New Hacks?

  • I've encountered plenty of aimbotters and invincible pirates... but tonight my friend and I encountered something new. We were chasing a sloop when suddenly our anchor started to drop. I quickly caught it, then continued sailing. A few minutes later, our ship started having holes blown in it. The ship was about 100 meters in front of us, running away, yet we were taking invisible cannon fire. While down in the hull patching our ship, I saw graphics of a cannonball exploding, yet there was no cannon. It appears this is a new form of subtle hack that allows players to evade, without drawing the same level of suspicion that an invulernerability or aimbotting hack might.

    I really wish this game had a feature to see other players on the server and a method of reporting hackers. The current structure of the servers make it virtually impossible for players to report suspicious activity. Rare recently said they have banned an undisclosed number of hackers, but I'd be curious to know how many that actually was because from my perspective, the problem is still rampant.

    Anywho, anyone else seen this type of hack before?

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  • @mjastronomy send a support ticket here with as much info as you can (including screenshot/video capture if you have it)

  • Not this paricularly..but literally just now we were at a fort and a sloop rolled up.
    Ended up fighting...we hit em with a few shots. I got aboard and kegged em. They were both on ferry with me. When i was aboard water was already up to the map on the sloop which means basically sunk...
    Respawned same time as them and their boat was still up never sank. They then rammed into us and our boat sank IMMEDIATELY after contact..we had no holes prior..something felt fishy amd was wondering sams thing...if the hack bans came out so they just rolled out new ones now or something..who knows... Best thing is report it where possible

  • @mjastronomy why come here and scream hacks with no proof? Youve encountered plenty of aimbotters? Im pl a8 and havent seen one. Sounds like you just get outplayed a lot.

  • @messiahxxxx I find so little value in your reply. What's the purpose of calling his experience into doubt like that? Unless you're trying to make the case that there aren't cheaters out there, which we all know isn't true. Arguing about how many there are just feels like someone who uses that c**p downplaying how common it is.

    As to the OP I'd ask if youre 100% certain you didn't hit a barrel dropped from the ship in front of you? I've managed a few hits like that

  • @crazyjuan my reply wasnt ment for you tbh but ok here i go. That is the claim im making either there is none out there or its extremely miniscule. This game has no comp. No ladders no leaderboards so the market for hacks is slim to none. Most get outplayed then say hacks, i see it all the time in game. That was directed towards seeing aimbotters all the time comment.

    Now invisible cannon fire it sounds like lag or buggy server. At the end of the day wheres the proof ? How can we say yep thats a hack based on a story.

  • @messiahxxxx who your reply was to isn't relevant. You're posting publicly on a discussion forum, that means your posts are up for discussion.

    The idea that the lack of something "meaningful" to cheat over like a leaderboard would decrease the potential for cheating doesn't really hold water.

    1. Cheats don't care about the meaning of anything. If they did they wouldn't cheat. Cheating online makes any victory hollow so if they don't care about that fact, but only getting their good feelings from a "win", the lack of any such tracking won't deter them. For example take Mario Kart Wii. Wins in that game were meaningless and far from based on skill, but that didn't stop kids from cheating their balls off online.

    2. Which dovetails into my second objection. If the game doesn't have that kind of seriousness you mentioned, not only would it not deter cheats, they would 100% without fail say something like "gawd, it's like, not a serious game at all, who cares about playing a game like this legit? It doesn't even have like. A leaderboard... Eat your dinner, Tina, gosh."

    We know cheats exist, we know douchbags will use them. Nobody knows in what kinda numbers, which is why it's silly to come here and berate a dude for saying he might have come across one.

    Or at the very least, try to offer a plausible explanation within the game like I did.

  • @messiahxxxx aimbots do exist, I was halfway up a galleons ladder to the crows nest, and got slashed multiple times from a cutlass, last time I checked you couldn’t use a weapon on a ladder, just sayin’

  • @crazyjuan said in New Hacks?:

    @messiahxxxx I find so little value in your reply. What's the purpose of calling his experience into doubt like that? Unless you're trying to make the case that there aren't cheaters out there, which we all know isn't true. Arguing about how many there are just feels like someone who uses that c**p downplaying how common it is.

    As to the OP I'd ask if youre 100% certain you didn't hit a barrel dropped from the ship in front of you? I've managed a few hits like that

    I thought for a little while that they had barreled us, but what really drew that into suspicion was that the holes were spaced out. A barrel is one explosion that puts many holes, this was at similar rate to cannon fire. Every 5-10 seconds a new hole would pop up. We had no issues keeping our ship afloat, we survived the encounter. As soon as we stopped pursuing them, the onslought stopped. Additionally, the fact that our anchor dropped with nobody near it, travelling full speed, was just the nail in the coffin for me. If it was "laggy" or "buggy" servers as another poster implies, that is quite the lag. Especially considering we were travelling at full speed in the same direction, chasing an enemy ship.

  • lol


  • This is where the video capture option is golden
    Set DVR to record the last 5 minutes and send the footage to support.
    I've never seen this before
    I have on very rare occasion encountered slightly suspicious moments but nothing to this scale.

    I'm not saying this is the case here, but in my salty early days calling hacks was better than admitting I just got bested.
    But as my experience grew and my skill level? I think I have maybe come across maybe 1 or 2 possible hackers

    You know the ones.... You get a definite head shot with a sniper, or pistol followed by a sword swipe (pretty sure a head shot is 4/5ths of a full damage bar, and it takes 5 swipes to kill someone with a sword... Ish)
    And they just keep on coming.... But is that the hit registration?
    And in those few times we have ended up sinking and killing them eventually so I'm just not sure

    Capture the footage.. then they can be no doubt, send it to support make their lives easier. They probably have sooo many calls of hacks which probably takes up a lot of time investigating and I'd like to think 90% are unfounded

    On a lighter note
    I caused to guys on a sloop to argue when I boarded their ship and dropped the anchor without them noticing.
    But I am a ninja lol

    Doc 👊☠️

  • Are you aware of the fact that a single player can keep a sloop afloat if it all 8 possible locations for holes on the lower deck punched in?
    One person can't repair the holes, but keeping the ship afloat is possible.

    If you don't believe it, just try it for yourself.
    Get yourself 3 barrels, detonate them all in a row on your ship and bucket the c**p out of the ship.

    Given these tests I have a hard time believing that your ship sank "immediately".
    Maybe we have a misunderstanding here, but "sinking" means "Audio Notice of ship going down is playing, Ship can no longer be interacted with" to me.
    I sense exaggeration here.

  • @sn1pesh0t-d said in New Hacks?:

    @messiahxxxx aimbots do exist, I was halfway up a galleons ladder to the crows nest, and got slashed multiple times from a cutlass, last time I checked you couldn’t use a weapon on a ladder, just sayin’

    No, but you can stand on the masts boom and slash someone climbing up.

    @CrazyJuan, @messiaHxxxx has a point. He might not be verry friendly in his post but I'm kind of tired about these accusations too. I've never seen any cheaters (at least none that I can confirm) and so have all the people on my discord. Yet there are people going around accusing everyone of cheating when they lose in a fair fight.

    It entices more people to yell hacks that just don't exist or can exist. Like what the OP is on about with holes just appearing but no ships around. You must be a Rare employee or hack the entire server for that to just happen. A more logical explanation would be that:

    1. He just sailed into the red sea and didnt notice, maybe his anchor dropped because his friend tried to warn him.
    2. He was attacked but had such bad percepion he didnt see, or maybe his ping was rediculously high.
    3. There was a guy in his crows nest trolling by popping up dropping anchor climbing back dropping a barrel etc.

    Ms's platform has several ways of recording these kinds of events. I start recording every time I feel something is up or something fun is going to happen, you can just use the X-box record feature or Win + G for gamehub and record. Without proof there's no telling what people have done and it's not cunstructive to just yell hacks.
    It's just like witch hunts, everyone was so convinced people were witches....

  • I don't really care if you guys believe what happened. We weren't in the red sea, we were between islands near the center of the map. Play this game often enough to know what's what. Guy in the crow's nest explanation is rediculous. Guy had multiple explosive barrels in our crows nest and was periodically jumping down to blow them up? I'm honestly shocked the amount of people who show up here trying to disprove or throw shade on the posibility of new hacks appearing in a game that has been proven very easy to hack.

    I read the forums, but never really post. Never encountered anything like this, hence the thread. Wasn't really here posting to prove to anyone if what happened to us was real. I was more interested in if other people had encountered this same type of thing. Clearly not, since all this thread has turned into is people trying to call b******t. Gnite gents.

  • @mjastronomy You don't have to shoot a barrel to blow it up anymore, you can just light the fuse, count to 4 and drop it.

    If you were at the uncharted islands have you taken into account the shallows?

    You call hacks first and foremost and you post it on the forums so you're not asking rare you're asking us, the fellow forum posters. (otherwise you'd have made a ticket) I've never encountered such a thing and know for a fact these things you name are things that cannot be manipulated becuase they are calculated serverside and hacks only run clientside so if it was hacks he/ she's a really good hacker who has hacked the whole server.

    It's not so strange for people to call into question or try to find answers within reason as opposed to going full witch hunt.

  • @mjastronomy

    Ahoy mates,

    Just a reminder that if you encounter anything which you feel is questionable in game, then it should be reported directly to Rare via Support. In this way it can be logged, sent to the correct team and investigated.

    Please ensure you include as much detail as possible in your report.

    I'll close this one down now as discussing hacks on the forums doesn't often result in the most constructive of threads.

    Cheats and Hacks
    Discussing Cheats and Hacks including but not limited to their use and where to get them will result in a permanent ban from the Forums. If you want to report a cheat, hack or bug you have discovered, please contact Support.

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