So I guess that's it.

  • So I guess many of us will never be able to get all of the commendations.
    For some it was their own time restraints caused by personal life.
    For me, I've played since launch and put absolute hundreds of hours in whenever I found a friend online who was not already in a full crew.

    I've played along with all of the events, Megalodon, silly highchairs and worthless mermaid statues when they were undersized and harder to defeat without too much health loss.
    I revisited them all to help others get the commendation too. Total strangers pleading for help on these forums and LFG.

    I've also done the powder keg skeletons and skeleton fleets, many of them a few times over, but I still haven't that elusive one commendation that now I'll never be able to get.
    I'm sure we've done it, possibly more than twice, but with so many variables working against this game, bugs, server crashes, people unwilling to ally and limited time within limited time events, it all just seems a waste of effort.

    Sure, I could keep slogging out Athena's but the fetch quests were already mind numbing boring the first 150 voyages.
    So excuse me if another 93 x two hour voyages of the same c**p doesn't sound appealing right now. Especially when we seem to always get kicked from the server before completing them.... or upon completion just prior to cashing-in.

    The events and commendations was all I cared for.
    Not becoming pirate legend to sit dormant in stagnant water over and over again when trying to get my head above it all.
    Not getting so rich that I have no need for any of it.
    I don't care for cosmetics or anything else except for achievements and by never having another opportunity to get that one commendation has ruined the whole game for me.
    It's like collecting a precious set of anything and having one irreplaceable item of that set stolen from your grasp. It devaluates the entire collection.

    Of course future campaigns and events will bring more commendations but I'll always have at least one locked forever more.
    It will always bug me, take the wind out of my sails and make me ask myself, why bother?

    It's one thing to have the event a time based thing but it's even worse when the fleets of weeks one and two can't be revisited even with another week left in the extended event.
    I've done all I can with a week left and I still have no way of completing it.

    It's been over a week since lodging the report ticket so I guess their data logging didn't show that I met the requirements. :/

    I wonder if anyone else has had their reported commendation reimbursed?

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  • You do know you can still earn the commendations after an event ends, right?

    EDIT: Ohh, that 1... Isn't thst the 1 that's bugged? If you actually did it, you'll be fine. Rare's working on a fix and tracking it...

  • @galactic-geek said in So I guess that's it.:

    You do know you can still earn the commendations after an event ends, right?

    EDIT: Ohh, that 1... Isn't thst the 1 that's bugged? If you actually did it, you'll be fine. Rare's working on a fix and tracking it...

    Yea, not incorrect information. But there's more to the situation overall. For example.. throughout that week the event was despawning the last ship(s) mid-fight, the timing of the events spawning don't always fall in line with playable hours for some - though that's been partly corrected, and so much more....

    For example I FINALLY got online during the time frame the achievement connected to the crew I was looking for was spawned on the 14th... Actually I got on a few hours in advance and made a day of it. What went wrong?

    I stocked up a ship and ran about looking for allies since I was in a sloop and at the time solo awaiting friends to join me since I had time... it took me three server hops before I ran into players that weren't PvPcentric... which is fine PvP is ok.... it just didn't help ME. When I finally did find another ship willing to help they were fresh players without a clue what was going on... but... I managed to get friends online so I figured at worst... i'd take us in our duo sloop and the new players could run interference.

    The event spawned as normal and we fought... the fresh players on the other sloop sank pretty early but my pal and I remained strong.

    We managed to get the event to the final ship... sailed for all of what.. 10 seconds past a border rock and the ship dove immediately. We hard turned.. but too late... event reset and now we're out of supplies for the most part.. So.. break time! we sailed to go get supplies as new ships spawned during event reset.. we left them behind.. they remained long enough for us to sail to plunder.. restock... sell what loot we had.. and make it back...

    But the end ship? Nope...

    So we started totally fresh because of dumb stuff.. restocked totally which took forever.. grabbed a ton of GPB and sailed up to get 'em just my pal and I.

    By this time we tried several times to finish it up in our duo sloop. No allies.. just us... took forever to start the first run.. the second run was delayed by supply gathering... when we did manage to get to the end again...

    BOOM day changed from night to day... and the event ended mid-fight...

    So in the week of trying I've happily killed more than my fair share of ships.. committed to each of the events pretty much non-stop but that ONE segment eluded me for a week of constant attempts. Always for one reason or another. Servers crashing... not online at the right times... bugginess with the ships despawning mid-fight... having to attempt the event with rando's who don't know their heads from a hole in the ground... even if I manage a decent-ish rando crew..... having to sail forever to find allies or at the least stock up pretty much to full... juuuuuust in case we end up alone or can't manage to get supplies from the supply barrels that sink as soon as you look at them or from the ships themselves because of aimbot driven misfourtune.... and so on...

    It's not like we have a week to commit to these events.. we have a few attempts what.. 2-3 windows of opportunity within the weeks. Simply getting online at these specific hours can be troublesome or impossible for many.

    So yea.. the ONE battle that lasted until the 14th... it's lost for me forever...

    I can get the rest.. sure ... np... But not that one, not ever again unless something changes or I manage to get credit for despawning ships that I had dead to rights but didn't actually sink... which won't happen I am sure.

    Does it affect my character? No. Thankfully not. I don't need dubloons.. I don't lose out on a cosmetic...

    But better application of these events is something I feel is indeed warranted.

    Rare needs to stop trying to make us play kissy face and control when and where we will be on the seas at a given time and just let us play!

    If we had the power to simply sail into an area ON OUR TIME and WHEN we wanted... players could attempt the events much more easily. We'd still have need to play in each week. But we wouldn't have to alter real world play hours to accommodate this sort of stupid desire to manipulate players behavior...

    I get it devs rely on the most part for their ability to drive players in certain directions.. but there's a limit that sometimes becomes a bit unreasonable.

  • @admiral-rrrsole dude that sucks. I feel for you man. I hope they can fix your dilemma.

  • I missed sinking the Treacherous Bounty crew also and as upsetting as it is I'm pretty sure we can still earn the commendation after the event. Although I think it will be much harder cause after the event you will have to wait till they spawn in the world (much like a Skeleton Fort) and then hope it's in the zone you need and then hope its also the crew you need. I've started to look at it as a challenge, something worth chasing, and I will sink them one day. Also, toughen up! You are supposed to be a pirate, crying about it will only make the rest of us wish you would walk the plank.

  • We ran into similar issues with this event. I finally got fed up and said "forget it". I refuse to waste 3 hours grabbing supplies and running a few voyages, trying to avoid anyone who wants to PVP because I don't want to have to restock again then fight these ships for several in-game days only to have the final ship despawn.

    The mermaid statue event is the only one that I actually took part in because of limited game time and I'd rather not waste it on events that rely heavily on getting two or three ships together. If I can't complete it on my own or with my friends, I see no point in bothering with it.

  • @dirty469 said in So I guess that's it.:

    I missed sinking the Treacherous Bounty crew also and as upsetting as it is I'm pretty sure we can still earn the commendation after the event. Although I think it will be much harder cause after the event you will have to wait till they spawn in the world (much like a Skeleton Fort) and then hope it's in the zone you need and then hope its also the crew you need. I've started to look at it as a challenge, something worth chasing, and I will sink them one day.

    Love this, very excellent point that I hadn't considered that I hope could be applied as you discuss. Even having missed this one crew... I'd totally be down with simply being assured they will appear again in the world and that I could overtake them. I doubt that's how the changes will go down.. but maybe... yea.. I would be down for that if it's the case.

    Also, toughen up! You are supposed to be a pirate, crying about it will only make the rest of us wish you would walk the plank.

    Overall, I am alike to many others on these forums.. I like to complain #sorrynotsorry but I never do it to simply disparage Rare or anything so stupid. I feel that a majority of my posts are built around simple opinions I have and aren't directly built simply to insult.. though perhaps more are than I might presume. That said.. regardless of my post history I do stand by my upset in this case. Rare has heard us and learned from the decisions, I just wish that a company with a what.. 33 year track record didn't need to "learn" such simple truths such as players not appreciating weird real world time slots applied to our gaming and simply enjoy logging in and being able to get things done.... even if there's some difficulty to the thing in question. But, I appreciate your sentiment as much as I stand up for my voice on this matter... your not wrong.. politeness and understanding do go a LONG way... even I forget that often.

    Lastly, thanks for your feedback it charmed me to have an idea on how I might approach darkening this black smudge on my Bilge Rat adventures.. here's to hoping your not wrong in how this might be remedied!

  • These commendations are the most ignorable part of the game. I find it borderline disrespectful to us as the players of the game that this is the lame "content" we've been waiting for and promised. Each content drop is more and more disappointing and underwhelming. I never thought a group of video game developers would be so lacking of creativity.
    I sail these Seas in search for R sails to grief the crew to the damned and back! But the game is too damn boring for even them to play.

  • @admiral-rrrsole a solution for this could be rotating all the previous crews all over again during Next week...
    Let's get mad, put the 3 crews of the same region in the same battle!

    Since they're gonna extend the event, would be fair to give all the players a chance to achieve everything they couldn't get.

  • @admiral-rrrsole my breaking point was a night of fun alliance vs skelly battles ending with a sloop of legends lending me their ship and an Athena voyage. i did all of the x maps and each time i tried to dig one up, it's certain death and possible death when returning to grab it. the skeletons were just the normal white ones and took around 8 hits (probably more) to kill.
    if that's how it is, i don't want to be pirate legend. i can't be excited about cashing in loot. I'm not buying promotions. what's the point?

    i hope I'm wrong. i hope that there's some hidden system in place (like borderlands or the division) where the skeletons are rank 50 and I'm rank 40 and THAT'S why, but i have a feeling that's not it.

    i didn't feel legendary. i felt annoyed lol the balance at 35-40 feels challenging and fun. the Athena voyage sucked and i gave the ship to the first person to join and went to bed lol

  • @boomtownboss said in So I guess that's it.:

    These commendations are the most ignorable part of the game. I find it borderline disrespectful to us as the players of the game that this is the lame "content" we've been waiting for and promised. Each content drop is more and more disappointing and underwhelming. I never thought a group of video game developers would be so lacking of creativity.
    I sail these Seas in search for R sails to grief the crew to the damned and back! But the game is too damn boring for even them to play.

    Simply put, that's your position and it's fair to have it - but overall... I disagree about bilge rat commendations.

    Really, Hungering Deep itself was an upset for me.. but the Bilge Rat/Commendations associated with the game are something I .... as a completionist in part... find quite relevant.

    So yea, underwhelming, and overall unimportant to gameplay itself... especially considering the lack of need for dubloons or effect on actual gameplay... yea your right there - they don't affect a darn thing. But to be honest it matters to me quite a bit.. I'm with you in alot of ways, Rare has had nothing but issues since launch with SoT and even the review sites have initially ripped them a new one in many forums. But that doesn't mean the things we do have shouldn't be appreciated. Or that players won't want for a full list of these commendations marked as completed.

    Literally there's nothing in the game of value ... the cosmetics... the commendations... etc... nothing we do MATTERS in so many ways.. but thankfully that's not what the game is about. The game is simply a place for us to find our own sorts of interesting trouble. Be it via PvP... exploration/wandering around looking for bottled messages or shipwrecks as my Wife does... the slowly developing world/quests/lore....and ultimately a measure of how we might choose to interact with others in the game .... which IMO is what the game is all about.

    Yea, the game really sometimes feels like a streamers paradise... but for some there's other attractions. For me.. it's about completing the commendations slowly and enjoying the camaraderie of my mates. For you it might be different. No one is wrong...

    ?So yea, I'm sort of with you.. I've certainly done my fair share of complaining in the past and will in the future I am sure! But overall what's "most" important really is a matter of opinion. And overall with there being so little that I can measure as development for my character.. something as silly and ignorable as these commendations actually means more to me than it might in another title altogether.

  • @blooddoll22 Sorry, I wasn't trying to take away from your value to the commendations. I must respect people having a different focus on the game than I. I also liked the idea that nothing really seemed to matter. Until I realized it doesn't seem to matter to the devs either.

  • @boomtownboss Your fine bud.. wasn't calling you out tbh. Just remarking as I rewatch the mixer event.

  • I am in the same type of situation. I only got one of the three done in the very first week but was able to complete every other thing since. I am out of luck since I could only get online during the first week due to real life issues and they had to be completed that week. Not sure with the update tonight if they will roll back to week 1 stuff since they had made the changes starting on week 2 with the staggered times. I'm not holding my breath, but hey, its only a game, but would be nice to be able to complete them anyways.

  • @dirty469 said in So I guess that's it.:

    I missed sinking the Treacherous Bounty crew also and as upsetting as it is I'm pretty sure we can still earn the commendation after the event. Although I think it will be much harder cause after the event you will have to wait till they spawn in the world (much like a Skeleton Fort) and then hope it's in the zone you need and then hope its also the crew you need. I've started to look at it as a challenge, something worth chasing, and I will sink them one day. Also, toughen up! You are supposed to be a pirate, crying about it will only make the rest of us wish you would walk the plank.

    I'm pretty sure we've completed that fleet at least twice.
    It's been left to the data logger to decide and given the track record of anything in SoT whose to say how stable that is or how much we can rely on it to be accurate?

    I hope it can be thrown back into the mix but to be with crew and enough supplies at that given time and place would require all of the planets to align. Then you'd still have to defeat it.
    I honestly don't think that any of the event named fleets will be reintroduced as random spawns like Megs or Karen. Here's hoping I'm wrong.

    I'll be totally fine if the possibility of encountering that elusive fleet again remained in the game. I didn't get one of the keg skeletons (triple shadows) until a week or so after that event. But I just can't see these fleets being done in the same way.

    Salty tears adds to the sea level. Which means more to bail out of the hull. lol
    But having my collection incomplete after knowing that I completed it does take the wind out of my sails.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in So I guess that's it.:

    Salty tears adds to the sea level. Which means more to bail out of the hull. lol

    Save 'em for the apparently soon to arrive plants we need to assure remain watered as we play delivery boy soon in FS!

  • @blooddoll22 Yeah cause we all want to be know as suppliers, trafficking expensive plants across the open seas.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in So I guess that's it.:

    @blooddoll22 Yeah cause we all want to be know as suppliers, trafficking expensive plants across the open seas.

    Well call me Willy Nelson... or Johnny Cash and let's the the Ghost Riders on this storm then already!

    Man the FS can't release soon enough to distract me from this upset.

  • I think it's ok to feel a little burnt out.

    It's ok to play something else and come back to see what the next DLC brings.

    Rare probably expected this.

  • Ol do it’s just my opinion and I respect yours, I understand you’re a completionist at heart my friend but SOT has a thriving community, for everyone saying this game is dead every week there are two more pirates who play this game on a regular basis, SOT is here to stay for probably (I would guess) another 2-3 years before they start working on a sequel. I have real life responsibilities that meant I couldn’t play for a whole week but i still got enough doubloons to get my ship all decked out in bone-crusher colours, the only time limited content in this campaign... do the missing commendations really mean that much in the grand scheme of things? You get to say you were one of the pirates in the early days that took part in the great skeleton wars, you wee THERE’s our Vietnam, our Normandy. Don’t fall into the trap of digital numbers and just thrive on the experience you had with your crew and the shiny booty you have to show for it because I tell you what, your probably gonna have a few more gaps in your commendations over the next couple of years unless you plan on playing this game every single day for the next few years. Probably only viable if you work for Rare itself so just chill out man and focus on the main point of this game, FUN, it’s not a collectathon and in time there will be myriad customisation available.

  • @scr3amin-cheese Although I do see what you're saying and for the most I agree. However simply playing a bugged and often frustrating game through server crashes and the like needs something more than the friends you play with.
    Theoretically as friends we can move-on to another game together and keep that same element.

    Unfortunately I am not in a position to buy more games as my PC barely scrapes through the minimum requirements with SoT. After failing to meet the system requirements of other titles that appeal to me, this game appears to be it for the foreseeable future.
    At least I was able to try the beta before handing over AUS$100 twice (2 copies so my son could play too). As a pensioner, this was our big treat that would hopefully last us a few years.

    Although to some the achievements or commendations are meaningless but that's how I feel toward the cosmetics, doubloons and gold.
    If you've ever drooled over any cosmetic in the game, clothing, weapon, utility item, ship livery, sails or figurehead then that's your thing.
    See, we all have something in the game we hold more importance to than anything else. Mine just happens to be achieving all possible commendations. Yours might be anything or everything else.

    I've bought upgrades to everything including expensive ship livery and sails only through peer pressure and I still have more coin and doubloons than I know what to do with. I've never used the livery and have only used my sails once.
    Going back to the OP screenshot, you can see I care little for gold and doubloons or the cosmetics they could provide my character.
    The only reason I don't have maximum doubloons is because I bought the bone crusher clothing (only because it was time limited & peer pressure) which like most of my purchased upgrades, I don't use.

    Perhaps I'm just too darn old to get excited by cosmetics and without that, what else does the game have to offer me?

    Anyway, I guess we'll have to wait and see a little longer if the data logger has caught up with all commendations. Fingers crossed.

  • Im not 100% sure but I think all these crews will be randomized as a threat in the world after the event is over, even though it will be RNG on which one you get, but i would imagine that would be the way you could still get the commendation. I cant imagine Rare stopping people from getting these commendations when all others can still be achieved. At least Rare has said they will not do time limited commendations like this for the forsaken shores and most likely beyond.

  • @prodigy-tdg Yeah if it is done that way at least we might have another chance but, if it's anything like Megs or Karen, whose to say we are prepared for such a battle at the time it appears from the depths?

    Murphy's Law:
    We could fight every fleet again then that precise fleet appears when we're not prepared and I see it's name as we sink. Grrrrr. lol

  • @admiral-rrrsole I can see it. Fight those skele ships requires a almost if not already full ship of supplies

  • Good news! Just like everything else in this game the commendations are completely pointless! Just do stuff to make yourself look different from the other people doing stuff to look different and maybe shoot at each other.

  • @jimmy-voorhees

    Just do stuff to make yourself look different from the other people doing stuff to look different and maybe shoot at each other.

    So not completely pointless.

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