So....... I'm making me a 3D modeled Fish Skeleton Trophy ;-)

  • Anyone who has heard me wax philosophical about the sheer beauty of the Sea of Thieves environment and what I'd like to have/make has heard of the fabled Fish Skeleton Trophy which used to set in 'some' of the galleon's Captain's cabins. This was during pre-launch if I recall and I lamented not being able to screen cap my usual plethora of references...NDA was still in effect in those days ;-) After we all officially set sail they seemed to have disappeared. I did find one on a long forgotten shopkeeper's shelf. Not well placed for photography alas though I did try. Later I did find one in the Legendary Ghost Captain's office which allowed me to screencap to my heart's content...and I set to the task. The fish skeleton is done...but not the stand. I do still plan on a replica of the original trophy stand. In the meantime I pressed my Tavern Sign 3D model into service for a "Billy Bass" version :-D

    I do have to emphasize that I did 'not' sculpt the fish skeleton from scratch! I made the base mesh/model with Photogrammetry and then I farmed it out to a clean up service for initial clean up. I then took it into zBrush to do some additional sculpting, added weathering texture, and some cutlass marks and such. I envisioned these beasties in shallow waters around reefs and Outposts wreaking havoc...thus the cutlass marks.

    Either way it's definitely a favorite! More to follow...

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    The Inspiration

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    From the exceptional Sea of Thieves Art Book. Hightly recommended!

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    Found ya Beastie!

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    The 3D Model front view.

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    The 3D Model angled view.

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  • First test print hot off the U2E+ Still needs to have the support materials removed...but looking pretty good.

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  • @specialadvisor good grief you are busy! I'm still incredibly jealous of your 'toys'. :(

    great work as always!

    EDIT: when I saw it on the plank I couldn't help but thinking it needs animating a la Billy Big Mouth Bass :D

  • @triheadedmonkey said in So....... I'm making me a 3D modeled Fish Skeleton Trophy ;-):

    @specialadvisor good grief you are busy! I'm still incredibly jealous of your 'toys'. :(

    great work as always!

    EDIT: when I saw it on the plank I couldn't help but thinking it needs animating a la Billy Big Mouth Bass :D

    lol, I was just thinking that..... ok so we are all super impressed by your developing skills @SpecialAdvisor however... learn animatronics for legend status.
    I look forward to the next few updates


  • Thanks shipmates! Had a busy day yesterday in real life so other than printing off the skeleton fish not much else got done to include sailing! Hopefully today I’ll have time for both 3D and SoT. I still need to vandalize about 30 odd mermaid statues...

    I’ll get right on that animatronic thing Doc ;-)

  • @triheadedmonkey said in So....... I'm making me a 3D modeled Fish Skeleton Trophy ;-):

    @specialadvisor good grief you are busy! I'm still incredibly jealous of your 'toys'. :(

    great work as always!

    EDIT: when I saw it on the plank I couldn't help but thinking it needs animating a la Billy Big Mouth Bass :D

    aye mate it should

  • Oh, the print is awesome!

  • I wonder why more 3d model requests aren't leveraged to game devs... I mean a skilled modeler can indeed make their own as you prove! But wouldn't it be neat to get the 3d files straight from the source? You'd still have to work 'em to do the 3d prints and all the subtle things.. but yea..

    Overall though absolutely impressive, I am jelly as 3d modelling is a dream of mine.. but I have done nothing but fail to self teach... I self taught myself 2d stuff np... but 3d... still can't quite wrap my head around it.

  • My that is an amazing job! What program do you use to create your models? I typically use SolidWorks.

    Also if I could throw in a recommendation, it would be to maybe thicken some of the rib bones. It looks like you had them too thin and the printer struggled to generate them near the ends.

  • lol...that is just awesome. nice!

  • @SpecialAdvisor next canllens sword and pistol

  • where is this in the game

  • @closinghare208 said in So....... I'm making me a 3D modeled Fish Skeleton Trophy ;-):

    where is this in the game

    The fish skeleton? They're all over the place mate, one's in the Captains Cabin on the Galleon, countless others scattered around the islands.

  • @tundra-793 ok mate I will look when I get back on to the game

  • @blooddoll22 you are too kind matey! I am absolutely not a skilled modeler. I am a Tinker and hobbiest at best. I do a lot via photogrammetry so ‘’scratch” sculpting is something I’m still in the earliest stages of learning. Now I can do some fairly decent hard surface modeling. And hey, if I can do can you! Just start and hack away at it ;-)

    There have been a precious few game companies that gave folks models to play with. A great idea IMHO. That monster hunting game a few years ago made the monsters and some of the hunters available for 3D printing enthusiasts. Evolve was the name if I recall.

  • @psych0-knightro Thanks matey! Always appreciate artistic input. That’s the main reason I post here in addition to just having fun with Sea of Thieves and it’s prop replicas. Good ideas pop in now and again. As long as it’s advice kindly offered it’s all good :-) In this case, the photo is deceptive. I think the thickness is OK if you look at the screen cap above of the model itself. The printer was not the issue’s was dutifully printing the model with no problem. The filament I used for the fish’s skeleton is ‘natural’ colored filament. It’s the closest to bone I had.’s a little translucent. I’ll probably dry brush a bit of bone color on it. But of course your recommendation would be one way to resolve using this particular filament. In truth, I thought about it but adding more depth, say a base would have made it look more like a statue on the plaque in my opinion and less like a real skeleton. Hopefully a little paint will do the job.

    My workflow would make a ‘real’ 3D artist wince. This was done with a pretty lengthy work process. The raw model was done with a LOT of screencaps and processed (photogrammetry) with AutoDesk's ReCap Photo. Due to simple lack of time, I farmed the initial clean up to a service. My post processing was with a combination of zBrush 2018, MeshLab, MeshMixer, and even Aspire (CNC Software) at one point. 3D printed on an Ultimaker 2E+.

  • @closinghare208 and @tundra-793. This is actually a little more rare of a fish skeleton to my memory. It ‘used’ to set in a percentage of the Captain’s cabins in all galleons. I’ve not seen one in a captain’s cabin since the Tech Alpha. Course I’m not on galleons as often as I’m on sloops. There is also one on a shop keeper’s shelf behind the counter at one of the Outposts...darned if I can recall which one (Edit: Turns out it’s Trevor the merchant at the Equipment Shop in Galleon's Grave Outpost). The one that’s easisest to get a close look at is in the Legendary Ghost Captain’s Office in the Legendary Hideout (if you happen to be a Legendary pirate...or know one). @tundra-793 the fish skeletons you see scattered out in the world (like half buried in sand on shores...if those are the ones you are referring to?) are slightly different to my memory. They are a bit softer and don’t have the detail. I might have a screen cap of that variant somewhere...I’ll take a look. If anyone sees this beastie somewhere other than the two I mentioned above...I’d appreciate knowing the location :-)

  • Was in world finishing up the Bilge Rat's Sunken Curse event (success!) and stopped by Galleon's Grave to visit Trevor's Fish Skeleton shop.

    I was fairly certain where I saw some of the 'other' skeleton fish. Crescent Isle had a tableau I searched for on a chest riddle hunt. It was called the 'Unfortunate Fisherman'...or something similar. Pics below as well. While likely the same species, you'll note they look much softer and are toothless which makes sense as they were in the surf for awhile. Gotta hate it for the fisherman...he's met his end with one gnawing on his neck!

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    Trevor and the Fish Skeleton

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    The Unfortunate Fisherman?

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    Fish Skeleton in the sand...just worn down?

  • @specialadvisor

    Oh I see so it's a clear plastic. Then forget what I said!

  • @psych0-knightro Yes indeed...but the point is still valid if one wanted to use this specific filament and not paint. A few more mm of depth would indeed make it more opaque :-D

  • ...and just for comparison. A Piranha skeleton. That skull sure looks similar to the beastie above.

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  • @specialadvisor even if they just sold the darn things, I mean why is this potential revenue stream NOT capitalized on?

  • @blooddoll22 got me! I’d have bought one.

    The true Holy Grail of Sea of Thieves props for me is that darn skull candle. They showed a physical prop version at E3 I think. Great stuff. I pretty much have the skull done...just gotta do the darn candle part.

  • @specialadvisor Wow! looking good so far.

  • Turns out Tony at Daggertooth also has one. Go figure. I spend virtually no time in the shops...clearly!

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  • Alrighty then! I'm pretty darn happy with this one...just need to get the magnets on the back and it's a done deal. Now on to replicating the actual display stand :-D

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  • @specialadvisor and @Blooddoll22
    You would be surprised what you find in Free 3D model websites.

    Among others that I bookmarked on my Win7 HDD, I have used this one Free 3D a fair bit to gather models for exporting to video game maps I used to make. They are always worth a look at.

    P.S. That fish looks awesome, mate. I actually like the transparency as it makes the skeleton look wet. :o)

  • I've gotten the basic trophy base made up. Still need to take it into zBrush and give it a little wood texture and the necessary cutlass slash marks :-D

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  • Hmm...might have overdone the grain a bit. Course what looks like a lot on the model does not really translate to the print at smaller sizes. Got a test print running now...we shall see :-D

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  • Print finished, cleaned up, and initial painting done.

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  • I'm going to call this one done...and move on to the next project :-D

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  • @specialadvisor awesome job
    Very impressed
    3D printed Sloop next? 😜

  • @specialadvisor loving your new models! What’s on the cards next?

  • @doctortourettes Thanks shipmate! I was thinking we need a Piratical Secretive Services Emblem ;-)

  • @lizalaroo thanks shipmate! I still have the “Skull” and Order of Souls Brazier I’m tinkering with...but I’m just not happy with the evilness of the Skull yet. Probably the next model to hit the 3D printer will be the Boar Skull Wall Plaque :-D

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