• @timboagogo Tuck tail and run. GG

  • @SurturSL
    Yep, I'm in the top 2% of tail tuckers n runners and you can't catch me because I'm also The Gingerbread Man.
    Shall we just leave it there now?

  • @timboagogo Tim it's my thread you keep coming back babe. You miss me?

  • @surtursl
    Naw, you got me. Righto, have ya thread back. 👏

    Oh and welcome to the forum!

  • @surtursl Idk, I like a nearly invincible Kraken!

  • I will say that its spawn rate should be like .05% chance of happening for like every hour but I like the Kraken being a menacing creature where you can feel great and proud when you defeat it. The Kraken used to be an absolute joke and that was honestly just tedious rather then a challenge.

  • @surtursl @TimboAGoGo Come on now guys, play nice! I'm pretty sure your both better than me, so take that as you both win :)

    The Kraken does spawn at the most inconvenient times, but I see that as part of the risk/reward system.

  • @schwammlgott HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAH

  • When new Kraken came out, we sank the first time, fair enough it was new then. Haven't sunk to it yet since then. Its very possible just takes coordination.

    1. Keep someone below deck or at the stairwell at all times. In case you do get wrapped over the stairwell, you are in place to now patch holes in the meantime.
    2. Run a 2 gun loadout, sword is useless now for this encounter.
    3. Use cannons when option presents itself.
    4. Actively restock your ship at all times (before encounter obviously).
    5. When the Kraken sucks go below deck, and break line of sight.
    6. When it wraps the ship, shoot the most adjacent tentacle head, this removes the grapple.
    7. Don't sword the wrapped tentacle, not only is it useless, you just take damage. See #6
    8. If you don't plan on fighting ensure you are full sail and aimed towards the nearest exit.

    Cringey Top 5% comment aside, our crew hasn't sunk to the Kraken since we sank that first time after the buff patch. This is very doable, and we've done it on every ship. Change your strategy, this isn't the same fight back in the earlier days.

  • Contrary to this report, yesterday I had two new players and a veteran player on a galleon.
    A brigantine was trying to board us to steal things so we had to defend ladders, kill a guy that actually cannoned onto our ship, and fight off the kraken while repairing from it and the ship firing at us.
    I think it's fine.

    I wish it didn't spawn when two ships are close and only stopping the first ship, it should spawn so both get trapped.

  • @surtursl dijo en SUSAN (KRAKEN) MUST BE NERFED:

    I am one of the best pirates in this game top 5% skill level on my worst day

    The kraken must be nerfed.

    Hahahahahahahaha Dunning-Kruger at finnest

    I find Karen extremely easy. Before asking for a nerf, what about learning how to fight? Nothing about pro stuff, only the basics...

  • @surtursl I kill Krakens solo all the time now mate. Really they are quite easy once you know what you are doing. I actually enjoy fighting them now. I killed two yesterday with my partner in crime on a sloop. Quite honestly, I am almost to a point of thinking they are too easy now.

  • @surtursl said in SUSAN (KRAKEN) MUST BE NERFED:

    @dumy2008 When the game came out it was easy pz It was for a very long time. It is no longer the case. The thing will not unwrap sometimes with 2-3 shooting it constantly and the guys above attempting to shoot the "head" next to the boat. That's only if it's not blocking the stairs keeping you from being able to bail water out or come above to help shoot the head.

    Hmmmmm, I simply don't have a problem with this. We no longer keep anyone below deck to bail water. They simply go down there if there is a need. Shoot the head tentacle and it unwraps. Easy peasy kraken qoes queasy. Honestly, I am shocked anyone is even posting about the kraken being too difficult now. There are plenty of how to guides here in the forums including a great one by @xCALYPT0x that can help you with your difficulties against the kraken.

  • @octopus-lime said in SUSAN (KRAKEN) MUST BE NERFED:

    @surtursl I'm not sure if it has a higher chance of spawning depending on how much loot is on board but it does seem to spawn after a fort/Skeleton ship battle. On the other hand, I have had sessions where I spawn in, leave the outpost and it spawns on me within 30 seconds with nothing on board (in which case I just log off and start again).

    I can confirm having spent the past month specifically hunting kraken that it does not matter if you have any quests down on the table or not. It does not matter if you have loot or not. It does not matter if you have animals on board. All that matters is you are sailing to open waters between skelly clouds. It is random if you get an encounter, but I have had fair amount of luck getting karen to show up simply by sailing to open sea between cloud events.

  • @surtursl said in SUSAN (KRAKEN) MUST BE NERFED:

    @goedecke-michel all i do is forts and ships in this game so i run into a lot more than most people who grind missions. 60-80% may be a bit high of an estimate but i swear it's 40-50% of the time and we are very good pirates. I just feel it shouldn't be that high and it's not that we are being slack i know it's not our skill level i've done a couple hundred krakens easy since day one.

    Well no wonder you see karen a lot. You set sail after loading loot, but before the next skelly cloud shows up, so you are setting yourself up for karen to come say hi. LOL

  • @amancebacabras Nah, people just really are trash at this game as a whole. I stand by my statement. Top 5% all day baby. GL HF though.

  • @nofears-fun Yep very few people on this thread are thinking in the terms of a fort grinder. It's cool though. I get why I get them to spawn so much I just wish they wouldn't as often.

  • @surtursl Out of interest, are you server hoping or grinding on the same server for the whole night? (perhaps hoping when a ship battle cloud appears?)

  • @octopus-lime I grind on the same server almost always. I'll only hop if it's a very laggy instance. If i can sail to the fleet before it despawns (Another issue i have.) I do them too.

  • @surtursl So you really have a couple of choices here mate.

    One - I hate saying this as it sounds bad, but it is true, get gud, by that I mean, study and learn the best tactics for beating karen. Honestly, she is not so bad to kill once you know her weaknesses.

    Two - Load up your ship then wait for another cloud to form. Once you see the next skelly cloud in the sky, you are safe to set sail. This is not always something that you have complete control over as sometimes you have to grab and go before someone gets to you. LOL.

  • @nofears-fun lol get gud. That's cute mate. I get where you're coming from. Up until the most recent kraken buff I would have been right there with you making fun of this post.. but now I do not agree with your statement. I know how to kill the kraken. I know how to kill it very well even. I'm telling you I feel it's too strong and I'd like to see it's spawn rate nerfed after a fort is cleared and the regularity of the tentacle covering the stairs reduced.

  • @nofears-fun said in SUSAN (KRAKEN) MUST BE NERFED:

    @surtursl So you really have a couple of choices here mate.

    One - I hate saying this as it sounds bad, but it is true, get gud, by that I mean, study and learn the best tactics for beating karen. Honestly, she is not so bad to kill once you know her weaknesses.

    Two - Load up your ship then wait for another cloud to form. Once you see the next skelly cloud in the sky, you are safe to set sail. This is not always something that you have complete control over as sometimes you have to grab and go before someone gets to you. LOL.

    Really this. I would hate for the spawn rate to go down too. How can I defeat 10 of them if I can't find them? I've literally server hopped begging for the Kraken to spawn on me.

  • @chronodusk homie just clear forts they spawn constantly after one is cleared.
    I promise you can do it in a day or two max.

  • @chronodusk said in SUSAN (KRAKEN) MUST BE NERFED:

    @nofears-fun said in SUSAN (KRAKEN) MUST BE NERFED:

    @surtursl So you really have a couple of choices here mate.

    One - I hate saying this as it sounds bad, but it is true, get gud, by that I mean, study and learn the best tactics for beating karen. Honestly, she is not so bad to kill once you know her weaknesses.

    Two - Load up your ship then wait for another cloud to form. Once you see the next skelly cloud in the sky, you are safe to set sail. This is not always something that you have complete control over as sometimes you have to grab and go before someone gets to you. LOL.

    Really this. I would hate for the spawn rate to go down too. How can I defeat 10 of them if I can't find them? I've literally server hopped begging for the Kraken to spawn on me.

    I have had a great deal of success finding karen over the past two weeks. The best thing to do is watch the skelly clouds. As soon as one disappears (either by getting defeated or timing out) set sail. Get to open water. And stay in open water. It will take a few minutes, but then bam, you are in. I think I am up to 15 or 20 kills over the past week and a half. In fact, I am going after them to help friends now. Just yesterday, we saw another sloop struggling. So we sailed over to get my mate another kill and help them out. Sadly we got there as their ship was sinking, but we still got them on board our ship and taught them how to kill karen. She really is quite easy to kill. Just getting her to spawn.

    I can tell you, it does not matter what you have on your ship. Loot, no loot, animals, no animals. Just sail to open sea (not the center of the map though, not sure why but I can't get her to spawn anywhere between cannon and shipwrek bay) between skelly cloud events.

  • @surtursl said in SUSAN (KRAKEN) MUST BE NERFED:

    @nofears-fun lol get gud. That's cute mate. I get where you're coming from. Up until the most recent kraken buff I would have been right there with you making fun of this post.. but now I do not agree with your statement. I know how to kill the kraken. I know how to kill it very well even. I'm telling you I feel it's too strong and I'd like to see it's spawn rate nerfed after a fort is cleared and the regularity of the tentacle covering the stairs reduced.

    I think the biggest thing, when on a bigger ship with bigger crew, is make sure everyone is on board and communicating. Karen really is so easy to kill now. As for spawn rates, I am sure the same rules will apply as far as between skelly clouds go, but most likely the number of times she shows per gaming session will come down once this current bilge rat adventure is over with.

    Off topic though, I really want that ghost meg. She needs to be a whole lot less shy about showing herself.

  • @nofears-fun Lol we communicate we do EVERYthing we are supposed to and when it wraps the stairs it's just not fun and it sinks gallies far to often. It's nearly impossible if not impossible OFTEN. I again disagree with your statement. But gl hf!

  • @surtursl said in SUSAN (KRAKEN) MUST BE NERFED:

    @nofears-fun Lol we communicate we do EVERYthing we are supposed to and when it wraps the stairs it's just not fun and it sinks gallies far to often. It's nearly impossible if not impossible OFTEN. I again disagree with your statement. But gl hf!

    Sorry then mate, was just trying to help as I have had a great deal of success against karen. Honestly, like most everything else in the game, it has just become automatic for me that we (no matter who I am playing with) will defeat her. The only time I or my crew struggle is if we are on a brig. Galleons are by far the easiest to defeat for us.

  • @nofears-fun I'm very happy for you. I've said it's possible the tentacles are glitching for me..but i doubt it.. It makes no sense for a tentacle to wrap then have it's "head" killed and then for 3-4 players to shoot the tentacle as fast as possible and not have it let go. This happens to me far to often. I understand y'alls doubt, but I get sunk like 50%+ of the time when it wraps the stairs and I'm not with it. It feels broken.

  • @surtursl said in SUSAN (KRAKEN) MUST BE NERFED:

    @nofears-fun I'm very happy for you. I've said it's possible the tentacles are glitching for me..but i doubt it.. It makes no sense for a tentacle to wrap then have it's "head" killed and then for 3-4 players to shoot the tentacle as fast as possible and not have it let go. This happens to me far to often. I understand y'alls doubt, but I get sunk like 50%+ of the time when it wraps the stairs and I'm not with it. It feels broken.

    Don't, under any circumstances, shoot the tentacle that is wrapped on your ship. Only shoot the head. It will appear, then disappear after you shoot it, but then pop back up again at least once more. So you have to just keep being patient and shoot the head. Never waste ammo on the tentacle on the ship itself.

  • @surtursl

    First you say this...

    I have top level pirates I sail with and we are losing to the kraken idk 60-80% of the time?

    Later then you say this....

    I know how to kill the kraken. I know how to kill it very well even. I'm telling you I feel it's too strong and I'd like to see it's spawn rate nerfed after a fort is cleared and the regularity of the tentacle covering the stairs reduced.

    These are quite contradictory. You can't be sinking 60-80% of the time to the Kraken, while also "knowing how to kill it well..." You seem to be ignoring every single post telling you how they aren't struggling with this encounter.

    When you say things like this...

    Lol we communicate we do EVERYthing we are supposed to and when it wraps the stairs it's just not fun and it sinks gallies far to often. It's nearly impossible if not impossible OFTEN. clearly don't know what you are talking about. The stairwell grapple isn't this "you sink if you get it," feature. You clearly aren't preparing for it, so when it happens you get screwed over.

    Lets be real for a second, you didn't come here looking to discuss the Kraken. You probably were hoping for some unanimous agreement on your opinion. Since you didn't get that, your just doubling down without actually acknowledging the fact that you could be wrong on this.

  • @nofears-fun let's say you get wrapped over the stairs with 3 people under the ship. You have no clear cannon shots. You have 3 shots in you sniper because you idk shot two shots for some reason. So now you shoot it 3 times with your sniper and it's still there and you can't get to ammo to shoot it more sooooo you try and shoot the tentacle in this case you'd be forced to sword it doing virtually nothing.. I just think it's ridiculous that you can't attack the tentacle anymore to get it to release.

  • @nabberwar You clearly know what you're talking about I can finally see the light! Thank you for your wise words. I'm going to go pray now and ask for forgiveness! All is well now!

  • @surtursl said in SUSAN (KRAKEN) MUST BE NERFED:

    @nofears-fun let's say you get wrapped over the stairs with 3 people under the ship. You have no clear cannon shots. You have 3 shots in you sniper because you idk shot two shots for some reason. So now you shoot it 3 times with your sniper and it's still there and you can't get to ammo to shoot it more sooooo you try and shoot the tentacle in this case you'd be forced to sword it doing virtually nothing.. I just think it's ridiculous that you can't attack the tentacle anymore to get it to release.

    First mistake, 3 people below deck at one time. If this is happening to you as often as you say it is, then you have a problem with communication and coordination mate. The only time we have that many people below deck is AFTER the tentacle releases and we need to help bail water for a quick minute.

  • @surtursl I am also wondering, do you make sure all second level holes are plugged before setting sail. This is a very common issue for crews on galleons. First thing I do if in PvP with another galleon is hit them with a ballast ball. More often then not they are done with fairly quick because they didn't bother fixing all of the holes on that second level.

  • Claims to be one of the best, can't defeat a Kraken.......lolz.

    One of the best. LOLZ.

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