Cheating accusations just beacuse you're good and play on PC

  • Need to stop, or they need to segregate the PC/Xbox population. I get called a cheater at least 10+ times per week but today was the first time I got called a cheater by my own (open crew, random) teammate. I was supposedly "botting" or "auto aiming". I was sniping people who moronically kept coming down to the legend cave, it was easy pickings. Good thing I got the whole thing on video and it just makes people look pathetic.

    Just because you're not good at the game doesn't mean other people are cheating. Keep that in mind folks.

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  • sensitive pirate?

  • To be fair, a simple attitude shift on your behalf would fix this. Take it as a compliment instead, of your skill. Segregating the community wouldn't stop these kinds of accusations, especially from the younger crowd.

  • I play on XBox and PC. I have been called a cheater while playing on my XBox, I don't even understand how people cheat nor do I want to know.

    I do know that as in life, the less you care about what other people think, the better. Life, gaming, anything is so much better once you stop caring what others think of you. Take it as a compliment, mute them.. do what you like with them but never worry about what some powerless fellow gamer thinks of you.

  • So let me get this straight, you are owning every other pirate.... and ur complaining about it? Look, I think u got things wrong, people say they complain about cheating cuz of the system they are using, but really it's not about the hardware, it's about the fact that some people are better than others. Those who are better will always be called cheaters, hackers, modders, etc etc... for the simple reason that everyone hates to loose. if you picked up a controller and still played the same way they would still call you a cheater. Of course, others might say, another player being better than others mst be for a reason. Why, no matter how ward 4 people try, can they not beat 1 person? Talent? yeah right "LOL" he or she is probably using a cheat! Others might say the difference in pc, doesn't matter its all to explain why someone is better than others.

  • Hey Twevo
    I think you made this becasue you are worried that these people will band up and report you. I believe Rare is not like bluehole studios, or CSGO and wont ban you on accusations/False Reports. Be happy that you are able to dominate the competition. But with great power comes great responsiblity lol. Im not telling you how to play, but if you Camp a certain area and continue to kill the people over and over of course they are going to be mad! Continue to PVP, It keeps the game Alive and Adrinaline high, and try to keep a good Mindset on this situation.
    Cheers, you dirty botting auto aiming hacker ;)

  • @twevo7 TBF when playing on PC against xbox players, you might as well be cheating.

  • People call other people cheaters because they lose or don't perform at the same level. This is called: The internet.

    Sea of Thieves and a removal of cross play restricting friends from playing together isn't a solution for a basic rebuttal passed through social interaction.

  • Were you camping in the Legend hideout?

  • @billythetort said in Cheating accusations just beacuse you're good and play on PC:

    Hey Twevo
    I think you made this becasue you are worried that these people will band up and report you. I believe Rare is not like bluehole studios, or CSGO and wont ban you on accusations/False Reports. Be happy that you are able to dominate the competition. But with great power comes great responsiblity lol. Im not telling you how to play, but if you Camp a certain area and continue to kill the people over and over of course they are going to be mad! Continue to PVP, It keeps the game Alive and Adrinaline high, and try to keep a good Mindset on this situation.
    Cheers, you dirty botting auto aiming hacker ;)

    This is exactly what it is. False reporting. If I get banned for doing nothing other than dominating people to the point that they feel like I am cheating it is ridiculous. I record and stream a lot of my game play anyway though so I have proof of not cheating.

  • @rayzback said in Cheating accusations just beacuse you're good and play on PC:

    Were you camping in the Legend hideout?

    I wasn't at first, I went down there and saw 2 people shopping. So I killed them. Since they were shopping I figured they didn't get what they wanted before I killed them and hung out there and they came back 3-4 times.

  • @twevo7 said in Cheating accusations just beacuse you're good and play on PC:

    @rayzback said in Cheating accusations just beacuse you're good and play on PC:

    Were you camping in the Legend hideout?

    I wasn't at first, I went down there and saw 2 people shopping. So I killed them. Since they were shopping I figured they didn't get what they wanted before I killed them and hung out there and they came back 3-4 times.

    I believe you are correct. They shouldn't have called you a cheater...….

  • Would have to see the many questions. Dominating a player that is not fighting back for no gain? Spawn killing them as they enter the hideout? Cheating, no... but kind of like saying you're skilled at eating bananas.

  • @twevo7 where can I watch this video?

  • @twevo7 said in Cheating accusations just beacuse you're good and play on PC:

    @rayzback said in Cheating accusations just beacuse you're good and play on PC:

    Were you camping in the Legend hideout?

    I wasn't at first, I went down there and saw 2 people shopping. So I killed them. Since they were shopping I figured they didn't get what they wanted before I killed them and hung out there and they came back 3-4 times.

    I'll bite on this..and I'll likely regret it.
    So you're openly admitting to griefing the players? You admitted to killing them once, in an area that has no gain for you, fine whatever. Then you admit to doing it multiple times? Forget the cheating accusation, you deserve to be reported for toxic behavior.

  • @iisrgntwolfii

    You admitted to killing them once, in an area that has no gain for you, fine whatever.

    He gained an experience. He was experiencing the game in "new and interesting ways". That's what this game is about. Creating our own story with the tools that Rare gives us.

  • @iisrgntwolfii

    Yea, let me just roll up there and have them kill me. If anything I've learned to trust no one in this game. If you're dumb enough to keep coming down there and are unable to stop me then that's on them.

    I love how killing other pirates in this game is always considered "griefing", people that say that are THE WORST at this game. I don't think I've ever been "griefed" in this game ever.

  • @betsill

    Spawn Killing isn't "new and interesting ways". It's toxic and you know it.
    "new and interesting ways" is using the new lantern colors to turn your ship into a police-boat.
    using the bucket to sink skelly ships.
    using gun powder barrels to give your ship a speed boost.

    There was no reward for spawn killing in the legend hideout. The OP knew what they were doing was wrong and did it anyway.
    Please don't defend this behavior, it doesn't help anyone.

  • @twevo7
    Killing pirates isn't griefing. Spawn Killing pirates when there is no gain for you simply to make them mad, is griefing. That's what was taking place.

  • @iisrgntwolfii

    1. He wasn't spawn killing. They kept coming back to him.
    2. There is no "reward" for 90% of PvP
    3. Since everyone spawns on ships almost all PvP will involve spawn killing.
    4. The line between greifing and "legit" PvP is VERY blurry in this game. Most of the lines I see drawn are completely arbitrary.
  • To be fair, with the simple mechanics of this game's combat, I find pretty much no difference between PC and Xbox controller. I play on both, for the record, mainly PC.

    The morality of OP camping a vendor to kill same people over and over isn't really the discussion here though, and your personal opinion on it doesn't really have any relevance to the discussion.

    My questions are, why do you care @twevo7, about whether or not some random people you are killing over and over again think you are cheating? Is it in ego thing? How do you propose to stop people from telling you that they don't believe you have the skill/ability to camp well? Why haven't you shared the video to back up your claim?

  • @betsill

    1. Killing in the legend hideout - which requires a spawn. Giving as all players load into the exact same spot - Spawn Killing.

    2. Partaking in PVP on the seas has 50% chance for reward (either they had loot or they didn't) . PVP in legend Hideout has 0% chance for loot.

    3. Repeat Killing on ship while knowing there is no loot to be had = Spawn Killing

    4. The line in some cases may be blurry, I'll give you that.

  • @iisrgntwolfii said in Cheating accusations just beacuse you're good and play on PC:


    1. Killing in the legend hideout - which requires a spawn. Giving as all players load into the exact same spot - Spawn Killing.

    They still chose to come back. So they were ok with it(not that it matters).

    1. Partaking in PVP on the seas has 50% chance for reward (either they had loot or they didn't) . PVP in legend Hideout has 0% chance for loot.

    That's not how odds work...

    1. Repeat Killing on ship while knowing there is no loot to be had = Spawn Killing

    They can always scuttle. If you are on a ship they will keep spawning and try to kill you as well. You have to keep killing them to sink their ship.

  • @betsill

    The code implies some honor among thieves. What's hard about killing someone engaged with a merchant/store. What was the point of holding up in the Legend hideout? Boring PvP to say the least.

  • @rayzback

    What was the point of holding up in the Legend hideout? Boring PvP to say the least.

    Boring to you, fun to some. If Rare didn't want people to PvP in PL hideout or anywhere else for that matter, they could easily stop it.

  • @iisrgntwolfii

    It isn't spawn killing, they are CHOOSING to come back down there. They have to spawn either on their boat or the tavern, play a shanty to get down there. No one automatically spawns in the legend hideout without making the choice to come down there.

  • I dont have issues on SOT because I avoid people but I do have this constant issue on GTA online. I have gotten reported for cheating so much I get messages every so often from microsoft telling me I am being tracked as a possible cheater. Now I never do any glicthes on GTA and I do not have a modded account the issue is I get reported by salty players who think I must be cheating because I am better than them at the game. Unfourtantly some people cant handle losing so they just assume you are a cheater, it sucks.

  • Not only that but I have come to see that most Xbox players that I have played with randomly usually assume you're a cheater if they find out you're a PC player whether you've done something extrodinary or not. Which is also very sad. I don't think I've EVER come across any kind of cheating in the game period. And I've been playing since the technical alpha.

  • @ant-heuser-kush

    Played on a different gamertag back then. Good god I guess you're so dense that you never thought that was a possibility?

  • @twevo7 said in Cheating accusations just beacuse you're good and play on PC:

    Need to stop, or they need to segregate the PC/Xbox population. I get called a cheater at least 10+ times per week but today was the first time I got called a cheater by my own (open crew, random) teammate. I was supposedly "botting" or "auto aiming". I was sniping people who moronically kept coming down to the legend cave, it was easy pickings. Good thing I got the whole thing on video and it just makes people look pathetic.

    Just because you're not good at the game doesn't mean other people are cheating. Keep that in mind folks.

    I can't believe this hasn't been shut down yet.

    1. Calls people "moronic" for trying to come to the legend hideout to shop... Check
    2. Calls people "not good" because he is able to contiously kill them as they spawn into the legend hideout... Check
    3. Readily admits this post was not written to promote discussion but rather as a retaliation against "false reports"... Check


  • @twevo7 Hmmm, sounds like you just have a gigantic ego and a............ah never mind I don't think you would get the point anyway.

  • @combatxkitty If u are not cheating there is nothing to lose or fear with being reported. Might be an annoyance but thats it.

    I would say thank you and take my hat off for the one reporting me. Thanks for stroking my ego. My skills are apperently godlike which they mistake for cheats :)

  • @twevo7 Dude, I'm always looking for assassin types to roll with. Add my main character (Bern DimaLL) as a friend and lets hook up. The "band" I run with are very team oriented and a blast to scour the seas with! PS: We love being called a cheaters.😂

  • Locking this thread as it violates the forum rules, specifcially:

    Spamming, Baiting and Trolling

    Posts and threads that are created in order to spam, cause unrest or troll the community will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned.

    @twevo7 Please consider this a formal warning and refrain from making posts like this in the future. While yes being accused of cheating can be frustrating, and sometimes players need to vent, we expect our members to be respectful on the forum.

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