing legend loot uncool. Sorry I missed that class.

  • @ro0or people will soon learn that athenas voyages are not the voyages in the game to lvl up, especially with none high level athenas voyages due to the high chance you have of getting castaways and disgraced skulls.

    I am nearly legend and will surely help people if they want athenas and if i at some point dont want to i just say no, if they throw a temper tantrum thats on them and i dont care.

  • @onedeviousdog said in PLZ STOP GIFTING ATHENAS VOYAGES!!!!:

    @warmedxmints So stealing non legend loot is cool but stealing legend loot uncool. Sorry I missed that class.

    Pardon? I didn't say anything about stealing loot being either cool or not.

  • @ro0or sagte in PLZ STOP GIFTING ATHENAS VOYAGES!!!!:
    I did the grind. So should you, you "damn" leaching "p***s".

    Wow dude just saw what you really wrote, quit the game, its the best for all of us, you dont have to give away your amazing ultra rare voyages and we dont need to read your "poo"

  • i dosent know the legendary rewards r so cheap.

  • Its almost like Rare implemented a feature into the game so that players of higher levels can suggest higher level voyages for their lower crew members so as to level the playing field and help each other out in the overall meta that is pirate legend.

    Lets be honest, with your attitude you are presenting currently and publicly, you probably didn't even reach that legend status without sitting in some brigs or using anti-AFK methods, at least a couple of times ;) am i right?

  • I can't find the "downvote" button.

  • @warmedxmints said in PLZ STOP GIFTING ATHENAS VOYAGES!!!!:

    Just say no! Nothing wrong with gifting voyages although I do think you should only be able to gain Athena rep once you hit legend.

    Perhaps you mispoke here then. Because Athens rep is the reward for the chest. And seeing that if I am not legend and steal it, I can get no reward. I spelled this out to show your error not punish.

  • @onedeviousdog said in PLZ STOP GIFTING ATHENAS VOYAGES!!!!:

    @warmedxmints said in PLZ STOP GIFTING ATHENAS VOYAGES!!!!:

    Just say no! Nothing wrong with gifting voyages although I do think you should only be able to gain Athena rep once you hit legend.

    Perhaps you mispoke here then. Because Athens rep is the reward for the chest. And seeing that if I am not legend and steal it, I can get no reward. I spelled this out to show your error not punish.

    You would still get a reward, the gold.

  • @dustlessboot Why is b a s e censored?

  • Its My Ship And You Cant Play Unless I'm Captain. Go Solo Matey And Disagree With You're Own Shadow.

  • @warmedxmints said in PLZ STOP GIFTING ATHENAS VOYAGES!!!!:

    @onedeviousdog said in PLZ STOP GIFTING ATHENAS VOYAGES!!!!:

    @warmedxmints said in PLZ STOP GIFTING ATHENAS VOYAGES!!!!:

    Just say no! Nothing wrong with gifting voyages although I do think you should only be able to gain Athena rep once you hit legend.

    Perhaps you mispoke here then. Because Athens rep is the reward for the chest. And seeing that if I am not legend and steal it, I can get no reward. I spelled this out to show your error not punish.

    You would still get a reward, the gold.

    What Pirate is a true Legend if they cannot protect the highest reward in the game? What Pirate game would prevent a Pirate from obtaining the highest reward in the game by being a pirate? Nah....won't happen.

  • I didn't even look at the hideout (in game or on the internet) let alone complete an Athena voyage until I became legend.

    I really didn't want to spoil the surprise and wanted to feel like I gained access to the hideout and cosmetics through my own achievement.

    And I was pleasantly surprised! I enjoyed exploring the hideout for the first time and gaining access to the cosmetics.

  • Lol so u join a random game and rather do low lvl voyages? All new lvl of whining

  • On most ships I’ve ever been on the highest ranked guy puts down the voyages. Not sure why you want to be different but hey, it’s your world. Most legends I’ve played with have been nice peeps and yesterday I got a peek at the legend bar so thought that was pretty cool. I didn’t catch the guys name but he was very friendly and all the times I’ve played, since the first week I’d say, have only played one Athena’s voyage and I couldn’t finish as it got way too late. I think a lot of peeps should lighten up and enjoy the ride.

  • I have to admit that i have seen some people ask in a very rude way Legendary pirates for a quest and even though i wasn't the one being pestered it felt really annoying because people seem to lack basic respect like asking politely when you want something...but there are many ways to avoid these situations.

    I don't see any problem with the fact that we can do Legendary quests without being one... in a group of friend no one get to 50 at the same speed so it's well designed to make sure Legends can still play with everyone. Why would anyone bother helping you guys doing the same quests they have been doing but with tons and tons of white skelettons running after you all the time if they don't get any form of extra reward (athena's chest) for that?

    I'm gonna be a Legend soon too and i can tell you that i'm going to give quests as often as i can because i've got help from Legends to get there so it's only right/fair that i do the same for other people. That's how a community grow in a good way, when people help each other...

    To me all these Legendary pirates that think it's an aberration to give quests to others just look the same as Malcom's grand mother in Malcom in the middle, they are selfish/friendless/loveless/funless/stingy people, so yeah keep coming on the forums to cry over your lack of generosity while you do that we still get help from nice people and you guys are out of the game. \0/

  • Still, whether you find refusing to share an Athena voyage rude or not, the rest of the crew really shouldn't throw a tantrum about it.

    I mean, if you hadn't matched up with a Pirate Legend, you would've been doing regular missions anyway. Not getting an Athena one might be disappointing, but take it like a grown up.

    Just to play devil's advocate for a moment. =P

  • I don't get your point. Players usually discuss who has highest reputation and will do their voyages. Why would Athena's make any difference?

    I'm wishing that I can get someone to drop Athena's to my crew of my friends so we can have one long journey. Not because of loot.

  • @ro0or

    You most likely used a macro like the other 90% of Legends. I don’t want to hear it.

  • I have several points to make here, 1: you absolutely gain Athena ranks from handing the chest in for non legends, I'm rank 3 atm, but only 45/47/41, 2. You're right, people need to chill out when they see a legend, legend quests are long and hard and not something every legend wants to do every session, maybe they've got work later or something? 3. I love a good legend voyage even if I don't get to do the whole thing, the constant 9 hit Skelly's mean you have to actually use teamwork and all the skills you've acquired so far to get through it, the increased challenge makes them all the more interesting and fun! 4. I've actually never experienced low pay out's for my efforts on a legend quest, but for anyone who cares about commendations the lower level chests/skulls are great, by legend you've probably got enough money for whatever you want, I've bought most of the cosmetics apart from about 4 dresses and a couple of peg legs, a full ships worth and 1 for each of my items/weapons, at legend you've already achieved lvl 50, all that's left is Athena's and commendations, you need lower level stuff, it's both a good reason for it to show up in Athena's and a good reason to just want to knock out a ton of base level quests instead. I guess in the end everyone just needs to respect the fact that they're going to want each others quests, I often ask my legends to pop one down when they leave if we've been doing non legend together and I've never had a no yet, just respect each other and have fun

  • Also, could we maybe stop with the comments about how the OP got to Pirate Legend?

    It's not REALLY the point of the discussion and seems kinda mean for meanness' sake. Disagree, by all means, but let's keep the playground insults to our inside voices.

  • Did you play 100% solo all the time? Did you ever have a higher rank throw down a map that was above your levels?

    Sit down and S**U

  • @ro0or Yeah this game is about helping others get up. So what I am no a legend yet my reps are 30, 32, 29. But I still help my crew and noobs. Dont be a d**k dude.

  • @ro0or said in PLZ STOP GIFTING ATHENAS VOYAGES!!!!:

    I'm tired of having to dress down to hide the fact that I'm a legend because a crew will sit there and beg for an Athenas voyage. And when I refuse they throw a tantrum like a child and act like I'm the a*****e. Look I earned my status, I did the grind. So should you, you damn leaching p***s.

    So much for being a team player. Wouldn't want to sail w/ YOU.

  • @ro0or said in PLZ STOP GIFTING ATHENAS VOYAGES!!!!:

    I'm tired of having to dress down to hide the fact that I'm a legend because a crew will sit there and beg for an Athenas voyage. And when I refuse they throw a tantrum like a child and act like I'm the a*****e. Look I earned my status, I did the grind. So should you, you damn leaching p***s.

    Lol another legend shows us their true colors. I'm not usually in favor of splitting the community but why dont we make legend only servers? Imagine it now....a sea full of lame purple ships and dudes in clown clothes all smelling their own f***s away from the true pirates.

  • @ro0or If you queue up with children leave the game and try again. I usually have to queue about three times to get an active communicating team. No one is entitled to anything on these seas. That includes people begging for athena missions and you expecting them not to.

    Say no if you want and move on. Other pirates, ask for the missions if you want and accept the response.

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