Rogue Wave: Community Inspired Content Update (Second Draft)

  • Prelude: Start Here

    Updated 2/1/19

    Welcome to Rogue Wave a Community inspired content update which combines many idea's from the Forums on the focus on Solving both the inherent imbalance of the PvEvP enviroment and the Loot End of Life(EOL) issue.

    The Story: A Rogue's Tale

    A mysterious Tome has recently wash Ashore in the Sea of Theives(SOT). The words inscribed in that book is causing a group of Priates to turn agianst the Priate Lord and the 3 factions. Non more so then then Gold Hoarders(GH) themselves. As it has been brought the attention to devoted Pirate Legend by his frist mate and has sinced convened a Parley with all the major Alliances to spout the truth within the text.
    Now all pirates are ask to seek out the answers and learn the History behind the Pirate Lord and the Creation of the 3 Factions. Meanwhile the Pirate Lord sit back and watches the Gold Hoarders themselves decide to take action to put down this New Rogue Wave.


    In the early days in the SOT not to longer after the creation of the Frist Gold Hoader Faction was established in the SOT under the supervision of the Pirate Lord their was one Priate that dared to question the wisdom of the order and refused to sell chest to the Hoarders and instead demaned his chest be opened infront of him and to be given the contents within them. He became Known as the frist Rogue. He disappeared shortly after a lengthy dispute with the very frist GH never to be heard from agian. Afew others tried after wards but were put down quickly with threats of bounty's being placed on them and stories of an inhuman man that will come to claim all the gold.

    Event: This is a Four Part Event

    Part 1: Duke once agian has heard rumors of a Pirates finding Abandoned Ships and stories of Pirate Mutining which he belives to be result of what seems to be a growing cult and task you to go investigate. In reponse the Pirate Lord has now Reconised Captency as an official status. All public ships must have a Captain to take responsiblity. There is word spreading about the seas that a Small group of PL are worshiping a Book that has appeared. He duke points to Mutenous Rock in search of the tomb. After finding and reading the contents of the Frist Rogue Mystery Tome set out on a Quest of expoleration as you retrace the Rogue steps find clue and solving riddles to learn for yourself the true History behind the Pirate Lord and the founding of the Gold Hoarder's Company.

    Part 2: After solving the riddles and testing it cliams of it's content a New Figure appears in the tavern as Duke is Shocked after learning what has been uncovered. After talking to this Fence he sends you to confront the Priate Lord himself. After tring to convince you not to persue this any further he sends you to speak to the oldest representive of the Order of Souls to learn all about the magic and curses that surrounds SOT and how to unlock the true power inside all the Loot you find. As you learn the art of Sea Folk Magic. In doing so a new quest type is add Known as The Labyrinth. Where player are task to find and enter Mysterious dungeons where Powerful skelliton captians are stashing new and powerful magical items.

    New A.I. Threats Emerge:

    Skelliton Shamen: This new Skelliton type is above a Captain and can use special items like Voodoo dolls. Killing makes them drop Magic items that can be sold to the OOS.

    Skellition Lords: Skelliton boss that can be found deep within Labyrinths and Dungeons Guarding there Hoard of Loot and the relic that cursed them.

    Part 3: Set out to uncover the fate of the Frist Rogue and are ask to continue on his dream to build a new hub for all the Rogues that will bring in new residents to SoT. Including 2 new Mercant Shops and 2 new Trading companies with a whole new Player driven Economy.

    Part 4: "The Hunt"
    A new persistent PvP focused event as the GH summons fourth an old and dark figure. That dark figure now beckons you to bring balance back to SoT.

    Commendations and Titles:

    Rogue Tracker - Visit all the islands mention in the Rogue Tomes 5/5. Worth 10 dabloons

    Pirate Historian - Find and read all the Rogue Tomes 5/5. Worth 15 dabloons

    Truth Seeker - Complete A Rogue Tale Quest Line. Worth 30 dabloons

    Muntineer - Succeed in an attempted Mutiny. Worth 10 dabbloons.

    Scavenger - hand in 10 Loot items ethier Scavenged, Stolen or Traded. Worth 5 dabloons.


    New Npc's enter the SoT:

    New Factions:

    The Reaper: A shadowy inhuman figure who has step out othe shadows to task you to seal away the cursed artifacts and brig back peace and balance back to SoT

    The Fence: This slim and shady individual has come to the SoT to act as sort of a Representive of the Rogue Faction. He has agreed to help by taking Stolen loot as he luanders the loot in exchange for Rare tradeable cosmetic item he will give you. These temporary decrtive peices call be sold and trade at fair market value if do not like the item. These new loot items are known as
    Adornments and Ornaments

    The Circus of Blood - A brotherhood of the most cuttroat pirates that were driven to insanity by their thrist for treasure and there out for blood.

    New Shops open:

    Mystic Shop - Sells potions to change characters physical body appearance.

    Razzel and Dazzel - Shop own by two brother to buy some special Pirate Bling. Single instance Cosmetics that add a bit of extra flare with vfx and sfx.

    Shipyards - Buy and apply unique Titles and Cards on your ship as well as getting your ship full Repaired clearing all the patch work.

    End Game:

    Going Rogue: New added End Game Content as Player can choose to go Rogue with a whole new Dynamic Reputation System Tied to the Ship and focus on a new Loot Hoarding Objective.

    Player can go Rogue at any time by ethier putting up the Reaper mark or having the mark placed on their ship by collecting a set amount of loot on their ship.

    While Rogue player cannot no longer interact and cash in Loot with the 3 Faction. Rogue Status is lost when a ship is Sunk and all the crew is dead. To counter this rogue pirates can go into hiding in there hideout.

    Pirate Hideouts and Portals - Mysterious Portals have been popping up on the Sea's. Some large enough to engulf entire Ships. These portal lead to many new and Unknown parts of SoT. Rogues have figured out how to find and open these portals and use them to evade capture and store there new loot hoard.

    Upon reaching the highest Rogue Status a Timer will start to count down. When a the timer reaches zero Rogues will be able to open a portal in one of the designated areas to escape with there ship and loot.

    Visual Ship Reputation:

    All ships will gain a visiable reputation as they both hoard and turn in loot. These will be represent by temporary cosmectics with small ship details tied to turn in such as captian quarter decorations and ship fittings as described in Evolving Ships by @Captain-Arcanic.
    Large visual effect based cosmetics tied to certain amount and types of loot aboard the vessel. Ex 20 villiness skull grant a errie misty fog effect over the haul of the a that rises from the water bow. The ships VFX are visable with the spy glass
    These cosmectics are tied to level lets say 1-10
    The levels are reset if the ship sinks by any means.

    Once the max level is reached a timer will start for that ship and if or when the ship last till the timer counts down they will be allowed to bank their loot in their hideout for more perminate rewards.

    Player will will given an option to save there ship at the hideout were it will be kept in a bottle. They can then summon that ship agian However if a ship is sunk after being summoned it is Lost. Ship may only be summoned at an outpost or hide out and is selected at the shipwright as the ship are not carried by the pirates. This will also allow Dynamic Player Loobies/Changing ship mid session given captians the power to select the ship.

    New Ship Titles and Cosmetic Effects can be found and added to player ships but once that ship sinks it is lost. Players can still attempt to recover Ornaments that were attach to the ship but can now be taking by any pirate.

    New Captain Log/Jounernal will allow players to record their adventures that can be shared with other pirates.

    Giving Loot Gamplay Value:
    A whole New set of Loot has been released into the Sea of Theives as the Contents of chest have been unlocked and there powers unleashed with New Loot Effects that provide more utility. Changing the gameplay in many different ways.
    New Region specific Loot that will have pirates traveling and exploring more into the sea's or having to go to outpost and the social hub to Trade.

    Inaddition new loot can be combined with old loot to for added effects such as Curse Gunpowder Barrels.

    New Curse Chest: Magic levels of the SoT has risen and as more pirates have been unearthing long forgoten treasures Ancient Curses have been released leading to creation of whole new Curse Chest.

    New Tools: The seas have gotten more dangerous as there many new obstacals players must face. Pirates have had to upgrade there equipment.

    Boarding Axe: This multipurpose tool can be used to climb up and scale ruff sufaces from a ship hull to a steep cliff. It can also be used as a very close ranged weapon and has the ablity to pry off planks or clear passageways.

    Carrying Rope: This mulitpurpose tool can be used to attach items together and can serve a varity of funtions and interactions.

    This and many more Ideas can be found on the Community Ideas Master List

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  • @enf0rcer ok nice idea mate

  • @closinghare208 said in Rogue Wave: Community Inspired Content Update (First Draft):

    @enf0rcer ok nice idea mate

    Thanks still a work in-progress. I have to put up all the links and maybe have to make a few more spreate treads as the post i wanted to refer back to were deleted.

  • @enf0rcer

    That is not what I expected when I read 'Rogue Wave'. This is a really good idea, and would probably solve a lot of the "no content" issues people seem to have by giving as alternative. It is a sandbox game after all, there should be multiple options (beyond the three companies). Maybe this will be expanded upon when the new companies are introduced (as described by the Arena and surrounding conversation), as you will only need three but there will be many more. Maybe your story will change based on which ones you level up.

  • @ultmateragnarok said in Rogue Wave: Community Inspired Content Update (First Draft):


    That is not what I expected when I read 'Rogue Wave'. This is a really good idea, and would probably solve a lot of the "no content" issues people seem to have by giving as alternative. It is a sandbox game after all, there should be multiple options (beyond the three companies). Maybe this will be expanded upon when the new companies are introduced (as described by the Arena and surrounding conversation), as you will only need three but there will be many more. Maybe your story will change based on which ones you level up.

    Just to let you know this is still a work in progress as many of the other parts such as the new player economy system and social hub where parts that originally outline in older post which since been deleted or lost in the forums. I will be posting the second draft shortly and kindly ask for your assitance as i view this a community project.

    I do very much like the idea of the game and story changing depening how you chose to rank. I would to expand on this idea with you.

  • @enf0rcer

    I don't know if I can expand on the story changing idea until the newer companies are added, which could take a while.

    For the story, I have some suggestions. I think the Ferryman should play a part in this, given that he was one of the first to betray the Pirate Lord (he sailed in the Pirate Lord's crew on the Athena's Fortune, and attempted to betray the Pirate Lord by stabbing him in the back with two daggers, which remain embedded there to this day [You can actually see them on the model]. He was punished by being sentenced to forever man the newly created Ferry of the Damned, and chained to the helm so he could never leave. This also helped stop the creation of the skeletons [although I have a theory both the skeletons and their ships can respawn through the Ferry, as they pop back up on their ships and the ships seem to return].) The Pirate Lord must have some old ties to the Gold Hoarders, as his peg leg and cane (I think) are carved to resemble lions, the symbol of the Gold Hoarders. The Ferryman should be included somewhere in that (There are community ideas of the Ferryman stealing some of the Athena's Fortune's treasure as well).

    I also want to learn more about that 'inhuman man' who will come to claim all of the hoarded gold.

  • @ultmateragnarok said in Rogue Wave: Community Inspired Content Update (First Draft):


    I don't know if I can expand on the story changing idea until the newer companies are added, which could take a while.

    For the story, I have some suggestions. I think the Ferryman should play a part in this, given that he was one of the first to betray the Pirate Lord (he sailed in the Pirate Lord's crew on the Athena's Fortune, and attempted to betray the Pirate Lord by stabbing him in the back with two daggers, which remain embedded there to this day [You can actually see them on the model]. He was punished by being sentenced to forever man the newly created Ferry of the Damned, and chained to the helm so he could never leave. This also helped stop the creation of the skeletons [although I have a theory both the skeletons and their ships can respawn through the Ferry, as they pop back up on their ships and the ships seem to return].) The Pirate Lord must have some old ties to the Gold Hoarders, as his peg leg and cane (I think) are carved to resemble lions, the symbol of the Gold Hoarders. The Ferryman should be included somewhere in that (There are community ideas of the Ferryman stealing some of the Athena's Fortune's treasure as well).

    I definitly agree, so far my only thoughts with the Ferry Man was you were going to talk to him to learn so of the history since he is one of the oldest character in SoT. But he should serve a greater role so I'm opened to any idea's

    I also want to learn more about that 'inhuman man' who will come to claim all of the hoarded gold.

    Yeah i actually came up with a whole back story connecting these new and old characters. Not sure how accurate it is to Rare's continuty. The do have an expasive lore but i only seen a part of it and I'm sure Rare has made a very detailed Lore bible. They call themselves "World Builders" after all.

    Anyway i will be expanding on story and lore details in a sperated Topic which ill link back here. So that others can give there imput and feedback to add to it.

  • @enf0rcer

    The Ferryman is the oldest being in the Sea of Thieves (excluding the monsters and creatures) other than the crew of the Athena's Fortune and maybe some of the OoS and GH representatives.

    I would love to see a lore thread, as I know quite a bit of it and have a fair few ideas about it.

  • Looks good so far :]

    {Can’t wait to read when finished}

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